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Created January 15, 2017 15:34
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var data = [
{"year": 2001, "debt": 31.4},
{"year": 2002, "debt": 32.6},
{"year": 2003, "debt": 34.5},
{"year": 2004, "debt": 35.5},
{"year": 2005, "debt": 35.6},
{"year": 2006, "debt": 35.3},
{"year": 2007, "debt": 35.2},
{"year": 2008, "debt": 39.3},
{"year": 2009, "debt": 52.3},
{"year": 2010, "debt": 60.9},
{"year": 2011, "debt": 65.9},
{"year": 2012, "debt": 70.4},
{"year": 2013, "debt": 72.6},
{"year": 2014, "debt": 74.4},
{"year": 2015, "debt": 73.6},
var ƒ = d3.f
var sel ='body').html('')
var c = d3.conventions({
parentSel: sel,
totalWidth: sel.node().offsetWidth,
height: 400,
margin: {left: 50, right: 50, top: 30, bottom: 30}
c.svg.append('rect').at({width: c.width, height: c.height, opacity: 0})
c.x.domain([2001, 2015])
c.y.domain([0, 100])
c.yAxis.ticks(5).tickFormat(d => d + '%')
var area = d3.area().x(ƒ('year', c.x)).y0(ƒ('debt', c.y)).y1(c.height)
var line = d3.area().x(ƒ('year', c.x)).y(ƒ('debt', c.y))
var clipRect = c.svg
.at({width: c.x(2008) - 2, height: c.height})
var correctSel = c.svg.append('g').attr('clip-path', 'url(#clip)')
correctSel.append('path.area').at({d: area(data)})
correctSel.append('path.line').at({d: line(data)})
yourDataSel = c.svg.append('path.your-line')
yourData = data
.map(function(d){ return {year: d.year, debt: d.debt, defined: 0} })
if (d.year == 2008) d.defined = true
return d.year >= 2008
var completed = false
var drag = d3.drag()
.on('drag', function(){
var pos = d3.mouse(this)
var year = clamp(2009, 2016, c.x.invert(pos[0]))
var debt = clamp(0, c.y.domain()[1], c.y.invert(pos[1]))
if (Math.abs(d.year - year) < .5){
d.debt = debt
d.defined = true
}){d: line.defined(ƒ('defined'))(yourData)})
if (!completed && d3.mean(yourData, ƒ('defined')) == 1){
completed = true
clipRect.transition().duration(1000).attr('width', c.x(2015))
function clamp(a, b, c){ return Math.max(a, Math.min(b, c)) }
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
function ascending(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN;
function bisector(compare) {
if (compare.length === 1) compare = ascendingComparator(compare);
return {
left: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
if (lo == null) lo = 0;
if (hi == null) hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (compare(a[mid], x) < 0) lo = mid + 1;
else hi = mid;
return lo;
right: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
if (lo == null) lo = 0;
if (hi == null) hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (compare(a[mid], x) > 0) hi = mid;
else lo = mid + 1;
return lo;
function ascendingComparator(f) {
return function(d, x) {
return ascending(f(d), x);
var ascendingBisect = bisector(ascending);
var bisectRight = ascendingBisect.right;
var bisectLeft = ascendingBisect.left;
function descending(a, b) {
return b < a ? -1 : b > a ? 1 : b >= a ? 0 : NaN;
function number(x) {
return x === null ? NaN : +x;
function variance(array, f) {
var n = array.length,
m = 0,
s = 0,
i = -1,
j = 0;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) {
if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) {
d = a - m;
m += d / ++j;
s += d * (a - m);
else {
while (++i < n) {
if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) {
d = a - m;
m += d / ++j;
s += d * (a - m);
if (j > 1) return s / (j - 1);
function deviation(array, f) {
var v = variance(array, f);
return v ? Math.sqrt(v) : v;
function extent(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = c = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null) {
if (a > b) a = b;
if (c < b) c = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = c = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null) {
if (a > b) a = b;
if (c < b) c = b;
return [a, c];
var array = Array.prototype;
var slice = array.slice;
var map =;
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
function identity(x) {
return x;
function range(start, stop, step) {
start = +start, stop = +stop, step = (n = arguments.length) < 2 ? (stop = start, start = 0, 1) : n < 3 ? 1 : +step;
var i = -1,
n = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((stop - start) / step)) | 0,
range = new Array(n);
while (++i < n) {
range[i] = start + i * step;
return range;
var e10 = Math.sqrt(50);
var e5 = Math.sqrt(10);
var e2 = Math.sqrt(2);
function ticks(start, stop, count) {
var step = tickStep(start, stop, count);
return range(
Math.ceil(start / step) * step,
Math.floor(stop / step) * step + step / 2, // inclusive
function tickStep(start, stop, count) {
var step0 = Math.abs(stop - start) / Math.max(0, count),
step1 = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(step0) / Math.LN10)),
error = step0 / step1;
if (error >= e10) step1 *= 10;
else if (error >= e5) step1 *= 5;
else if (error >= e2) step1 *= 2;
return stop < start ? -step1 : step1;
function sturges(values) {
return Math.ceil(Math.log(values.length) / Math.LN2) + 1;
function histogram() {
var value = identity,
domain = extent,
threshold = sturges;
function histogram(data) {
var i,
n = data.length,
values = new Array(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
values[i] = value(data[i], i, data);
var xz = domain(values),
x0 = xz[0],
x1 = xz[1],
tz = threshold(values, x0, x1);
// Convert number of thresholds into uniform thresholds.
if (!Array.isArray(tz)) tz = ticks(x0, x1, tz);
// Remove any thresholds outside the domain.
var m = tz.length;
while (tz[0] <= x0) tz.shift(), --m;
while (tz[m - 1] >= x1) tz.pop(), --m;
var bins = new Array(m + 1),
// Initialize bins.
for (i = 0; i <= m; ++i) {
bin = bins[i] = [];
bin.x0 = i > 0 ? tz[i - 1] : x0;
bin.x1 = i < m ? tz[i] : x1;
// Assign data to bins by value, ignoring any outside the domain.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
x = values[i];
if (x0 <= x && x <= x1) {
bins[bisectRight(tz, x, 0, m)].push(data[i]);
return bins;
histogram.value = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (value = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(_), histogram) : value;
histogram.domain = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (domain = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant([_[0], _[1]]), histogram) : domain;
histogram.thresholds = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (threshold = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : Array.isArray(_) ? constant( : constant(_), histogram) : threshold;
return histogram;
function threshold(array, p, f) {
if (f == null) f = number;
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
if ((p = +p) <= 0 || n < 2) return +f(array[0], 0, array);
if (p >= 1) return +f(array[n - 1], n - 1, array);
var n,
h = (n - 1) * p,
i = Math.floor(h),
a = +f(array[i], i, array),
b = +f(array[i + 1], i + 1, array);
return a + (b - a) * (h - i);
function freedmanDiaconis(values, min, max) {
values =, number).sort(ascending);
return Math.ceil((max - min) / (2 * (threshold(values, 0.75) - threshold(values, 0.25)) * Math.pow(values.length, -1 / 3)));
function scott(values, min, max) {
return Math.ceil((max - min) / (3.5 * deviation(values) * Math.pow(values.length, -1 / 3)));
function max(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b > a) a = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b > a) a = b;
return a;
function mean(array, f) {
var s = 0,
n = array.length,
i = -1,
j = n;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) s += a; else --j;
else {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) s += a; else --j;
if (j) return s / j;
function median(array, f) {
var numbers = [],
n = array.length,
i = -1;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) numbers.push(a);
else {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) numbers.push(a);
return threshold(numbers.sort(ascending), 0.5);
function merge(arrays) {
var n = arrays.length,
i = -1,
j = 0,
while (++i < n) j += arrays[i].length;
merged = new Array(j);
while (--n >= 0) {
array = arrays[n];
m = array.length;
while (--m >= 0) {
merged[--j] = array[m];
return merged;
function min(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && a > b) a = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && a > b) a = b;
return a;
function pairs(array) {
var i = 0, n = array.length - 1, p = array[0], pairs = new Array(n < 0 ? 0 : n);
while (i < n) pairs[i] = [p, p = array[++i]];
return pairs;
function permute(array, indexes) {
var i = indexes.length, permutes = new Array(i);
while (i--) permutes[i] = array[indexes[i]];
return permutes;
function scan(array, compare) {
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
var i = 0,
j = 0,
xj = array[j];
if (!compare) compare = ascending;
while (++i < n) if (compare(xi = array[i], xj) < 0 || compare(xj, xj) !== 0) xj = xi, j = i;
if (compare(xj, xj) === 0) return j;
function shuffle(array, i0, i1) {
var m = (i1 == null ? array.length : i1) - (i0 = i0 == null ? 0 : +i0),
while (m) {
i = Math.random() * m-- | 0;
t = array[m + i0];
array[m + i0] = array[i + i0];
array[i + i0] = t;
return array;
function sum(array, f) {
var s = 0,
n = array.length,
i = -1;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (a = +array[i]) s += a; // Note: zero and null are equivalent.
else {
while (++i < n) if (a = +f(array[i], i, array)) s += a;
return s;
function transpose(matrix) {
if (!(n = matrix.length)) return [];
for (var i = -1, m = min(matrix, length), transpose = new Array(m); ++i < m;) {
for (var j = -1, n, row = transpose[i] = new Array(n); ++j < n;) {
row[j] = matrix[j][i];
return transpose;
function length(d) {
return d.length;
function zip() {
return transpose(arguments);
var prefix = "$";
function Map() {}
Map.prototype = map$1.prototype = {
constructor: Map,
has: function(key) {
return (prefix + key) in this;
get: function(key) {
return this[prefix + key];
set: function(key, value) {
this[prefix + key] = value;
return this;
remove: function(key) {
var property = prefix + key;
return property in this && delete this[property];
clear: function() {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) delete this[property];
keys: function() {
var keys = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) keys.push(property.slice(1));
return keys;
values: function() {
var values = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) values.push(this[property]);
return values;
entries: function() {
var entries = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) entries.push({key: property.slice(1), value: this[property]});
return entries;
size: function() {
var size = 0;
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) ++size;
return size;
empty: function() {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) return false;
return true;
each: function(f) {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) f(this[property], property.slice(1), this);
function map$1(object, f) {
var map = new Map;
// Copy constructor.
if (object instanceof Map) object.each(function(value, key) { map.set(key, value); });
// Index array by numeric index or specified key function.
