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Last active November 4, 2016 20:13
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Applied Electronics

The staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has for some years been engaged in an extensive program of revising as a unit its entire presentation of the basic technological principles of electrical engineering. This new edition of Applied Electronics covers a part of that presentation.

Read more: Applied Electronics

Basic Radio: The Essentials of Electron tubes and their Circuits

Electron tubes and circuits, with their Wide ramifications in radio and line communications, in industrial production and in research work, are so numerous and complex as to bewilder the beginner. He needs a guide which will present the important items in orderly sequence from the simple to the complex.

Read more: Basic Radio: The Essentials of Electron tubes and their Circuits

Circuit Theory and Design

The majority of devices of concern to the electrical and electronics engineer can, at least to a first order, be described as linear. Virtually all systems have characteristics that vary in some manner with frequency. Unquestionably, the most powerful technique for understanding and controlling linear, frequency-dependent systems is that afforded by the poles and zeros of network functions. In addition to the general conceptual and analytical tool which they provide, their manipulation also yields an exceptionally effective tool for network design. In electric and mechanical circuits both with and without energy sources, the pole-zero approach tends to make analysis and design one and the same; so powerful is the technique in providing understanding (analysis) that only a slight change in viewpoint leads to design (synthesis).

Read more: Circuit Theory and Design

Electrical Communication

As was true of the preceding editions, the third edition covers the entire field of electrical communication, including the transmission of code, speech, and music by both wire and radio.

The third edition has been extensively revised. The basic subjects of acoustics, electroacoustic devices, networks, lines, cables, wave guides, and electronics have been grouped in the first part of the book.

Read more: Electrical Communication

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