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Last active January 17, 2024 10:51
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OpenAI DALL-E Image Generator Script: Dynamic Model Selection, Custom Prompts, and Image Download
Usage Guidelines and Command Line Arguments:
This script generates images using OpenAI's DALL-E model based on a given prompt.
To use this script, provide the model version (dall-e-2 or dall-e-3), the prompt for the image,
and optionally the size, quality, number of images, and a flag to download the images.
1. model: The version of DALL-E model to use.
- Possible values: 'dall-e-2', 'dall-e-3'
- Example: --model dall-e-2
2. prompt: The prompt based on which the image will be generated.
- Format: A string describing the image.
- Example: "a sunny beach"
3. --size: The size of the generated image (optional).
- Format: WIDTHxHEIGHT (in pixels)
- Default: "1024x1024"
- Example: --size "800x800"
4. --quality: The quality of the generated image (optional).
- Possible values: "standard", "hd"
- Default: "standard"
- Example: --quality "hd"
5. --n: The number of images to generate (optional).
- Format: An integer (For DALL-E v2, the maximum is 10; For DALL-E v3, it's always 1)
- Default: 1
- Example: --n 5
6. --download: Flag to download the generated images (optional).
- If included, images will be downloaded to a 'generated_images' directory.
- Example: --download
Example Commands:
python3 dall-e-2 "a sunny beach"
python3 dall-e-3 "a futuristic city" --size "800x800"
python3 dall-e-2 "a bowl of fruit" --n 5
python3 dall-e-3 "an old library" --quality "hd"
python3 dall-e-2 "a space station" --download
python3 dall-e-3 "a robot playing guitar" --size "1024x1024" --download
python3 dall-e-2 "mountain landscape" --n 3 --quality "standard"
python3 dall-e-3 "a cat in a superhero costume" --size "600x600" --quality "hd" --download
python3 dall-e-2 "an underwater city" --n 10 --download
python3 dall-e-3 "a fantasy dragon" --quality "standard"
Success Response Structure:
When the script successfully generates images, the output will be a JSON-formatted string containing a list of objects. Each object in the list represents one generated image and may contain the following keys:
1. 'image_url': The URL of the generated image.
- Type: String
- Description: Direct link to the image generated by the DALL-E model based on the provided prompt.
2. 'file_path' (optional): The absolute file path of the downloaded image.
- Type: String
- Description: Present only if the '--download' flag is used. It provides the absolute path where the generated image is saved locally.
Example of a Success Response:
"image_url": "",
"file_path": "/absolute/path/to/generated_images/image_1.jpg"
"image_url": ""
// 'file_path' will be absent if the '--download' flag was not used
// Additional objects for each generated image
Note: The 'file_path' key appears only when the image is successfully downloaded to the local system. If the download fails, the 'file_path' key will either be absent or will indicate a failure message.
import os
import json
import requests
import random
import string
import argparse
from openai import OpenAI
# Function to generate images using OpenAI's DALL-E model.
# Parameters:
# model: The version of DALL-E model to use ('dall-e-2' or 'dall-e-3').
# prompt: The prompt based on which the image will be generated.
# size: The size of the generated image.
# quality: The quality of the generated image.
# n: The number of images to generate.
def generate_image(model, prompt, size, quality, n):
client = OpenAI(api_key="api_key") # Replace with your actual API key
response = client.images.generate(
return [{'image_url': img.url} for img in]
return []
# Function to download the image from the given URL.
# Parameters:
# image_url: The URL of the image to download.
# prompt: The prompt used to generate the image (used for naming the file).
def download_image(image_url, prompt):
# Convert prompt to snake case for file naming
snake_case_prompt = "_".join(prompt.lower().split())
# Generate a random string for unique file naming
random_string = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=8))
filename = f"{snake_case_prompt}_{random_string}.jpg"
# Create directory if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists('generated_images'):
# Generate absolute path for the image file
filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('generated_images', filename))
# Download and save the image
response = requests.get(image_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
with open(filepath, 'wb') as file:
return filepath
return None
# Setting up command-line argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate images using DALL-E')
parser.add_argument('model', choices=['dall-e-2', 'dall-e-3'], help='Model to use (dall-e-2 or dall-e-3)')
parser.add_argument('prompt', type=str, help='Prompt for generating the image')
parser.add_argument('--size', type=str, default="1024x1024", help='Size of the image (default: 1024x1024)')
parser.add_argument('--quality', type=str, default="standard", help='Quality of the image (default: standard)')
parser.add_argument('--n', type=int, default=1, help='Number of images to generate (default: 1)')
parser.add_argument('--download', action='store_true', help='Download images to local directory')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Validate number of images based on the model version
if args.model == 'dall-e-2' and args.n > 10:
print("For DALL-E v2, the maximum number of images is 10.")
elif args.model == 'dall-e-3':
args.n = 1 # For DALL-E v3, number of images is always 1
# Generate images based on the provided arguments
image_data = generate_image(args.model, args.prompt, args.size, args.quality, args.n)
# Download images if the download flag is set
for data in image_data:
path = download_image(data['image_url'], args.prompt)
# Add file path to the image data
data['file_path'] = path if path else "Failed to download"
# Print the image data in JSON format
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