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221V/Main.hs Secret

Last active February 25, 2019 22:09
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{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Main where
-- hex2Integer "FF"
hex2Integer :: String -> Integer
hex2Integer [] = 0
hex2Integer x = hex2Integer2 (reverse x)
hex2Integer2 :: String -> Integer
hex2Integer2 [] = 0
hex2Integer2 (x:xs) = (w x) + 16 * hex2Integer2 xs
where w '0' = 0
w '1' = 1
w '2' = 2
w '3' = 3
w '4' = 4
w '5' = 5
w '6' = 6
w '7' = 7
w '8' = 8
w '9' = 9
w 'A' = 10
w 'B' = 11
w 'C' = 12
w 'D' = 13
w 'E' = 14
w 'F' = 15
w 'a' = 10
w 'b' = 11
w 'c' = 12
w 'd' = 13
w 'e' = 14
w 'f' = 15
-- hex2bin "FFF"
hex2bin :: String -> String
hex2bin [] = ""
hex2bin x = bin2trim0first( hex2bin2 x )
--hex2bin x = hex2bin2 x
hex2bin2 :: String -> String
hex2bin2 [] = ""
hex2bin2 (x:xs) = hh x ++ hex2bin2 xs
where hh '0' = "0000"
hh '1' = "0001"
hh '2' = "0010"
hh '3' = "0011"
hh '4' = "0100"
hh '5' = "0101"
hh '6' = "0110"
hh '7' = "0111"
hh '8' = "1000"
hh '9' = "1001"
hh 'a' = "1010"
hh 'b' = "1011"
hh 'c' = "1100"
hh 'd' = "1101"
hh 'e' = "1110"
hh 'f' = "1111"
hh 'A' = "1010"
hh 'B' = "1011"
hh 'C' = "1100"
hh 'D' = "1101"
hh 'E' = "1110"
hh 'F' = "1111"
bin2trim0first :: String -> String
bin2trim0first s = z
where (s1:s2) = s
| s1 == '0' = bin2trim0first s2
| s1 == '1' = s
-- integer2hex 255
integer2hex :: Integer -> String
integer2hex 0 = "0"
integer2hex x
| d > 15 = integer2hex d ++ hh r
| otherwise = hh d ++ hh r
where d = div x 16
r = rem x 16
hh h = case h of
0 -> "0"
1 -> "1"
2 -> "2"
3 -> "3"
4 -> "4"
5 -> "5"
6 -> "6"
7 -> "7"
8 -> "8"
9 -> "9"
10 -> "A"
11 -> "B"
12 -> "C"
13 -> "D"
14 -> "E"
15 -> "F"
p = 2^256 - 2^32 - 2^9 - 2^8 - 2^7 - 2^6 - 2^4 - 1
gX = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798
gY = 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8
-- Extended Euclidean algorithm. Given non-negative a and b, return x, y and g
-- such that ax + by = g, where g = gcd(a,b). Note that x or y may be negative.
gcdExt a 0 = (1, 0, a)
gcdExt a b = let (q, r) = a `quotRem` b
(s, t, g) = gcdExt b r
in (t, s - q * t, g)
-- Given a and m, return Just x such that ax = 1 mod m. If there is no such x
-- return Nothing.
modInv a m =
let (i, _, g) = gcdExt a m
in if g == 1 then mkPos i else 0
where mkPos x = if x < 0 then x + m else x
doublePoint :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
--doublePoint :: [Integer] -> [String]
--doublePoint (x:y:[]) = [integer2hex x2, integer2hex y2]
doublePoint (x:y:[]) = [mod x2 p, mod y2 p]
where s0 = modInv (mod (2 * y) p) p
s = mod (s0 * 3 * x * x) p
x2 = mod (s * s - 2 * x) p
y2 = mod ( - (s * (x2 - x) + y)) p
--y2 = mod (s * (x - x2) - y) p
addPoints :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
--addPoints :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [String]
--addPoints (x1:y1:[]) (x2:y2:[]) = [integer2hex x3, integer2hex y3]
addPoints (x1:y1:[]) (x2:y2:[]) = [x3, y3]
where s
-- | y2 > y1 = (y2 - y1) * (modInv (x2 - x1) p)
-- | y1 > y2 = (y1 - y2) * (modInv (x1 - x2) p)
-- | y1 > y2 = (y2 - y1) * (modInv (x2 - x1) p)
-- | y2 > y1 = (y1 - y2) * (modInv (x1 - x2) p)
| x2 > x1 = (y2 - y1) * (modInv (x2 - x1) p)
| x1 > x2 = (y1 - y2) * (modInv (x1 - x2) p)
-- | x1 > x2 = (y2 - y1) * (modInv (x2 - x1) p)
-- | x2 > x1 = (y1 - y2) * (modInv (x1 - x2) p)
x3 = mod ( s * s - x1 - x2) p
y3 = mod ( s * (x1 - x3) - y1) p
-- test_Pub "FF" 255 -- hex priv_key та число на якому кроці вивести точку-результат (насправді n = 1 == 2й крок)
test_Pub :: String -> Int -> String
test_Pub s n = test_Pub2 s2 n gX gY
where (s1:s2) = hex2bin s
test_Pub2 :: String -> Int -> Integer -> Integer -> String
test_Pub2 s 0 x y = integer2hex x ++ " " ++ integer2hex y
test_Pub2 "" n x y = integer2hex x ++ " " ++ integer2hex y
test_Pub2 s n x y = test_Pub2 s3 (n - 1) x3 y3
(s2:s3) = s
(x3:y3:[]) = case s2 of
'0' -> doublePoint [x, y]
'1' -> addPoints (doublePoint [x, y]) [gX, gY]
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "hello world"
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