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Working from home

Steven Grant 1stevengrant

Working from home
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mattattui /
Created September 4, 2017 13:00
Custom video progress bar

Our video player needed redoing (it was videogular before, we're using Vue now). For the seek/progress bar, I thought I'd use <input type="range" min="0" :max="player.duration"> which is nice and straightforward because there's no JS to really write for it, and because it's a browser built-in widget, it's accessible as heck.

One problem: IE is the only browser that lets you style the background colour of the slider track differently according to whether it's before or after the current slider position (it's call the "thumb" for some reason).

Solution: CSS custom properties, linear-gradient background. Use JS to update the custom property when the video time changes:

geraldvillorente /
Created June 14, 2017 05:03
How to import database in MySQL in Docker?

This is a simple way of importing MySQL database in Docker.

  1. In you Dockerfile you must have a shared folder. Shared folder is a directory in your host machine that is mounted to Docker instance.

  2. Put the exported sql file in the shared folder.

  3. Login to your Docker instance via docker exec -it DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID bin/bash.

  4. Login to MySQL via mysql -u USERNAME -p.

eirikb / load-vue-components-from-folder.js
Created May 24, 2017 19:24
Load all Vue components from a given folder, no need for an "index.js"-file
const req = require.context('./components/', true, /\.(js|vue)$/i);
req.keys().map(key => {
const name = key.match(/\w+/)[0];
return Vue.component(name, req(key))
rugor / gist:6131cd28cb51f0c70238dacb9e1a494b
Created January 31, 2017 00:25
JavaScript: Vue.js v-for with index and last item class #rugor
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" v-bind:class="{last : index === (items.length-1)}">
scottopolis / splice-object-array.js
Last active January 31, 2023 06:54
Remove object from array of objects in Javascript
// we have an array of objects, we want to remove one object using only the id property
const apps = [{id:34,name:'My App',another:'thing'},{id:37,name:'My New App',another:'things'}];
// get index of object with id of 37
const removeIndex = apps.findIndex( item => === 37 );
// remove object
apps.splice( removeIndex, 1 );
tomysmile /
Last active May 23, 2024 03:17
Brew install Redis on Mac

type below:

brew update
brew install redis

To have launchd start redis now and restart at login:

brew services start redis
hootlex / pagination object API
Created June 15, 2016 16:41
pagination object API example
     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function index()
        $posts = Post::paginate(20);
timkelty / Custom_ElementApiHelper.php
Last active January 22, 2019 06:55
Standardize Element API requests
namespace Craft;
class Custom_ElementApiHelper
public static function getParams($params)
$requestParams = array_filter([
'elementType' => craft()->request->getParam('elementType'),
'criteria' => Custom_ElementApiHelper::prepCriteria(craft()->request->getParam('criteria')),
benlinton /
Last active September 23, 2023 09:38
Multiple MySQL Versions with Homebrew

Multiple MySQL Versions for Development

Options included below:

  • Using Docker docker-compose
  • Using Homebrew brew

Using Docker (recommended)

This gist was originally created for Homebrew before the rise of Docker, yet it may be best to avoid installing mysql via brew any longer. Instead consider adding a barebones docker-compose.yml for each project and run docker-compose up to start each project's mysql service.

manuhabitela / _grid.scss
Last active January 11, 2021 14:15
Making the Bootstrap grid with Susy and sass-mq
// this is (a start of) an example of a Susy+mq() setup that mimics bootstrap grid.
// I work on multiple bootstrap-based projects.
// I want to stop using grid classes in the markup, and start using mixins with susy and sass-mq.
// Since the project is heavily tied to the bootstrap grid, I want to have the exact same behavior
// between bootstrap classes (old code) and susy mixins (new code).
// all the grid classes generated below are here to ease up testing.
// required: susy + sass-mq