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Last active January 22, 2019 06:55
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Standardize Element API requests
namespace Craft;
class Custom_ElementApiHelper
public static function getParams($params)
$requestParams = array_filter([
'elementType' => craft()->request->getParam('elementType'),
'criteria' => Custom_ElementApiHelper::prepCriteria(craft()->request->getParam('criteria')),
'transformer' => Custom_ElementApiHelper::prepTransformer(craft()->request->getParam('transformer', 'element')),
'first' => (bool) craft()->request->getParam('first', false),
'paginate' => (bool) craft()->request->getParam('paginate', true),
'elementsPerPage' => craft()->request->getParam('elementsPerPage'),
'pageParam' => craft()->request->getParam('pageParam'),
], function ($i) {
return $i !== null;
$params = array_merge($params, $requestParams);
if (!isset($params['criteria']))
throw new Exception('Element API configs must specify a criteria.');
return $params;
public static function prepTransformer($transformer)
if (!$transformer) {
$transformerClass = 'Custom_'.ucfirst($transformer).'Transformer';
return class_exists('Craft\\'.$transformerClass) ? Craft::createComponent('Craft\\'.$transformerClass) : null;
public static function prepCriteria($criteria)
if (!$criteria) {
$criteria['relatedTo'] = self::prepRelatedCriteria(isset($criteria['relatedTo']) && $criteria['relatedTo'] ? $criteria['relatedTo'] : []);
return $criteria;
private static function prepRelatedCriteria($relatedTo)
$relatedTo = is_array($relatedTo) ? $relatedTo : [$relatedTo];
$operator = isset($relatedTo['operator']) && $relatedTo['operator'] ? $relatedTo['operator'] : 'and';
$relatedTo = array_filter(array_map(function ($field, $element) {
$criteria['element'] = array_filter(is_array($element) ? $element : [$element]);
if (is_string($field)) {
$criteria['field'] = $field;
return empty($criteria['element']) ? null : $criteria;
}, array_keys($relatedTo), $relatedTo));
if (count($relatedTo)) {
array_unshift($relatedTo, $operator);
return $relatedTo;
namespace Craft;
require realpath(implode('/', [
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;
class Custom_ElementTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
protected $fields = ['title', 'slug', 'id'];
public function transform(BaseElementModel $element)
$values = array();
foreach ($this->fields as $fieldName) {
$values[$fieldName] = $this->transformAttribute($element->$fieldName);
return $values;
protected function transformAttribute($value)
if ($value instanceof \DateTime) {
return $value->format(\DateTime::ISO8601);
} elseif ($value instanceOf ElementCriteriaModel) {
if ($value->elementType instanceof AssetElementType) {
return array_map(function($item) {
return [
'url' => $item->url,
'imgAltText' => $item->imgAltText,
}, $value->find());
return $value->ids();
} elseif ($value instanceOf RichTextData) {
return $value->getParsedContent();
return ModelHelper::packageAttributeValue($value);
namespace Craft;
return [
'endpoints' => [
'api/elements.json' => function () {
return Custom_ElementApiHelper::getParams([
'transformer' => 'elements',
'api/products.json' => function () {
return Custom_ElementApiHelper::getParams([
'transformer' => 'product',
'elementType' => ElementType::Entry,
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