else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
var i = -1,
n = object.length,
if (f == null) while (++i < n) map.set(i, object[i]);
else while (++i < n) map.set(f(o = object[i], i, object), o);
// Convert object to map.
else if (object) for (var key in object) map.set(key, object[key]);
return map;
function nest() {
var keys = [],
sortKeys = [],
function apply(array, depth, createResult, setResult) {
if (depth >= keys.length) return rollup != null
? rollup(array) : (sortValues != null
? array.sort(sortValues)
: array);
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
key = keys[depth++],
valuesByKey = map$1(),
result = createResult();
while (++i < n) {
if (values = valuesByKey.get(keyValue = key(value = array[i]) + "")) {
} else {
valuesByKey.set(keyValue, [value]);
valuesByKey.each(function(values, key) {
setResult(result, key, apply(values, depth, createResult, setResult));
return result;
function entries(map, depth) {
if (++depth > keys.length) return map;
var array, sortKey = sortKeys[depth - 1];
if (rollup != null && depth >= keys.length) array = map.entries();
else array = [], map.each(function(v, k) { array.push({key: k, values: entries(v, depth)}); });
return sortKey != null ? array.sort(function(a, b) { return sortKey(a.key, b.key); }) : array;
return nest = {
object: function(array) { return apply(array, 0, createObject, setObject); },
map: function(array) { return apply(array, 0, createMap, setMap); },
entries: function(array) { return entries(apply(array, 0, createMap, setMap), 0); },
key: function(d) { keys.push(d); return nest; },
sortKeys: function(order) { sortKeys[keys.length - 1] = order; return nest; },
sortValues: function(order) { sortValues = order; return nest; },
rollup: function(f) { rollup = f; return nest; }
function createObject() {
return {};
function setObject(object, key, value) {
object[key] = value;
function createMap() {
return map$1();
function setMap(map, key, value) {
map.set(key, value);
function Set() {}
var proto = map$1.prototype;
Set.prototype = set.prototype = {
constructor: Set,
has: proto.has,
add: function(value) {
value += "";
this[prefix + value] = value;
return this;
remove: proto.remove,
clear: proto.clear,
values: proto.keys,
size: proto.size,
empty: proto.empty,
each: proto.each
function set(object, f) {
var set = new Set;
// Copy constructor.
if (object instanceof Set) object.each(function(value) { set.add(value); });
// Otherwise, assume it’s an array.
else if (object) {
var i = -1, n = object.length;
if (f == null) while (++i < n) set.add(object[i]);
else while (++i < n) set.add(f(object[i], i, object));
return set;
function d3keys(map) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in map) keys.push(key);
return keys;
function values(map) {
var values = [];
for (var key in map) values.push(map[key]);
return values;
function entries(map) {
var entries = [];
for (var key in map) entries.push({key: key, value: map[key]});
return entries;
function uniform(min, max) {
min = min == null ? 0 : +min;
max = max == null ? 1 : +max;
if (arguments.length === 1) max = min, min = 0;
else max -= min;
return function() {
return Math.random() * max + min;
function normal(mu, sigma) {
var x, r;
mu = mu == null ? 0 : +mu;
sigma = sigma == null ? 1 : +sigma;
return function() {
var y;
// If available, use the second previously-generated uniform random.
if (x != null) y = x, x = null;
// Otherwise, generate a new x and y.
else do {
x = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
y = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
r = x * x + y * y;
} while (!r || r > 1);
return mu + sigma * y * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(r) / r);
function logNormal() {
var randomNormal = normal.apply(this, arguments);
return function() {
return Math.exp(randomNormal());
function irwinHall(n) {
return function() {
for (var sum = 0, i = 0; i < n; ++i) sum += Math.random();
return sum;
function bates(n) {
var randomIrwinHall = irwinHall(n);
return function() {
return randomIrwinHall() / n;
function exponential(lambda) {
return function() {
return -Math.log(1 - Math.random()) / lambda;
function linear(t) {
return +t;
function quadIn(t) {
return t * t;
function quadOut(t) {
return t * (2 - t);
function quadInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t : --t * (2 - t) + 1) / 2;
function cubicIn(t) {
return t * t * t;
function cubicOut(t) {
return --t * t * t + 1;
function easeCubicInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t * t : (t -= 2) * t * t + 2) / 2;
var exponent = 3;
var polyIn = (function custom(e) {
e = +e;
function polyIn(t) {
return Math.pow(t, e);
polyIn.exponent = custom;
return polyIn;
var polyOut = (function custom(e) {
e = +e;
function polyOut(t) {
return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, e);
polyOut.exponent = custom;
return polyOut;
var polyInOut = (function custom(e) {
e = +e;
function polyInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(t, e) : 2 - Math.pow(2 - t, e)) / 2;
polyInOut.exponent = custom;
return polyInOut;
var pi = Math.PI;
var halfPi = pi / 2;
function sinIn(t) {
return 1 - Math.cos(t * halfPi);
function sinOut(t) {
return Math.sin(t * halfPi);
function sinInOut(t) {
return (1 - Math.cos(pi * t)) / 2;
function expIn(t) {
return Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10);
function expOut(t) {
return 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t);
function expInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10) : 2 - Math.pow(2, 10 - 10 * t)) / 2;
function circleIn(t) {
return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t);
function circleOut(t) {
return Math.sqrt(1 - --t * t);
function circleInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) : Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) / 2;
var b1 = 4 / 11;
var b2 = 6 / 11;
var b3 = 8 / 11;
var b4 = 3 / 4;
var b5 = 9 / 11;
var b6 = 10 / 11;
var b7 = 15 / 16;
var b8 = 21 / 22;
var b9 = 63 / 64;
var b0 = 1 / b1 / b1;
function bounceIn(t) {
return 1 - bounceOut(1 - t);
function bounceOut(t) {
return (t = +t) < b1 ? b0 * t * t : t < b3 ? b0 * (t -= b2) * t + b4 : t < b6 ? b0 * (t -= b5) * t + b7 : b0 * (t -= b8) * t + b9;
function bounceInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? 1 - bounceOut(1 - t) : bounceOut(t - 1) + 1) / 2;
var overshoot = 1.70158;
var backIn = (function custom(s) {
s = +s;
function backIn(t) {
return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s);
backIn.overshoot = custom;
return backIn;
var backOut = (function custom(s) {
s = +s;
function backOut(t) {
return --t * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1;
backOut.overshoot = custom;
return backOut;
var backInOut = (function custom(s) {
s = +s;
function backInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) < 1 ? t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) : (t -= 2) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 2) / 2;
backInOut.overshoot = custom;
return backInOut;
var tau = 2 * Math.PI;
var amplitude = 1;
var period = 0.3;
var elasticIn = (function custom(a, p) {
var s = Math.asin(1 / (a = Math.max(1, a))) * (p /= tau);
function elasticIn(t) {
return a * Math.pow(2, 10 * --t) * Math.sin((s - t) / p);
elasticIn.amplitude = function(a) { return custom(a, p * tau); };
elasticIn.period = function(p) { return custom(a, p); };
return elasticIn;
})(amplitude, period);
var elasticOut = (function custom(a, p) {
var s = Math.asin(1 / (a = Math.max(1, a))) * (p /= tau);
function elasticOut(t) {
return 1 - a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t = +t)) * Math.sin((t + s) / p);
elasticOut.amplitude = function(a) { return custom(a, p * tau); };
elasticOut.period = function(p) { return custom(a, p); };
return elasticOut;
})(amplitude, period);
var elasticInOut = (function custom(a, p) {
var s = Math.asin(1 / (a = Math.max(1, a))) * (p /= tau);
function elasticInOut(t) {
return ((t = t * 2 - 1) < 0
? a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((s - t) / p)
: 2 - a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((s + t) / p)) / 2;
elasticInOut.amplitude = function(a) { return custom(a, p * tau); };
elasticInOut.period = function(p) { return custom(a, p); };
return elasticInOut;
})(amplitude, period);
function area(polygon) {
var i = -1,
n = polygon.length,
b = polygon[n - 1],
area = 0;
while (++i < n) {
a = b;
b = polygon[i];
area += a[1] * b[0] - a[0] * b[1];
return area / 2;
function centroid(polygon) {
var i = -1,
n = polygon.length,
x = 0,
y = 0,
b = polygon[n - 1],
k = 0;
while (++i < n) {
a = b;
b = polygon[i];
k += c = a[0] * b[1] - b[0] * a[1];
x += (a[0] + b[0]) * c;
y += (a[1] + b[1]) * c;
return k *= 3, [x / k, y / k];
// Returns the 2D cross product of AB and AC vectors, i.e., the z-component of
// the 3D cross product in a quadrant I Cartesian coordinate system (+x is
// right, +y is up). Returns a positive value if ABC is counter-clockwise,
// negative if clockwise, and zero if the points are collinear.
function cross(a, b, c) {
return (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0]);
function lexicographicOrder(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0] || a[1] - b[1];
// Computes the upper convex hull per the monotone chain algorithm.
// Assumes points.length >= 3, is sorted by x, unique in y.
// Returns an array of indices into points in left-to-right order.
function computeUpperHullIndexes(points) {
var n = points.length,
indexes = [0, 1],
size = 2;
for (var i = 2; i < n; ++i) {
while (size > 1 && cross(points[indexes[size - 2]], points[indexes[size - 1]], points[i]) <= 0) --size;
indexes[size++] = i;
return indexes.slice(0, size); // remove popped points
function hull(points) {
if ((n = points.length) < 3) return null;
var i,
sortedPoints = new Array(n),
flippedPoints = new Array(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) sortedPoints[i] = [+points[i][0], +points[i][1], i];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) flippedPoints[i] = [sortedPoints[i][0], -sortedPoints[i][1]];
var upperIndexes = computeUpperHullIndexes(sortedPoints),
lowerIndexes = computeUpperHullIndexes(flippedPoints);
// Construct the hull polygon, removing possible duplicate endpoints.
var skipLeft = lowerIndexes[0] === upperIndexes[0],
skipRight = lowerIndexes[lowerIndexes.length - 1] === upperIndexes[upperIndexes.length - 1],
hull = [];
// Add upper hull in right-to-l order.
