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Created December 21, 2023 04:59
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Knapsack solver library from ortools in python
# Knapsack library by ortools
# Translated from c++ code:
import bisect
import heapq
import math
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
* This library solves knapsack problems.
* Problems the library solves include:
* - 0-1 knapsack problems,
* - Multi-dimensional knapsack problems,
* Given n items, each with a profit and a weight, given a knapsack of
* capacity c, the goal is to find a subset of items which fits inside c
* and maximizes the total profit.
* The knapsack problem can easily be extended from 1 to d dimensions.
* As an example, this can be useful to constrain the maximum number of
* items inside the knapsack.
* Without loss of generality, profits and weights are assumed to be positive.
* From a mathematical point of view, the multi-dimensional knapsack problem
* can be modeled by d linear constraints:
* ForEach(j:1..d)(Sum(i:1..n)(weight_ij * item_i) <= c_j
* where item_i is a 0-1 integer variable.
* Then the goal is to maximize:
* Sum(i:1..n)(profit_i * item_i).
* There are several ways to solve knapsack problems. One of the most
* efficient is based on dynamic programming (mainly when weights, profits
* and dimensions are small, and the algorithm runs in pseudo polynomial time).
* Unfortunately, when adding conflict constraints the problem becomes strongly
* NP-hard, i.e. there is no pseudo-polynomial algorithm to solve it.
* That's the reason why the most of the following code is based on branch and
* bound search.
* For instance to solve a 2-dimensional knapsack problem with 9 items,
* one just has to feed a profit vector with the 9 profits, a vector of 2
* vectors for weights, and a vector of capacities.
* E.g.:
\b Python:
profits = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
weights = [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
capacities = [ 34, 4 ]
solver = pywrapknapsack_solver.KnapsackSolver(
'Multi-dimensional solver')
solver.Init(profits, weights, capacities)
profit = solver.Solve()
\b C++:
const std::vector<int64_t> profits = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> weights =
{ { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } };
const std::vector<int64_t> capacities = { 34, 4 };
KnapsackSolver solver(
"Multi-dimensional solver");
solver.Init(profits, weights, capacities);
const int64_t profit = solver.Solve();
\b Java:
final long[] profits = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
final long[][] weights = { { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 },
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } };
final long[] capacities = { 34, 4 };
KnapsackSolver solver = new KnapsackSolver(
"Multi-dimensional solver");
solver.init(profits, weights, capacities);
final long profit = solver.solve();
# Constants
def _upper_bound_of_ratio(numerator_1: int, numerator_2: int, denominator: int) -> int:
"""Returns an upper bound of (numerator_1 * numerator_2)/denominator."""
return math.ceil((numerator_1 * numerator_2) / denominator)
def _one_bit(pos: int) -> int:
"""Returns a word with only bit pos set."""
return 1 << pos
class KnapsackSolver:
def __init__(self, solver_type: int, solver_name: str):
self.solver_name: str = solver_name
self._is_solution_optimal: bool = False
self._use_reduction: bool = True
self._solver: BaseKnapsackSolver = None
self._known_value: list[bool] = []
self._best_solution: list[bool] = []
self._is_problem_solved: bool = False
self._additional_profit: int = 0
self._mapping_reduced_item_id: list[int] = []
if solver_type == KnapsackSolver.KNAPSACK_BRUTE_FORCE_SOLVER:
# Brute force method.
# Limited to 30 items and one dimension, this
# solver uses a brute force algorithm, i.e. explores all possible
# states. Experiments show competitive performance for instances
# with less than 15 items.
self._solver = KnapsackBruteForceSolver(solver_name)
elif solver_type == KnapsackSolver.KNAPSACK_64ITEMS_SOLVER:
# Optimized method for single dimension small problems
# Limited to 64 items and one dimension, this
# solver uses a branch & bound algorithm. This solver is about 4
self._solver = Knapsack64ItemsSolver(solver_name)
elif solver_type == KnapsackSolver.KNAPSACK_DYNAMIC_PROGRAMMING_SOLVER:
# Dynamic Programming approach for single dimension problems
# Limited to one dimension, this solver is based on a dynamic
# programming algorithm. The time and space complexity is
# O(capacity * number_of_items).
self._solver = KnapsackDynamicProgrammingSolver(solver_name)
elif (
# Generic Solver.
# This solver can deal with both large number of items and several
# dimensions. This solver is based on branch and bound.
self._solver = KnapsackGenericSolver(solver_name)
elif solver_type == KnapsackSolver.KNAPSACK_DIVIDE_AND_CONQUER_SOLVER:
# Divide and Conquer approach for single dimension problems
# Limited to one dimension, this solver is based on a divide and
# conquer technique and is suitable for larger problems than
# Dynamic Programming Solver. The time complexity is O(capacity *
# number_of_items) and the space complexity is O(capacity +
# number_of_items).
self._solver = KnapsackDivideAndConquerSolver(solver_name)
elif solver_type == KnapsackSolver.KNAPSACK_MULTIDIMENSION_CBC_MIP_SOLVER:
# CBC Based Solver
# This solver can deal with both large number of items and several
# dimensions. This solver is based on Integer Programming solver
# CBC.
self._solver = KnapsackMIPSolver("CBC_MIP", solver_name)
raise ValueError("Unknown knapsack solver type.")
