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zeus 1nam

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Basic way to explain this.
You have a computer a tower with all hardware inside cpu harddrive memory.
On the outside of this computer are input and output or called the i/o,
In this computer is a flash bios software allowing you to install the os of choice
Paid Windows or free linux.
The computer works by sending electrical pulses to transistors and microprocessors
This is simply done using software called an ide and a human writing text code called source code and converting it into ones and zeros by the compiler called binary/machine code
the electrical pulse sends 0 is off 1 is on
Once the os of choice is installed the hardware needs drivers to interact with the os
Drivers are software that sends data and receives it
1nam / note to self.txt
Created January 30, 2020 04:31
note to self
notes to self be better.
one of the hardest things when learning computer science
80% of the teachers are teaching you like your already a developer
when teaching some one something new make it simple
so simple even a young person could understand
and if you cant do that
you simply don't know it well enough to teach others.
you simply have a method that works for only you and that's ok.
what works for you don't always work for others.
1nam / code where do i start?
Created January 30, 2020 02:46
code where do i start?
do not confuse a professinal coder with a hobbist coder they are diffrent
ones a job the other a hobby for fun.
learning to code its a huge challenge and a big achievment
why should i learn to code ? becouse everyone has a unquie way of thinking
and that makes unquie scripts.
and yes you can do it no matter what age you are or iQ level
even if you suck at math or spelling
its why spell check and calculators were invented.
and the more you do something the better you get at it.
after awhile spell check and calculators are not needed so much.
1nam / bash loop
Created January 28, 2020 12:01
bash how to stop a loop
os Linux mint
open text editor
copy this and paste in to Text Editor.
bash -c 'while true;
echo ctrl
echo and
echo c
1nam / Learning to Code?
Created January 28, 2020 07:34
Learning to code.
this is just the most simple way to explain this process
so whats really going on here with code?
human code is called source code computer code is called machine code.
ok so you write code
in your IDE and run that code it
then sends it to the compiler
1nam / installing proton vpn Linux.txt
Last active January 28, 2020 11:03
installing proton vpn on Linux Mint using the terminal.
i hope this helps. enjoy!
the proton vpn website has documentation explaining how to do this
if you want a more detailed tutorial.
######## PROTON VPN FREE INSTALL #################################
run each one of these in the linux terminal.
sudo apt install -y openvpn dialog python3-pip python3-setuptools
sudo pip3 install protonvpn-cli
sudo protonvpn init