// Then add lower hull in left-to-right order.
for (i = upperIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) hull.push(points[sortedPoints[upperIndexes[i]][2]]);
for (i = +skipLeft; i < lowerIndexes.length - skipRight; ++i) hull.push(points[sortedPoints[lowerIndexes[i]][2]]);
return hull;
function contains(polygon, point) {
var n = polygon.length,
p = polygon[n - 1],
x = point[0], y = point[1],
x0 = p[0], y0 = p[1],
x1, y1,
inside = false;
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
p = polygon[i], x1 = p[0], y1 = p[1];
if (((y1 > y) !== (y0 > y)) && (x < (x0 - x1) * (y - y1) / (y0 - y1) + x1)) inside = !inside;
x0 = x1, y0 = y1;
return inside;
function length$1(polygon) {
var i = -1,
n = polygon.length,
b = polygon[n - 1],
xb = b[0],
yb = b[1],
perimeter = 0;
while (++i < n) {
xa = xb;
ya = yb;
b = polygon[i];
xb = b[0];
yb = b[1];
xa -= xb;
ya -= yb;
perimeter += Math.sqrt(xa * xa + ya * ya);
return perimeter;
var pi$1 = Math.PI;
var tau$1 = 2 * pi$1;
var epsilon = 1e-6;
var tauEpsilon = tau$1 - epsilon;
function Path() {
this._x0 = this._y0 = // start of current subpath
this._x1 = this._y1 = null; // end of current subpath
this._ = [];
function path() {
return new Path;
Path.prototype = path.prototype = {
constructor: Path,
moveTo: function(x, y) {
this._.push("M", this._x0 = this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y0 = this._y1 = +y);
closePath: function() {
if (this._x1 !== null) {
this._x1 = this._x0, this._y1 = this._y0;
lineTo: function(x, y) {
this._.push("L", this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y1 = +y);
quadraticCurveTo: function(x1, y1, x, y) {
this._.push("Q", +x1, ",", +y1, ",", this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y1 = +y);
bezierCurveTo: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) {
this._.push("C", +x1, ",", +y1, ",", +x2, ",", +y2, ",", this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y1 = +y);
arcTo: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, r) {
x1 = +x1, y1 = +y1, x2 = +x2, y2 = +y2, r = +r;
var x0 = this._x1,
y0 = this._y1,
x21 = x2 - x1,
y21 = y2 - y1,
x01 = x0 - x1,
y01 = y0 - y1,
l01_2 = x01 * x01 + y01 * y01;
// Is the radius negative? Error.
if (r < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + r);
// Is this path empty? Move to (x1,y1).
if (this._x1 === null) {
"M", this._x1 = x1, ",", this._y1 = y1
// Or, is (x1,y1) coincident with (x0,y0)? Do nothing.
else if (!(l01_2 > epsilon));
// Or, are (x0,y0), (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) collinear?
// Equivalently, is (x1,y1) coincident with (x2,y2)?
// Or, is the radius zero? Line to (x1,y1).
else if (!(Math.abs(y01 * x21 - y21 * x01) > epsilon) || !r) {
"L", this._x1 = x1, ",", this._y1 = y1
// Otherwise, draw an arc!
else {
var x20 = x2 - x0,
y20 = y2 - y0,
l21_2 = x21 * x21 + y21 * y21,
l20_2 = x20 * x20 + y20 * y20,
l21 = Math.sqrt(l21_2),
l01 = Math.sqrt(l01_2),
l = r * Math.tan((pi$1 - Math.acos((l21_2 + l01_2 - l20_2) / (2 * l21 * l01))) / 2),
t01 = l / l01,
t21 = l / l21;
// If the start tangent is not coincident with (x0,y0), line to.
if (Math.abs(t01 - 1) > epsilon) {
"L", x1 + t01 * x01, ",", y1 + t01 * y01
"A", r, ",", r, ",0,0,", +(y01 * x20 > x01 * y20), ",", this._x1 = x1 + t21 * x21, ",", this._y1 = y1 + t21 * y21
arc: function(x, y, r, a0, a1, ccw) {
x = +x, y = +y, r = +r;
var dx = r * Math.cos(a0),
dy = r * Math.sin(a0),
x0 = x + dx,
y0 = y + dy,
cw = 1 ^ ccw,
da = ccw ? a0 - a1 : a1 - a0;
// Is the radius negative? Error.
if (r < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + r);
// Is this path empty? Move to (x0,y0).
if (this._x1 === null) {
"M", x0, ",", y0
// Or, is (x0,y0) not coincident with the previous point? Line to (x0,y0).
else if (Math.abs(this._x1 - x0) > epsilon || Math.abs(this._y1 - y0) > epsilon) {
"L", x0, ",", y0
// Is this arc empty? We’re done.
if (!r) return;
// Is this a complete circle? Draw two arcs to complete the circle.
if (da > tauEpsilon) {
"A", r, ",", r, ",0,1,", cw, ",", x - dx, ",", y - dy,
"A", r, ",", r, ",0,1,", cw, ",", this._x1 = x0, ",", this._y1 = y0
// Otherwise, draw an arc!
else {
if (da < 0) da = da % tau$1 + tau$1;
"A", r, ",", r, ",0,", +(da >= pi$1), ",", cw, ",", this._x1 = x + r * Math.cos(a1), ",", this._y1 = y + r * Math.sin(a1)
rect: function(x, y, w, h) {
this._.push("M", this._x0 = this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y0 = this._y1 = +y, "h", +w, "v", +h, "h", -w, "Z");
toString: function() {
return this._.join("");
function tree_add(d) {
var x =, d),
y =, d);
return add(this.cover(x, y), x, y, d);
function add(tree, x, y, d) {
if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return tree; // ignore invalid points
var parent,
node = tree._root,
leaf = {data: d},
x0 = tree._x0,
y0 = tree._y0,
x1 = tree._x1,
y1 = tree._y1,
// If the tree is empty, initialize the root as a leaf.
if (!node) return tree._root = leaf, tree;
// Find the existing leaf for the new point, or add it.
while (node.length) {
if (right = x >= (xm = (x0 + x1) / 2)) x0 = xm; else x1 = xm;
if (bottom = y >= (ym = (y0 + y1) / 2)) y0 = ym; else y1 = ym;
if (parent = node, !(node = node[i = bottom << 1 | right])) return parent[i] = leaf, tree;
// Is the new point is exactly coincident with the existing point?
xp =,;
yp =,;
if (x === xp && y === yp) return = node, parent ? parent[i] = leaf : tree._root = leaf, tree;
// Otherwise, split the leaf node until the old and new point are separated.
do {
parent = parent ? parent[i] = new Array(4) : tree._root = new Array(4);
if (right = x >= (xm = (x0 + x1) / 2)) x0 = xm; else x1 = xm;
if (bottom = y >= (ym = (y0 + y1) / 2)) y0 = ym; else y1 = ym;
} while ((i = bottom << 1 | right) === (j = (yp >= ym) << 1 | (xp >= xm)));
return parent[j] = node, parent[i] = leaf, tree;
function addAll(data) {
var d, i, n = data.length,
xz = new Array(n),
yz = new Array(n),
x0 = Infinity,
y0 = Infinity,
x1 = -Infinity,
y1 = -Infinity;
// Compute the points and their extent.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (isNaN(x =, d = data[i])) || isNaN(y =, d))) continue;
xz[i] = x;
yz[i] = y;
if (x < x0) x0 = x;
if (x > x1) x1 = x;
if (y < y0) y0 = y;
if (y > y1) y1 = y;
// If there were no (valid) points, inherit the existing extent.
if (x1 < x0) x0 = this._x0, x1 = this._x1;
if (y1 < y0) y0 = this._y0, y1 = this._y1;
// Expand the tree to cover the new points.
this.cover(x0, y0).cover(x1, y1);
// Add the new points.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
add(this, xz[i], yz[i], data[i]);
return this;
function tree_cover(x, y) {
if (isNaN(x = +x) || isNaN(y = +y)) return this; // ignore invalid points
var x0 = this._x0,
y0 = this._y0,
x1 = this._x1,
y1 = this._y1;
// If the quadtree has no extent, initialize them.
// Integer extent are necessary so that if we later double the extent,
// the existing quadrant boundaries don’t change due to floating point error!
if (isNaN(x0)) {
x1 = (x0 = Math.floor(x)) + 1;
y1 = (y0 = Math.floor(y)) + 1;
// Otherwise, double repeatedly to cover.
else if (x0 > x || x > x1 || y0 > y || y > y1) {
var z = x1 - x0,
node = this._root,
switch (i = (y < (y0 + y1) / 2) << 1 | (x < (x0 + x1) / 2)) {
case 0: {
do parent = new Array(4), parent[i] = node, node = parent;
while (z *= 2, x1 = x0 + z, y1 = y0 + z, x > x1 || y > y1);
case 1: {
do parent = new Array(4), parent[i] = node, node = parent;
while (z *= 2, x0 = x1 - z, y1 = y0 + z, x0 > x || y > y1);
case 2: {
do parent = new Array(4), parent[i] = node, node = parent;
while (z *= 2, x1 = x0 + z, y0 = y1 - z, x > x1 || y0 > y);
case 3: {
do parent = new Array(4), parent[i] = node, node = parent;
while (z *= 2, x0 = x1 - z, y0 = y1 - z, x0 > x || y0 > y);
if (this._root && this._root.length) this._root = node;
// If the quadtree covers the point already, just return.
else return this;
this._x0 = x0;
this._y0 = y0;
this._x1 = x1;
this._y1 = y1;
return this;
function tree_data() {
var data = [];
this.visit(function(node) {
if (!node.length) do data.push(; while (node =
return data;
function tree_extent(_) {
return arguments.length
? this.cover(+_[0][0], +_[0][1]).cover(+_[1][0], +_[1][1])
: isNaN(this._x0) ? undefined : [[this._x0, this._y0], [this._x1, this._y1]];
function Quad(node, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
this.node = node;
this.x0 = x0;
this.y0 = y0;
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
function tree_find(x, y, radius) {
var data,
x0 = this._x0,
y0 = this._y0,
x3 = this._x1,
y3 = this._y1,
quads = [],
node = this._root,
if (node) quads.push(new Quad(node, x0, y0, x3, y3));
if (radius == null) radius = Infinity;
else {
x0 = x - radius, y0 = y - radius;
x3 = x + radius, y3 = y + radius;
radius *= radius;
while (q = quads.pop()) {
// Stop searching if this quadrant can’t contain a closer node.
if (!(node = q.node)
|| (x1 = q.x0) > x3
|| (y1 = q.y0) > y3
|| (x2 = q.x1) < x0
|| (y2 = q.y1) < y0) continue;
// Bisect the current quadrant.
if (node.length) {
var xm = (x1 + x2) / 2,
ym = (y1 + y2) / 2;
new Quad(node[3], xm, ym, x2, y2),
new Quad(node[2], x1, ym, xm, y2),
new Quad(node[1], xm, y1, x2, ym),
new Quad(node[0], x1, y1, xm, ym)
// Visit the closest quadrant first.
if (i = (y >= ym) << 1 | (x >= xm)) {
q = quads[quads.length - 1];
quads[quads.length - 1] = quads[quads.length - 1 - i];
quads[quads.length - 1 - i] = q;
// Visit this point. (Visiting coincident points isn’t necessary!)
else {
var dx = x -,,
dy = y -,,
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (d2 < radius) {
var d = Math.sqrt(radius = d2);
x0 = x - d, y0 = y - d;
x3 = x + d, y3 = y + d;
data =;
return data;
function tree_remove(d) {
if (isNaN(x =, d)) || isNaN(y =, d))) return this; // ignore invalid points
var parent,
node = this._root,
x0 = this._x0,
y0 = this._y0,
x1 = this._x1,
y1 = this._y1,
// If the tree is empty, initialize the root as a leaf.
if (!node) return this;
// Find the leaf node for the point.
