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Forked from subdigital/compress_requests.rb
Last active April 18, 2023 23:54
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Rack Middleware to automatically unzip gzipped/deflated POST data
class CompressedRequests
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def method_handled?(env)
!!(env['REQUEST_METHOD'] =~ /(POST|PUT)/)
def encoding_handled?(env)
['gzip', 'deflate'].include? env['HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING']
def call(env)
if method_handled?(env) && encoding_handled?(env)
extracted = decode(env['rack.input'], env['HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING'])
env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = extracted.bytesize
env['rack.input'] =
status, headers, response =
return [status, headers, response]
def decode(input, content_encoding)
case content_encoding
when 'gzip' then
when 'deflate' then Zlib::Inflate.inflate(
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Rack Middleware to Handle gzip and deflate Content Encodings

This fork has been simplified, clarified and for the common case (gzip) will reduce by one the number of times a StringIO is created and populated with the request body. Also fixes a bug where it would try to handle any content-encoding even though it can only handle two of them. Thanks to subdigital for the original.

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Awesome! To get this to work with Rails 3, I had to insert it before ActionDispatch::ParamsParser:

config.middleware.insert_before ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, "CompressedRequests"

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relistan commented Jul 3, 2012

Thanks for adding that!

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Can this be used in Rails 2?

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Sorry to miss this question. It should be usable on anything that supports standard Rack middleware, including Rails 2.

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Thanks for this gist! It’s working great.

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I found that for a payload that uses multibyte strings, the content length was not getting set correctly. The solution is to use .bytesize instead of .length.

env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = extracted.bytesize

Here's my fork with the fix:

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agbodike commented Dec 4, 2015

It looks like the account name above moved, the updated location is:

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plentz commented Oct 25, 2016

config.middleware.insert_before ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, "CompressedRequests"

this does not work with rails 5.

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This is fixed for the CONTENT_LENGTH issue now. I don't know Rails 5 @plentz, so if you knew what needs to go there instead, please post that here.

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sshock commented Apr 28, 2020

It's working for me in rails 6 with config.middleware.insert_after ::Rack::Sendfile, ::CompressedRequests

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bayleedev commented Jan 27, 2021

-    status, headers, response =
-    return [status, headers, response]

had a similar effect 💚

Used an index in insert_before which worked in rails 5 in all envs.

    config.middleware.insert_before 0, CompressedRequests

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