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Created August 13, 2012 20:33
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{if "{embed:workshopTime}" == "{day1_workshop_selection_time}"}
{!-- so this sql is looking to see who has registered for day 1 workshops and gives us a variable of {workshop_count} --}
{exp:query sql="SELECT count(cd.entry_id) AS workshop_count
FROM exp_channel_data cd INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles ct ON cd.entry_id=ct.entry_id WHERE cd.channel_id = '8' AND cd.field_id_126 LIKE '%{embed:workshopTime}%%{day1_workshop_selection_title}%' AND cd.field_id_131 = '{structure:page:uri}' AND ct.status = 'open'"}
{!-- then our math to check if the workshop count is greater than the capacity, we disable that selection --}
{if workshop_count >= '{day1_workshop_selection_capacity}'}
<option value="" disabled="disabled">FULLY BOOKED - {day1_workshop_selection_title}</option>
<option value="{day1_workshop_date format="%d.%m.%y"} &#64; {embed:workshopTime} - {day1_workshop_selection_title}">{day1_workshop_selection_title}</option>
{/if}<!-- query if -->
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