// While descending, also retain the deepest parent with a non-removed sibling.
if (node.length) while (true) {
if (right = x >= (xm = (x0 + x1) / 2)) x0 = xm; else x1 = xm;
if (bottom = y >= (ym = (y0 + y1) / 2)) y0 = ym; else y1 = ym;
if (!(parent = node, node = node[i = bottom << 1 | right])) return this;
if (!node.length) break;
if (parent[(i + 1) & 3] || parent[(i + 2) & 3] || parent[(i + 3) & 3]) retainer = parent, j = i;
// Find the point to remove.
while ( !== d) if (!(previous = node, node = return this;
if (next = delete;
// If there are multiple coincident points, remove just the point.
if (previous) return (next ? = next : delete, this;
// If this is the root point, remove it.
if (!parent) return this._root = next, this;
// Remove this leaf.
next ? parent[i] = next : delete parent[i];
// If the parent now contains exactly one leaf, collapse superfluous parents.
if ((node = parent[0] || parent[1] || parent[2] || parent[3])
&& node === (parent[3] || parent[2] || parent[1] || parent[0])
&& !node.length) {
if (retainer) retainer[j] = node;
else this._root = node;
return this;
function removeAll(data) {
for (var i = 0, n = data.length; i < n; ++i) this.remove(data[i]);
return this;
function tree_root() {
return this._root;
function tree_size() {
var size = 0;
this.visit(function(node) {
if (!node.length) do ++size; while (node =
return size;
function tree_visit(callback) {
var quads = [], q, node = this._root, child, x0, y0, x1, y1;
if (node) quads.push(new Quad(node, this._x0, this._y0, this._x1, this._y1));
while (q = quads.pop()) {
if (!callback(node = q.node, x0 = q.x0, y0 = q.y0, x1 = q.x1, y1 = q.y1) && node.length) {
var xm = (x0 + x1) / 2, ym = (y0 + y1) / 2;
if (child = node[3]) quads.push(new Quad(child, xm, ym, x1, y1));
if (child = node[2]) quads.push(new Quad(child, x0, ym, xm, y1));
if (child = node[1]) quads.push(new Quad(child, xm, y0, x1, ym));
if (child = node[0]) quads.push(new Quad(child, x0, y0, xm, ym));
return this;
function tree_visitAfter(callback) {
var quads = [], next = [], q;
if (this._root) quads.push(new Quad(this._root, this._x0, this._y0, this._x1, this._y1));
while (q = quads.pop()) {
var node = q.node;
if (node.length) {
var child, x0 = q.x0, y0 = q.y0, x1 = q.x1, y1 = q.y1, xm = (x0 + x1) / 2, ym = (y0 + y1) / 2;
if (child = node[0]) quads.push(new Quad(child, x0, y0, xm, ym));
if (child = node[1]) quads.push(new Quad(child, xm, y0, x1, ym));
if (child = node[2]) quads.push(new Quad(child, x0, ym, xm, y1));
if (child = node[3]) quads.push(new Quad(child, xm, ym, x1, y1));
while (q = next.pop()) {
callback(q.node, q.x0, q.y0, q.x1, q.y1);
return this;
function defaultX(d) {
return d[0];
function tree_x(_) {
return arguments.length ? (this._x = _, this) : this._x;
function defaultY(d) {
return d[1];
function tree_y(_) {
return arguments.length ? (this._y = _, this) : this._y;
function quadtree(nodes, x, y) {
var tree = new Quadtree(x == null ? defaultX : x, y == null ? defaultY : y, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN);
return nodes == null ? tree : tree.addAll(nodes);
function Quadtree(x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._x0 = x0;
this._y0 = y0;
this._x1 = x1;
this._y1 = y1;
this._root = undefined;
function leaf_copy(leaf) {
var copy = {data:}, next = copy;
while (leaf = next = = {data:};
return copy;
var treeProto = quadtree.prototype = Quadtree.prototype;
treeProto.copy = function() {
var copy = new Quadtree(this._x, this._y, this._x0, this._y0, this._x1, this._y1),
node = this._root,
if (!node) return copy;
if (!node.length) return copy._root = leaf_copy(node), copy;
nodes = [{source: node, target: copy._root = new Array(4)}];
while (node = nodes.pop()) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (child = node.source[i]) {
if (child.length) nodes.push({source: child, target:[i] = new Array(4)});
else[i] = leaf_copy(child);
return copy;
treeProto.add = tree_add;
treeProto.addAll = addAll;
treeProto.cover = tree_cover; = tree_data;
treeProto.extent = tree_extent;
treeProto.find = tree_find;
treeProto.remove = tree_remove;
treeProto.removeAll = removeAll;
treeProto.root = tree_root;
treeProto.size = tree_size;
treeProto.visit = tree_visit;
treeProto.visitAfter = tree_visitAfter;
treeProto.x = tree_x;
treeProto.y = tree_y;
var slice$1 = [].slice;
var noabort = {};
function Queue(size) {
if (!(size >= 1)) throw new Error;
this._size = size;
this._call =
this._error = null;
this._tasks = [];
this._data = [];
this._waiting =
this._active =
this._ended =
this._start = 0; // inside a synchronous task callback?
Queue.prototype = queue.prototype = {
constructor: Queue,
defer: function(callback) {
if (typeof callback !== "function" || this._call) throw new Error;
if (this._error != null) return this;
var t = slice$, 1);
++this._waiting, this._tasks.push(t);
return this;
abort: function() {
if (this._error == null) abort(this, new Error("abort"));
return this;
await: function(callback) {
if (typeof callback !== "function" || this._call) throw new Error;
this._call = function(error, results) { callback.apply(null, [error].concat(results)); };
return this;
awaitAll: function(callback) {
if (typeof callback !== "function" || this._call) throw new Error;
this._call = callback;
return this;
function poke(q) {
if (!q._start) {
try { start(q); } // let the current task complete
catch (e) {
if (q._tasks[q._ended + q._active - 1]) abort(q, e); // task errored synchronously
else if (!q._data) throw e; // await callback errored synchronously
function start(q) {
while (q._start = q._waiting && q._active < q._size) {
var i = q._ended + q._active,
t = q._tasks[i],
j = t.length - 1,
c = t[j];
t[j] = end(q, i);
--q._waiting, ++q._active;
t = c.apply(null, t);
if (!q._tasks[i]) continue; // task finished synchronously
q._tasks[i] = t || noabort;
function end(q, i) {
return function(e, r) {
if (!q._tasks[i]) return; // ignore multiple callbacks
--q._active, ++q._ended;
q._tasks[i] = null;
if (q._error != null) return; // ignore secondary errors
if (e != null) {
abort(q, e);
} else {
q._data[i] = r;
if (q._waiting) poke(q);
else maybeNotify(q);
function abort(q, e) {
var i = q._tasks.length, t;
q._error = e; // ignore active callbacks
q._data = undefined; // allow gc
q._waiting = NaN; // prevent starting
while (--i >= 0) {
if (t = q._tasks[i]) {
q._tasks[i] = null;
if (t.abort) {
try { t.abort(); }
catch (e) { /* ignore */ }
q._active = NaN; // allow notification
function maybeNotify(q) {
if (!q._active && q._call) {
var d = q._data;
q._data = undefined; // allow gc
q._call(q._error, d);
function queue(concurrency) {
return new Queue(arguments.length ? +concurrency : Infinity);
function constant$1(x) {
return function constant() {
return x;
var epsilon$1 = 1e-12;
var pi$2 = Math.PI;
var halfPi$1 = pi$2 / 2;
var tau$2 = 2 * pi$2;
function arcInnerRadius(d) {
return d.innerRadius;
function arcOuterRadius(d) {
return d.outerRadius;
function arcStartAngle(d) {
return d.startAngle;
function arcEndAngle(d) {
return d.endAngle;
function arcPadAngle(d) {
return d && d.padAngle; // Note: optional!
function asin(x) {
return x >= 1 ? halfPi$1 : x <= -1 ? -halfPi$1 : Math.asin(x);
function intersect(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
var x10 = x1 - x0, y10 = y1 - y0,
x32 = x3 - x2, y32 = y3 - y2,
t = (x32 * (y0 - y2) - y32 * (x0 - x2)) / (y32 * x10 - x32 * y10);
return [x0 + t * x10, y0 + t * y10];
// Compute perpendicular offset line of length rc.
function cornerTangents(x0, y0, x1, y1, r1, rc, cw) {
var x01 = x0 - x1,
y01 = y0 - y1,
lo = (cw ? rc : -rc) / Math.sqrt(x01 * x01 + y01 * y01),
ox = lo * y01,
oy = -lo * x01,
x11 = x0 + ox,
y11 = y0 + oy,
x10 = x1 + ox,
y10 = y1 + oy,
x00 = (x11 + x10) / 2,
y00 = (y11 + y10) / 2,
dx = x10 - x11,
dy = y10 - y11,
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy,
r = r1 - rc,
D = x11 * y10 - x10 * y11,
d = (dy < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, r * r * d2 - D * D)),
cx0 = (D * dy - dx * d) / d2,
cy0 = (-D * dx - dy * d) / d2,
cx1 = (D * dy + dx * d) / d2,
cy1 = (-D * dx + dy * d) / d2,
dx0 = cx0 - x00,
dy0 = cy0 - y00,
dx1 = cx1 - x00,
dy1 = cy1 - y00;
// Pick the closer of the two intersection points.
