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Last active January 9, 2017 14:55
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#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetControlDelay -1
;things to do, check periodically, gui
;check and deleted if last version file cache is present
UrlDownloadToFile,, %boxicheckfile%.txt
;read downloaded source into variable
FileRead, checkversionsource, %boxicheckfile%.txt
;find position
Foundpos := RegExMatch(checkversionsource,"Download Boxifier (\d\.\d\.\d{1,2}) for Windows", Version)
;check the local version present; i assume it is installed in default location
BoxifierLoc = %A_AppData%\Boxifier\Boxifier.exe
FileGetVersion, BoxifierLocalVer, %BoxifierLoc%
; Count the decimals in the online version
count = 0
Loop, Parse, Version1, .
count += 1
actualcount := count - 1
countloc = 0
; Count the decimals in the local version
Loop, Parse, BoxifierLocalVer, .
countloc += 1
actualcountloc := countloc - 1
;if both version are not equal in case as local version has one more decimal as while online has 1.5.24
LastDotPos := InStr(BoxifierLocalVer,".",0,0) ; get position of last occurrence of "."
BoxifierLocalVer2 := SubStr(BoxifierLocalVer,1,LastDotPos-1) ; get substring from start to last dot
if (version1== BoxifierLocalVer2)
msgbox, You have the latest version Boxifier - %version1% installed.
;url to download the file
urltodownload =
UrlDownloadToFile, %urltodownload%, Boxifier-%version1%.exe
;run the downloaded file
run, Boxifier-%version1%.exe
sleep 2000
;further install it
IfWinExist, Setup - Boxifier
WinActivate ; use the window just found above
sleep 2000
send {Tab}
Send {Up 1}
send {enter}
msgbox, installed
;Deleted downloaded html page
IfExist, %A_ScriptDir%\%boxicheckfile%.txt
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