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Last active September 5, 2015 03:57
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Save 257/b488307967e364cbabeb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set completeonopen
"let configpath = '/home/tl/.cvimrc'
"set localconfig
"homedirectory = '/home/tl'
"let vimcommand = 'urxvt -e vim'
imap <C-o> editWithVim
set nosmoothscroll
set noautofocus
set cncpcompletion
set nohud
set nodimhintcharacters
set typelinkhints
let mapleader = ','
let zoomfactor = 0.05
let scrollduration = 250
let searchlimit = 25
let completionengines = ['google', 'wikipedia', 'imdb',
\ 'amazon', 'wolframalpha', 'duckduckgo']
let searchalias i = 'imdb'
let searchalias g = 'google'
let searchalias w = 'wikipedia'
map af createActiveTabbedHint
map $ lastTab
map 0 firstTab
map <Space> l
map <S-Space> h
map gS :viewsource&<CR>
map xx closeTab
map qq xx
map Q closeTab
map gs fullImageHint
map gq :restore<Space>
map a<Space> z<Enter>
map <C-e> z<Enter>
map <C-k> nextTab
map <C-j> previousTab
map cn :execute nzz<CR>
map cN :execute Nzz<CR>
map <C-d> :file ~/
map m* setMark
map <C-s> openLastHint
map <C-g> :set smoothscroll!<CR>
map <C-h> :nohl<CR>
map cc :set hud!<CR>
map aa :tabopen g<Space>
map ga :settings<CR>
map g0 scrollToLeft
map I yankHighlight
map g$ scrollToRight
imap <C-y> selectAll
imap <C-a> <C-i>
imap <C-l> forwardWord
imap <C-h> backwardWord
map <BS> <Nop>
map <Leader>s :source<CR>
map <Leader>n :set numerichints!<CR>
map ci :call getIP<CR>
map ? openLinkSearchBar
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