// TODO Is there a faster way to determine which intersection to use?
if (dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0 > dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1) cx0 = cx1, cy0 = cy1;
return {
cx: cx0,
cy: cy0,
x01: -ox,
y01: -oy,
x11: cx0 * (r1 / r - 1),
y11: cy0 * (r1 / r - 1)
function arc() {
var innerRadius = arcInnerRadius,
outerRadius = arcOuterRadius,
cornerRadius = constant$1(0),
padRadius = null,
startAngle = arcStartAngle,
endAngle = arcEndAngle,
padAngle = arcPadAngle,
context = null;
function arc() {
var buffer,
r0 = +innerRadius.apply(this, arguments),
r1 = +outerRadius.apply(this, arguments),
a0 = startAngle.apply(this, arguments) - halfPi$1,
a1 = endAngle.apply(this, arguments) - halfPi$1,
da = Math.abs(a1 - a0),
cw = a1 > a0;
if (!context) context = buffer = path();
// Ensure that the outer radius is always larger than the inner radius.
if (r1 < r0) r = r1, r1 = r0, r0 = r;
// Is it a point?
if (!(r1 > epsilon$1)) context.moveTo(0, 0);
// Or is it a circle or annulus?
else if (da > tau$2 - epsilon$1) {
context.moveTo(r1 * Math.cos(a0), r1 * Math.sin(a0));
context.arc(0, 0, r1, a0, a1, !cw);
if (r0 > epsilon$1) {
context.moveTo(r0 * Math.cos(a1), r0 * Math.sin(a1));
context.arc(0, 0, r0, a1, a0, cw);
// Or is it a circular or annular sector?
else {
var a01 = a0,
a11 = a1,
a00 = a0,
a10 = a1,
da0 = da,
da1 = da,
ap = padAngle.apply(this, arguments) / 2,
rp = (ap > epsilon$1) && (padRadius ? +padRadius.apply(this, arguments) : Math.sqrt(r0 * r0 + r1 * r1)),
rc = Math.min(Math.abs(r1 - r0) / 2, +cornerRadius.apply(this, arguments)),
rc0 = rc,
rc1 = rc,
// Apply padding? Note that since r1 ≥ r0, da1 ≥ da0.
if (rp > epsilon$1) {
var p0 = asin(rp / r0 * Math.sin(ap)),
p1 = asin(rp / r1 * Math.sin(ap));
if ((da0 -= p0 * 2) > epsilon$1) p0 *= (cw ? 1 : -1), a00 += p0, a10 -= p0;
else da0 = 0, a00 = a10 = (a0 + a1) / 2;
if ((da1 -= p1 * 2) > epsilon$1) p1 *= (cw ? 1 : -1), a01 += p1, a11 -= p1;
else da1 = 0, a01 = a11 = (a0 + a1) / 2;
var x01 = r1 * Math.cos(a01),
y01 = r1 * Math.sin(a01),
x10 = r0 * Math.cos(a10),
y10 = r0 * Math.sin(a10);
// Apply rounded corners?
if (rc > epsilon$1) {
var x11 = r1 * Math.cos(a11),
y11 = r1 * Math.sin(a11),
x00 = r0 * Math.cos(a00),
y00 = r0 * Math.sin(a00);
// Restrict the corner radius according to the sector angle.
if (da < pi$2) {
var oc = da0 > epsilon$1 ? intersect(x01, y01, x00, y00, x11, y11, x10, y10) : [x10, y10],
ax = x01 - oc[0],
ay = y01 - oc[1],
bx = x11 - oc[0],
by = y11 - oc[1],
kc = 1 / Math.sin(Math.acos((ax * bx + ay * by) / (Math.sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay) * Math.sqrt(bx * bx + by * by))) / 2),
lc = Math.sqrt(oc[0] * oc[0] + oc[1] * oc[1]);
rc0 = Math.min(rc, (r0 - lc) / (kc - 1));
rc1 = Math.min(rc, (r1 - lc) / (kc + 1));
// Is the sector collapsed to a line?
if (!(da1 > epsilon$1)) context.moveTo(x01, y01);
// Does the sector’s outer ring have rounded corners?
else if (rc1 > epsilon$1) {
t0 = cornerTangents(x00, y00, x01, y01, r1, rc1, cw);
t1 = cornerTangents(x11, y11, x10, y10, r1, rc1, cw);
context.moveTo( + t0.x01, + t0.y01);
// Have the corners merged?
if (rc1 < rc) context.arc(,, rc1, Math.atan2(t0.y01, t0.x01), Math.atan2(t1.y01, t1.x01), !cw);
// Otherwise, draw the two corners and the ring.
else {
context.arc(,, rc1, Math.atan2(t0.y01, t0.x01), Math.atan2(t0.y11, t0.x11), !cw);
context.arc(0, 0, r1, Math.atan2( + t0.y11, + t0.x11), Math.atan2( + t1.y11, + t1.x11), !cw);
context.arc(,, rc1, Math.atan2(t1.y11, t1.x11), Math.atan2(t1.y01, t1.x01), !cw);
// Or is the outer ring just a circular arc?
else context.moveTo(x01, y01), context.arc(0, 0, r1, a01, a11, !cw);
// Is there no inner ring, and it’s a circular sector?
// Or perhaps it’s an annular sector collapsed due to padding?
if (!(r0 > epsilon$1) || !(da0 > epsilon$1)) context.lineTo(x10, y10);
// Does the sector’s inner ring (or point) have rounded corners?
else if (rc0 > epsilon$1) {
t0 = cornerTangents(x10, y10, x11, y11, r0, -rc0, cw);
t1 = cornerTangents(x01, y01, x00, y00, r0, -rc0, cw);
context.lineTo( + t0.x01, + t0.y01);
// Have the corners merged?
if (rc0 < rc) context.arc(,, rc0, Math.atan2(t0.y01, t0.x01), Math.atan2(t1.y01, t1.x01), !cw);
// Otherwise, draw the two corners and the ring.
else {
context.arc(,, rc0, Math.atan2(t0.y01, t0.x01), Math.atan2(t0.y11, t0.x11), !cw);
context.arc(0, 0, r0, Math.atan2( + t0.y11, + t0.x11), Math.atan2( + t1.y11, + t1.x11), cw);
context.arc(,, rc0, Math.atan2(t1.y11, t1.x11), Math.atan2(t1.y01, t1.x01), !cw);
// Or is the inner ring just a circular arc?
else context.arc(0, 0, r0, a10, a00, cw);
if (buffer) return context = null, buffer + "" || null;
arc.centroid = function() {
var r = (+innerRadius.apply(this, arguments) + +outerRadius.apply(this, arguments)) / 2,
a = (+startAngle.apply(this, arguments) + +endAngle.apply(this, arguments)) / 2 - pi$2 / 2;
return [Math.cos(a) * r, Math.sin(a) * r];
arc.innerRadius = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (innerRadius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), arc) : innerRadius;
arc.outerRadius = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (outerRadius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), arc) : outerRadius;
arc.cornerRadius = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (cornerRadius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), arc) : cornerRadius;
arc.padRadius = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (padRadius = _ == null ? null : typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), arc) : padRadius;
arc.startAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (startAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), arc) : startAngle;
arc.endAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (endAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), arc) : endAngle;
arc.padAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (padAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), arc) : padAngle;
arc.context = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? ((context = _ == null ? null : _), arc) : context;
return arc;
function Linear(context) {
this._context = context;
Linear.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x, y) : this._context.moveTo(x, y); break;
case 1: this._point = 2; // proceed
default: this._context.lineTo(x, y); break;
function curveLinear(context) {
return new Linear(context);
function x(p) {
return p[0];
function y(p) {
return p[1];
function line() {
var x$$ = x,
y$$ = y,
defined = constant$1(true),
context = null,
curve = curveLinear,
output = null;
function line(data) {
var i,
n = data.length,
defined0 = false,
if (context == null) output = curve(buffer = path());
for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
if (!(i < n && defined(d = data[i], i, data)) === defined0) {
if (defined0 = !defined0) output.lineStart();
else output.lineEnd();
if (defined0) output.point(+x$$(d, i, data), +y$$(d, i, data));
if (buffer) return output = null, buffer + "" || null;
line.x = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x$$ = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), line) : x$$;
line.y = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (y$$ = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), line) : y$$;
line.defined = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (defined = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(!!_), line) : defined;
line.curve = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (curve = _, context != null && (output = curve(context)), line) : curve;
line.context = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (_ == null ? context = output = null : output = curve(context = _), line) : context;
return line;
function area$1() {
var x0 = x,
x1 = null,
y0 = constant$1(0),
y1 = y,
defined = constant$1(true),
context = null,
curve = curveLinear,
output = null;
function area(data) {
var i,
n = data.length,
defined0 = false,
x0z = new Array(n),
y0z = new Array(n);
if (context == null) output = curve(buffer = path());
for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
if (!(i < n && defined(d = data[i], i, data)) === defined0) {
if (defined0 = !defined0) {
j = i;
} else {
for (k = i - 1; k >= j; --k) {
output.point(x0z[k], y0z[k]);
if (defined0) {
x0z[i] = +x0(d, i, data), y0z[i] = +y0(d, i, data);
output.point(x1 ? +x1(d, i, data) : x0z[i], y1 ? +y1(d, i, data) : y0z[i]);
if (buffer) return output = null, buffer + "" || null;
function arealine() {
return line().defined(defined).curve(curve).context(context);
area.x = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x0 = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), x1 = null, area) : x0;
area.x0 = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x0 = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), area) : x0;
area.x1 = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x1 = _ == null ? null : typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), area) : x1;
area.y = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (y0 = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), y1 = null, area) : y0;
area.y0 = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (y0 = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), area) : y0;
area.y1 = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (y1 = _ == null ? null : typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), area) : y1;
area.lineX0 =
area.lineY0 = function() {
return arealine().x(x0).y(y0);
area.lineY1 = function() {
return arealine().x(x0).y(y1);
area.lineX1 = function() {
return arealine().x(x1).y(y0);
area.defined = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (defined = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(!!_), area) : defined;
area.curve = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (curve = _, context != null && (output = curve(context)), area) : curve;
area.context = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (_ == null ? context = output = null : output = curve(context = _), area) : context;
return area;
function descending$1(a, b) {
return b < a ? -1 : b > a ? 1 : b >= a ? 0 : NaN;
function identity$1(d) {
return d;
function pie() {
var value = identity$1,
sortValues = descending$1,
sort = null,
startAngle = constant$1(0),
endAngle = constant$1(tau$2),
padAngle = constant$1(0);
function pie(data) {
var i,
n = data.length,
sum = 0,
index = new Array(n),
arcs = new Array(n),
a0 = +startAngle.apply(this, arguments),
da = Math.min(tau$2, Math.max(-tau$2, endAngle.apply(this, arguments) - a0)),
p = Math.min(Math.abs(da) / n, padAngle.apply(this, arguments)),
pa = p * (da < 0 ? -1 : 1),
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((v = arcs[index[i] = i] = +value(data[i], i, data)) > 0) {
sum += v;
// Optionally sort the arcs by previously-computed values or by data.
if (sortValues != null) index.sort(function(i, j) { return sortValues(arcs[i], arcs[j]); });
else if (sort != null) index.sort(function(i, j) { return sort(data[i], data[j]); });
// Compute the arcs! They are stored in the original data's order.
for (i = 0, k = sum ? (da - n * pa) / sum : 0; i < n; ++i, a0 = a1) {
j = index[i], v = arcs[j], a1 = a0 + (v > 0 ? v * k : 0) + pa, arcs[j] = {
data: data[j],
index: i,
value: v,
startAngle: a0,
endAngle: a1,
padAngle: p
return arcs;
pie.value = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (value = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), pie) : value;
pie.sortValues = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (sortValues = _, sort = null, pie) : sortValues;
pie.sort = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (sort = _, sortValues = null, pie) : sort;
pie.startAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (startAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), pie) : startAngle;
pie.endAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (endAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), pie) : endAngle;
pie.padAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (padAngle = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), pie) : padAngle;
return pie;
var curveRadialLinear = curveRadial(curveLinear);
function Radial(curve) {
this._curve = curve;
Radial.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
areaEnd: function() {
lineStart: function() {
lineEnd: function() {
point: function(a, r) {
this._curve.point(r * Math.sin(a), r * -Math.cos(a));
function curveRadial(curve) {
function radial(context) {
return new Radial(curve(context));
radial._curve = curve;
return radial;
function radialLine(l) {
var c = l.curve;
l.angle = l.x, delete l.x;
l.radius = l.y, delete l.y;
l.curve = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? c(curveRadial(_)) : c()._curve;
return l;
function radialLine$1() {
return radialLine(line().curve(curveRadialLinear));
function radialArea() {
var a = area$1().curve(curveRadialLinear),
c = a.curve,
x0 = a.lineX0,
x1 = a.lineX1,
y0 = a.lineY0,
y1 = a.lineY1;
a.angle = a.x, delete a.x;
a.startAngle = a.x0, delete a.x0;
a.endAngle = a.x1, delete a.x1;
a.radius = a.y, delete a.y;
a.innerRadius = a.y0, delete a.y0;
a.outerRadius = a.y1, delete a.y1;
a.lineStartAngle = function() { return radialLine(x0()); }, delete a.lineX0;
a.lineEndAngle = function() { return radialLine(x1()); }, delete a.lineX1;
a.lineInnerRadius = function() { return radialLine(y0()); }, delete a.lineY0;
a.lineOuterRadius = function() { return radialLine(y1()); }, delete a.lineY1;
a.curve = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? c(curveRadial(_)) : c()._curve;
return a;
var circle = {
draw: function(context, size) {
var r = Math.sqrt(size / pi$2);
context.moveTo(r, 0);
context.arc(0, 0, r, 0, tau$2);
var cross$1 = {
draw: function(context, size) {
var r = Math.sqrt(size / 5) / 2;
context.moveTo(-3 * r, -r);
context.lineTo(-r, -r);
context.lineTo(-r, -3 * r);
context.lineTo(r, -3 * r);
context.lineTo(r, -r);
context.lineTo(3 * r, -r);
context.lineTo(3 * r, r);
context.lineTo(r, r);
context.lineTo(r, 3 * r);
context.lineTo(-r, 3 * r);
context.lineTo(-r, r);
context.lineTo(-3 * r, r);
var tan30 = Math.sqrt(1 / 3);
var tan30_2 = tan30 * 2;
var diamond = {
draw: function(context, size) {
var y = Math.sqrt(size / tan30_2),
x = y * tan30;
context.moveTo(0, -y);
context.lineTo(x, 0);
context.lineTo(0, y);
context.lineTo(-x, 0);
var ka = 0.89081309152928522810;
var kr = Math.sin(pi$2 / 10) / Math.sin(7 * pi$2 / 10);
var kx = Math.sin(tau$2 / 10) * kr;
var ky = -Math.cos(tau$2 / 10) * kr;
var star = {
draw: function(context, size) {
var r = Math.sqrt(size * ka),
x = kx * r,
y = ky * r;
context.moveTo(0, -r);
context.lineTo(x, y);
for (var i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
var a = tau$2 * i / 5,
c = Math.cos(a),
s = Math.sin(a);
context.lineTo(s * r, -c * r);
context.lineTo(c * x - s * y, s * x + c * y);
var square = {
draw: function(context, size) {
var w = Math.sqrt(size),
x = -w / 2;
context.rect(x, x, w, w);
var sqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3);
var triangle = {
draw: function(context, size) {
var y = -Math.sqrt(size / (sqrt3 * 3));
context.moveTo(0, y * 2);
context.lineTo(-sqrt3 * y, -y);
context.lineTo(sqrt3 * y, -y);
var c = -0.5;
var s = Math.sqrt(3) / 2;
var k = 1 / Math.sqrt(12);
var a = (k / 2 + 1) * 3;
var wye = {
draw: function(context, size) {
var r = Math.sqrt(size / a),
x0 = r / 2,
y0 = r * k,
x1 = x0,
y1 = r * k + r,
x2 = -x1,
y2 = y1;
context.moveTo(x0, y0);
context.lineTo(x1, y1);
context.lineTo(x2, y2);
context.lineTo(c * x0 - s * y0, s * x0 + c * y0);
context.lineTo(c * x1 - s * y1, s * x1 + c * y1);
context.lineTo(c * x2 - s * y2, s * x2 + c * y2);
context.lineTo(c * x0 + s * y0, c * y0 - s * x0);
context.lineTo(c * x1 + s * y1, c * y1 - s * x1);
context.lineTo(c * x2 + s * y2, c * y2 - s * x2);
var symbols = [
function symbol() {
var type = constant$1(circle),
size = constant$1(64),
context = null;
function symbol() {
var buffer;
if (!context) context = buffer = path();
type.apply(this, arguments).draw(context, +size.apply(this, arguments));
if (buffer) return context = null, buffer + "" || null;
symbol.type = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (type = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(_), symbol) : type;
symbol.size = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (size = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), symbol) : size;
symbol.context = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (context = _ == null ? null : _, symbol) : context;
return symbol;
function noop() {}
function point(that, x, y) {
(2 * that._x0 + that._x1) / 3,
(2 * that._y0 + that._y1) / 3,
(that._x0 + 2 * that._x1) / 3,
(that._y0 + 2 * that._y1) / 3,
(that._x0 + 4 * that._x1 + x) / 6,
(that._y0 + 4 * that._y1 + y) / 6
function Basis(context) {
this._context = context;
Basis.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = NaN;
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
switch (this._point) {
case 3: point(this, this._x1, this._y1); // proceed
case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x1, this._y1); break;
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x, y) : this._context.moveTo(x, y); break;
case 1: this._point = 2; break;
case 2: this._point = 3; this._context.lineTo((5 * this._x0 + this._x1) / 6, (5 * this._y0 + this._y1) / 6); // proceed
default: point(this, x, y); break;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = y;
function basis(context) {
return new Basis(context);
function BasisClosed(context) {
this._context = context;
BasisClosed.prototype = {
areaStart: noop,
areaEnd: noop,
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = NaN;
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
switch (this._point) {
case 1: {
this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2);
case 2: {
this._context.moveTo((this._x2 + 2 * this._x3) / 3, (this._y2 + 2 * this._y3) / 3);
this._context.lineTo((this._x3 + 2 * this._x2) / 3, (this._y3 + 2 * this._y2) / 3);
case 3: {
this.point(this._x2, this._y2);
this.point(this._x3, this._y3);
this.point(this._x4, this._y4);
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._x2 = x, this._y2 = y; break;
case 1: this._point = 2; this._x3 = x, this._y3 = y; break;
case 2: this._point = 3; this._x4 = x, this._y4 = y; this._context.moveTo((this._x0 + 4 * this._x1 + x) / 6, (this._y0 + 4 * this._y1 + y) / 6); break;
default: point(this, x, y); break;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = y;
function basisClosed(context) {
return new BasisClosed(context);
function BasisOpen(context) {
this._context = context;
BasisOpen.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = NaN;
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 3)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; break;
case 1: this._point = 2; break;
case 2: this._point = 3; var x0 = (this._x0 + 4 * this._x1 + x) / 6, y0 = (this._y0 + 4 * this._y1 + y) / 6; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x0, y0) : this._context.moveTo(x0, y0); break;
case 3: this._point = 4; // proceed
default: point(this, x, y); break;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = y;
function basisOpen(context) {
return new BasisOpen(context);
function Bundle(context, beta) {
this._basis = new Basis(context);
this._beta = beta;
Bundle.prototype = {
lineStart: function() {
this._x = [];
this._y = [];
lineEnd: function() {
var x = this._x,
y = this._y,
j = x.length - 1;
if (j > 0) {
var x0 = x[0],
y0 = y[0],
dx = x[j] - x0,
dy = y[j] - y0,
i = -1,
while (++i <= j) {
t = i / j;
this._beta * x[i] + (1 - this._beta) * (x0 + t * dx),
this._beta * y[i] + (1 - this._beta) * (y0 + t * dy)
this._x = this._y = null;
point: function(x, y) {
var bundle = (function custom(beta) {
function bundle(context) {
return beta === 1 ? new Basis(context) : new Bundle(context, beta);
bundle.beta = function(beta) {
return custom(+beta);
return bundle;
function point$1(that, x, y) {
that._x1 + that._k * (that._x2 - that._x0),
that._y1 + that._k * (that._y2 - that._y0),
that._x2 + that._k * (that._x1 - x),
that._y2 + that._k * (that._y1 - y),
function Cardinal(context, tension) {
this._context = context;
this._k = (1 - tension) / 6;
Cardinal.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN;
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
switch (this._point) {
case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2); break;
case 3: point$1(this, this._x1, this._y1); break;
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x, y) : this._context.moveTo(x, y); break;
case 1: this._point = 2; this._x1 = x, this._y1 = y; break;
case 2: this._point = 3; // proceed
default: point$1(this, x, y); break;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = y;
var cardinal = (function custom(tension) {
function cardinal(context) {
return new Cardinal(context, tension);
cardinal.tension = function(tension) {
return custom(+tension);
return cardinal;
function CardinalClosed(context, tension) {
this._context = context;
this._k = (1 - tension) / 6;
CardinalClosed.prototype = {
areaStart: noop,
areaEnd: noop,
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 = this._x5 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = this._y5 = NaN;
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
switch (this._point) {
case 1: {
this._context.moveTo(this._x3, this._y3);
case 2: {
this._context.lineTo(this._x3, this._y3);
case 3: {
this.point(this._x3, this._y3);
this.point(this._x4, this._y4);
this.point(this._x5, this._y5);
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._x3 = x, this._y3 = y; break;
case 1: this._point = 2; this._context.moveTo(this._x4 = x, this._y4 = y); break;
case 2: this._point = 3; this._x5 = x, this._y5 = y; break;
default: point$1(this, x, y); break;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = y;
var cardinalClosed = (function custom(tension) {
function cardinal(context) {
return new CardinalClosed(context, tension);
cardinal.tension = function(tension) {
return custom(+tension);
return cardinal;
function CardinalOpen(context, tension) {
this._context = context;
this._k = (1 - tension) / 6;
CardinalOpen.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN;
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 3)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; break;
case 1: this._point = 2; break;
case 2: this._point = 3; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2) : this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2); break;
case 3: this._point = 4; // proceed
default: point$1(this, x, y); break;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = y;
var cardinalOpen = (function custom(tension) {
function cardinal(context) {
return new CardinalOpen(context, tension);
cardinal.tension = function(tension) {
return custom(+tension);
return cardinal;
function point$2(that, x, y) {
var x1 = that._x1,
y1 = that._y1,
x2 = that._x2,
y2 = that._y2;
if (that._l01_a > epsilon$1) {
var a = 2 * that._l01_2a + 3 * that._l01_a * that._l12_a + that._l12_2a,
n = 3 * that._l01_a * (that._l01_a + that._l12_a);
x1 = (x1 * a - that._x0 * that._l12_2a + that._x2 * that._l01_2a) / n;
y1 = (y1 * a - that._y0 * that._l12_2a + that._y2 * that._l01_2a) / n;
if (that._l23_a > epsilon$1) {
var b = 2 * that._l23_2a + 3 * that._l23_a * that._l12_a + that._l12_2a,
m = 3 * that._l23_a * (that._l23_a + that._l12_a);
x2 = (x2 * b + that._x1 * that._l23_2a - x * that._l12_2a) / m;
y2 = (y2 * b + that._y1 * that._l23_2a - y * that._l12_2a) / m;
that._context.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, that._x2, that._y2);
function CatmullRom(context, alpha) {
this._context = context;
this._alpha = alpha;
CatmullRom.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN;
this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a =
this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a =
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
switch (this._point) {
case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2); break;
case 3: this.point(this, this._x2, this._y2); break;
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
if (this._point) {
var x23 = this._x2 - x,
y23 = this._y2 - y;
this._l23_a = Math.sqrt(this._l23_2a = Math.pow(x23 * x23 + y23 * y23, this._alpha));
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x, y) : this._context.moveTo(x, y); break;
case 1: this._point = 2; break;
case 2: this._point = 3; // proceed
default: point$2(this, x, y); break;
this._l01_a = this._l12_a, this._l12_a = this._l23_a;
this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a, this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = y;
var catmullRom = (function custom(alpha) {
function catmullRom(context) {
return alpha ? new CatmullRom(context, alpha) : new Cardinal(context, 0);
catmullRom.alpha = function(alpha) {
return custom(+alpha);
return catmullRom;
function CatmullRomClosed(context, alpha) {
this._context = context;
this._alpha = alpha;
CatmullRomClosed.prototype = {
areaStart: noop,
areaEnd: noop,
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 = this._x5 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = this._y5 = NaN;
this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a =
this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a =
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
switch (this._point) {
case 1: {
this._context.moveTo(this._x3, this._y3);
case 2: {
this._context.lineTo(this._x3, this._y3);
case 3: {
this.point(this._x3, this._y3);
this.point(this._x4, this._y4);
this.point(this._x5, this._y5);
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
if (this._point) {
var x23 = this._x2 - x,
y23 = this._y2 - y;
this._l23_a = Math.sqrt(this._l23_2a = Math.pow(x23 * x23 + y23 * y23, this._alpha));
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._x3 = x, this._y3 = y; break;
case 1: this._point = 2; this._context.moveTo(this._x4 = x, this._y4 = y); break;
case 2: this._point = 3; this._x5 = x, this._y5 = y; break;
default: point$2(this, x, y); break;
this._l01_a = this._l12_a, this._l12_a = this._l23_a;
this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a, this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = y;
var catmullRomClosed = (function custom(alpha) {
function catmullRom(context) {
return alpha ? new CatmullRomClosed(context, alpha) : new CardinalClosed(context, 0);
catmullRom.alpha = function(alpha) {
return custom(+alpha);
return catmullRom;
function CatmullRomOpen(context, alpha) {
this._context = context;
this._alpha = alpha;
CatmullRomOpen.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 =
this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN;
this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a =
this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a =
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 3)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
if (this._point) {
var x23 = this._x2 - x,
y23 = this._y2 - y;
this._l23_a = Math.sqrt(this._l23_2a = Math.pow(x23 * x23 + y23 * y23, this._alpha));
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; break;
case 1: this._point = 2; break;
case 2: this._point = 3; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2) : this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2); break;
case 3: this._point = 4; // proceed
default: point$2(this, x, y); break;
this._l01_a = this._l12_a, this._l12_a = this._l23_a;
this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a, this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = this._x2, this._x2 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = this._y2, this._y2 = y;
var catmullRomOpen = (function custom(alpha) {
function catmullRom(context) {
return alpha ? new CatmullRomOpen(context, alpha) : new CardinalOpen(context, 0);
catmullRom.alpha = function(alpha) {
return custom(+alpha);
return catmullRom;
function LinearClosed(context) {
this._context = context;
LinearClosed.prototype = {
areaStart: noop,
areaEnd: noop,
lineStart: function() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._point) this._context.closePath();
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
if (this._point) this._context.lineTo(x, y);
else this._point = 1, this._context.moveTo(x, y);
function linearClosed(context) {
return new LinearClosed(context);
function sign(x) {
return x < 0 ? -1 : 1;
// Calculate the slopes of the tangents (Hermite-type interpolation) based on
// the following paper: Steffen, M. 1990. A Simple Method for Monotonic
// Interpolation in One Dimension. Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 239, NO.
// NOV(II), P. 443, 1990.
function slope3(that, x2, y2) {
var h0 = that._x1 - that._x0,
h1 = x2 - that._x1,
s0 = (that._y1 - that._y0) / (h0 || h1 < 0 && -0),
s1 = (y2 - that._y1) / (h1 || h0 < 0 && -0),
p = (s0 * h1 + s1 * h0) / (h0 + h1);
return (sign(s0) + sign(s1)) * Math.min(Math.abs(s0), Math.abs(s1), 0.5 * Math.abs(p)) || 0;
// Calculate a one-sided slope.
function slope2(that, t) {
var h = that._x1 - that._x0;
return h ? (3 * (that._y1 - that._y0) / h - t) / 2 : t;
// According to
// "you can express cubic Hermite interpolation in terms of cubic Bézier curves
// with respect to the four values p0, p0 + m0 / 3, p1 - m1 / 3, p1".
function point$3(that, t0, t1) {
var x0 = that._x0,
y0 = that._y0,
x1 = that._x1,
y1 = that._y1,
dx = (x1 - x0) / 3;
that._context.bezierCurveTo(x0 + dx, y0 + dx * t0, x1 - dx, y1 - dx * t1, x1, y1);
function MonotoneX(context) {
this._context = context;
MonotoneX.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x0 = this._x1 =
this._y0 = this._y1 =
this._t0 = NaN;
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
switch (this._point) {
case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x1, this._y1); break;
case 3: point$3(this, this._t0, slope2(this, this._t0)); break;
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
var t1 = NaN;
x = +x, y = +y;
if (x === this._x1 && y === this._y1) return; // Ignore coincident points.
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x, y) : this._context.moveTo(x, y); break;
case 1: this._point = 2; break;
case 2: this._point = 3; point$3(this, slope2(this, t1 = slope3(this, x, y)), t1); break;
default: point$3(this, this._t0, t1 = slope3(this, x, y)); break;
this._x0 = this._x1, this._x1 = x;
this._y0 = this._y1, this._y1 = y;
this._t0 = t1;
function MonotoneY(context) {
this._context = new ReflectContext(context);
(MonotoneY.prototype = Object.create(MonotoneX.prototype)).point = function(x, y) {, y, x);
function ReflectContext(context) {
this._context = context;
ReflectContext.prototype = {
moveTo: function(x, y) { this._context.moveTo(y, x); },
closePath: function() { this._context.closePath(); },
lineTo: function(x, y) { this._context.lineTo(y, x); },
bezierCurveTo: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) { this._context.bezierCurveTo(y1, x1, y2, x2, y, x); }
function monotoneX(context) {
return new MonotoneX(context);
function monotoneY(context) {
return new MonotoneY(context);
function Natural(context) {
this._context = context;
Natural.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x = [];
this._y = [];
lineEnd: function() {
var x = this._x,
y = this._y,
n = x.length;
if (n) {
this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x[0], y[0]) : this._context.moveTo(x[0], y[0]);
if (n === 2) {
this._context.lineTo(x[1], y[1]);
} else {
var px = controlPoints(x),
py = controlPoints(y);
for (var i0 = 0, i1 = 1; i1 < n; ++i0, ++i1) {
this._context.bezierCurveTo(px[0][i0], py[0][i0], px[1][i0], py[1][i0], x[i1], y[i1]);
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && n === 1)) this._context.closePath();
this._line = 1 - this._line;
this._x = this._y = null;
point: function(x, y) {
// See for derivation.
function controlPoints(x) {
var i,
n = x.length - 1,
a = new Array(n),
b = new Array(n),
r = new Array(n);
a[0] = 0, b[0] = 2, r[0] = x[0] + 2 * x[1];
for (i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i) a[i] = 1, b[i] = 4, r[i] = 4 * x[i] + 2 * x[i + 1];
a[n - 1] = 2, b[n - 1] = 7, r[n - 1] = 8 * x[n - 1] + x[n];
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) m = a[i] / b[i - 1], b[i] -= m, r[i] -= m * r[i - 1];
a[n - 1] = r[n - 1] / b[n - 1];
for (i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i) a[i] = (r[i] - a[i + 1]) / b[i];
b[n - 1] = (x[n] + a[n - 1]) / 2;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) b[i] = 2 * x[i + 1] - a[i + 1];
return [a, b];
function natural(context) {
return new Natural(context);
function Step(context, t) {
this._context = context;
this._t = t;
Step.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._x = this._y = NaN;
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (0 < this._t && this._t < 1 && this._point === 2) this._context.lineTo(this._x, this._y);
if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1)) this._context.closePath();
if (this._line >= 0) this._t = 1 - this._t, this._line = 1 - this._line;
point: function(x, y) {
x = +x, y = +y;
switch (this._point) {
case 0: this._point = 1; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x, y) : this._context.moveTo(x, y); break;
case 1: this._point = 2; // proceed
default: {
if (this._t <= 0) {
this._context.lineTo(this._x, y);
this._context.lineTo(x, y);
} else {
var x1 = this._x * (1 - this._t) + x * this._t;
this._context.lineTo(x1, this._y);
this._context.lineTo(x1, y);
this._x = x, this._y = y;
function step(context) {
return new Step(context, 0.5);
function stepBefore(context) {
return new Step(context, 0);
function stepAfter(context) {
return new Step(context, 1);
var slice$2 = Array.prototype.slice;
function none(series, order) {
if (!((n = series.length) > 1)) return;
for (var i = 1, s0, s1 = series[order[0]], n, m = s1.length; i < n; ++i) {
s0 = s1, s1 = series[order[i]];
for (var j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
s1[j][1] += s1[j][0] = isNaN(s0[j][1]) ? s0[j][0] : s0[j][1];
function none$1(series) {
var n = series.length, o = new Array(n);
while (--n >= 0) o[n] = n;
return o;
function stackValue(d, key) {
return d[key];
function stack() {
var keys = constant$1([]),
order = none$1,
offset = none,
value = stackValue;
function stack(data) {
var kz = keys.apply(this, arguments),
m = data.length,
n = kz.length,
sz = new Array(n),
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (var ki = kz[i], si = sz[i] = new Array(m), j = 0, sij; j < m; ++j) {
si[j] = sij = [0, +value(data[j], ki, j, data)]; = data[j];
si.key = ki;
for (i = 0, oz = order(sz); i < n; ++i) {
sz[oz[i]].index = i;
offset(sz, oz);
return sz;
stack.keys = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (keys = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(slice$, stack) : keys;
stack.value = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (value = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(+_), stack) : value;
stack.order = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (order = _ == null ? none$1 : typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$1(slice$, stack) : order;
stack.offset = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (offset = _ == null ? none : _, stack) : offset;
return stack;
function expand(series, order) {
if (!((n = series.length) > 0)) return;
for (var i, n, j = 0, m = series[0].length, y; j < m; ++j) {
for (y = i = 0; i < n; ++i) y += series[i][j][1] || 0;
if (y) for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) series[i][j][1] /= y;
none(series, order);
function silhouette(series, order) {
if (!((n = series.length) > 0)) return;
for (var j = 0, s0 = series[order[0]], n, m = s0.length; j < m; ++j) {
for (var i = 0, y = 0; i < n; ++i) y += series[i][j][1] || 0;
s0[j][1] += s0[j][0] = -y / 2;
none(series, order);
function wiggle(series, order) {
if (!((n = series.length) > 0) || !((m = (s0 = series[order[0]]).length) > 0)) return;
for (var y = 0, j = 1, s0, m, n; j < m; ++j) {
for (var i = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var si = series[order[i]],
sij0 = si[j][1] || 0,
sij1 = si[j - 1][1] || 0,
s3 = (sij0 - sij1) / 2;
for (var k = 0; k < i; ++k) {
var sk = series[order[k]],
skj0 = sk[j][1] || 0,
skj1 = sk[j - 1][1] || 0;
s3 += skj0 - skj1;
s1 += sij0, s2 += s3 * sij0;
s0[j - 1][1] += s0[j - 1][0] = y;
if (s1) y -= s2 / s1;
s0[j - 1][1] += s0[j - 1][0] = y;
none(series, order);
function ascending$1(series) {
var sums =$1);
return none$1(series).sort(function(a, b) { return sums[a] - sums[b]; });
function sum$1(series) {
var s = 0, i = -1, n = series.length, v;
while (++i < n) if (v = +series[i][1]) s += v;
return s;
function descending$2(series) {
return ascending$1(series).reverse();
function insideOut(series) {
var n = series.length,
sums =$1),
order = none$1(series).sort(function(a, b) { return sums[b] - sums[a]; }),
top = 0,
bottom = 0,
tops = [],
bottoms = [];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
j = order[i];
if (top < bottom) {
top += sums[j];
} else {
bottom += sums[j];
return bottoms.reverse().concat(tops);
function reverse(series) {
return none$1(series).reverse();
function define(constructor, factory, prototype) {
constructor.prototype = factory.prototype = prototype;
prototype.constructor = constructor;
function extend(parent, definition) {
var prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
for (var key in definition) prototype[key] = definition[key];
return prototype;
function Color() {}
var darker = 0.7;
var brighter = 1 / darker;
var reHex3 = /^#([0-9a-f]{3})$/;
var reHex6 = /^#([0-9a-f]{6})$/;
var reRgbInteger = /^rgb\(\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*\)$/;
var reRgbPercent = /^rgb\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/;
var reRgbaInteger = /^rgba\(\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var reRgbaPercent = /^rgba\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var reHslPercent = /^hsl\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/;
var reHslaPercent = /^hsla\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var named = {
aliceblue: 0xf0f8ff,
antiquewhite: 0xfaebd7,
aqua: 0x00ffff,
aquamarine: 0x7fffd4,
azure: 0xf0ffff,
beige: 0xf5f5dc,
bisque: 0xffe4c4,
black: 0x000000,
blanchedalmond: 0xffebcd,
blue: 0x0000ff,
blueviolet: 0x8a2be2,
brown: 0xa52a2a,
burlywood: 0xdeb887,
cadetblue: 0x5f9ea0,
chartreuse: 0x7fff00,
chocolate: 0xd2691e,
coral: 0xff7f50,
cornflowerblue: 0x6495ed,
cornsilk: 0xfff8dc,
crimson: 0xdc143c,
cyan: 0x00ffff,
darkblue: 0x00008b,
darkcyan: 0x008b8b,
darkgoldenrod: 0xb8860b,
darkgray: 0xa9a9a9,
darkgreen: 0x006400,
darkgrey: 0xa9a9a9,
darkkhaki: 0xbdb76b,
darkmagenta: 0x8b008b,
darkolivegreen: 0x556b2f,
darkorange: 0xff8c00,
darkorchid: 0x9932cc,
darkred: 0x8b0000,
darksalmon: 0xe9967a,
darkseagreen: 0x8fbc8f,
darkslateblue: 0x483d8b,
darkslategray: 0x2f4f4f,
darkslategrey: 0x2f4f4f,
darkturquoise: 0x00ced1,
darkviolet: 0x9400d3,
deeppink: 0xff1493,
deepskyblue: 0x00bfff,
dimgray: 0x696969,
dimgrey: 0x696969,
dodgerblue: 0x1e90ff,
firebrick: 0xb22222,
floralwhite: 0xfffaf0,
forestgreen: 0x228b22,
fuchsia: 0xff00ff,
gainsboro: 0xdcdcdc,
ghostwhite: 0xf8f8ff,
gold: 0xffd700,
goldenrod: 0xdaa520,
gray: 0x808080,
green: 0x008000,
greenyellow: 0xadff2f,
grey: 0x808080,
honeydew: 0xf0fff0,
hotpink: 0xff69b4,
indianred: 0xcd5c5c,
indigo: 0x4b0082,
ivory: 0xfffff0,
khaki: 0xf0e68c,
lavender: 0xe6e6fa,
lavenderblush: 0xfff0f5,
lawngreen: 0x7cfc00,
lemonchiffon: 0xfffacd,
lightblue: 0xadd8e6,
lightcoral: 0xf08080,
lightcyan: 0xe0ffff,
lightgoldenrodyellow: 0xfafad2,
lightgray: 0xd3d3d3,
lightgreen: 0x90ee90,
lightgrey: 0xd3d3d3,
lightpink: 0xffb6c1,
lightsalmon: 0xffa07a,
lightseagreen: 0x20b2aa,
lightskyblue: 0x87cefa,
lightslategray: 0x778899,
lightslategrey: 0x778899,
lightsteelblue: 0xb0c4de,
lightyellow: 0xffffe0,
lime: 0x00ff00,
limegreen: 0x32cd32,
linen: 0xfaf0e6,
magenta: 0xff00ff,
maroon: 0x800000,
mediumaquamarine: 0x66cdaa,
mediumblue: 0x0000cd,
mediumorchid: 0xba55d3,
mediumpurple: 0x9370db,
mediumseagreen: 0x3cb371,
mediumslateblue: 0x7b68ee,
mediumspringgreen: 0x00fa9a,
mediumturquoise: 0x48d1cc,
mediumvioletred: 0xc71585,
midnightblue: 0x191970,
mintcream: 0xf5fffa,
mistyrose: 0xffe4e1,
moccasin: 0xffe4b5,
navajowhite: 0xffdead,
navy: 0x000080,
oldlace: 0xfdf5e6,
olive: 0x808000,
olivedrab: 0x6b8e23,
orange: 0xffa500,
orangered: 0xff4500,
orchid: 0xda70d6,
palegoldenrod: 0xeee8aa,
palegreen: 0x98fb98,
paleturquoise: 0xafeeee,
palevioletred: 0xdb7093,
papayawhip: 0xffefd5,
peachpuff: 0xffdab9,
peru: 0xcd853f,
pink: 0xffc0cb,
plum: 0xdda0dd,
powderblue: 0xb0e0e6,
purple: 0x800080,
rebeccapurple: 0x663399,
red: 0xff000