def init(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
"""Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved."""
for w in weights:
if len(profits) != len(w):
raise ValueError("Profits and inner weights must have the same size")
if len(capacities) != len(weights):
raise ValueError("Capacities and weights must have the same size")
self._is_solution_optimal = False
self._additional_profit = 0
self._is_problem_solved = False
num_items = len(profits)
reduced_weights = []
reduced_capacities = []
if self._use_reduction:
num_reduced_items = self._reduce_capacities(
num_items, weights, capacities, reduced_weights, reduced_capacities
if num_reduced_items > 0:
reduced_weights = weights
reduced_capacities = capacities
if not self._is_problem_solved:
self._solver.init(profits, reduced_weights, reduced_capacities)
if self._use_reduction:
num_reduced_items = self._reduce_problem(num_items)
if num_reduced_items > 0:
if num_reduced_items > 0 and num_reduced_items < num_items:
profits, reduced_weights, reduced_capacities
if self._is_problem_solved:
self._is_solution_optimal = True
def solve(self) -> int:
"""Solves the problem and returns the profit of the optimal solution."""
if self._is_problem_solved:
profit = 0
profit, self._is_solution_optimal = self._solver.solve()
return self._additional_profit + profit
def best_solution_contains(self, item_id: int) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal knapsack."""
mapped_item_id = (
self._mapping_reduced_item_id[item_id] if self._use_reduction else item_id
if self._use_reduction and self._known_value[item_id]:
return self._best_solution[item_id]
return self._solver.best_solution(mapped_item_id)
def is_solution_optimal(self) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the solution was proven optimal."""
return self._is_solution_optimal
def get_name(self) -> str:
return self._solver.get_name()
def use_reduction(self) -> bool:
return self._use_reduction
def set_use_reduction(self, use_reduction: bool) -> None:
self._use_reduction = use_reduction
def _reduce_capacities(
num_items: int,
weights: list[list[int]],
capacities: list[int],
reduced_weights: list[list[int]],
reduced_capacities: list[int],
) -> int:
"""Trivial reduction of capacity constraints when the capacity is
higher than the sum of the weights of the items. Returns the number
of reduced items.
self._known_value = [False] * num_items
self._best_solution = [False] * num_items
self._mapping_reduced_item_id = [0] * num_items
active_capacities = [True] * len(weights)
num_of_active_capacities = 0
for i in range(len(weights)):
max_weight = 0
for weight in weights[i]:
max_weight += weight
if max_weight <= capacities[i]:
active_capacities[i] = False
num_of_active_capacities += 1
for i in range(len(weights)):
if active_capacities[i]:
if len(reduced_capacities) == 0:
# There are no capacity constraints in the problem so we can reduce all
# items and just add them to the best solution.
for item_id in range(num_items):
self._known_value[item_id] = True
self._best_solution[item_id] = True
self._is_problem_solved = True
# All items are reduced
return num_items
# There are still capacity constraints so no item reduction is done.
return 0
def _reduce_problem(self, num_items: int) -> int:
self._known_value = [False] * num_items
self._best_solution = [False] * num_items
self._mapping_reduced_item_id = [0] * num_items
self._additional_profit = 0
for item_id in range(num_items):
self._mapping_reduced_item_id[item_id] = item_id
best_lower_bound = 0
j0_upper_bounds = [9223372036854775807] * num_items
j1_upper_bounds = [9223372036854775807] * num_items
for item_id in range(num_items):
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 9223372036854775807
) = self._solver.get_lower_and_upper_bound_when_item(
item_id, False, lower_bound, upper_bound
j1_upper_bounds[item_id] = upper_bound
best_lower_bound = max(best_lower_bound, lower_bound)
) = self._solver.get_lower_and_upper_bound_when_item(
item_id, True, lower_bound, upper_bound
j0_upper_bounds[item_id] = upper_bound
best_lower_bound = max(best_lower_bound, lower_bound)
num_reduced_items = 0
for item_id in range(num_items):
if best_lower_bound > j0_upper_bounds[item_id]:
self._known_value[item_id] = True
self._best_solution[item_id] = False
num_reduced_items += 1
elif best_lower_bound > j1_upper_bounds[item_id]:
self._known_value[item_id] = True
self._best_solution[item_id] = True
num_reduced_items += 1
self._is_problem_solved = num_reduced_items == num_items
return num_reduced_items
def _compute_additional_profit(self, profits: list[int]) -> None:
num_items = len(profits)
self._additional_profit = 0
for item_id in range(num_items):
if self._known_value[item_id] and self._best_solution[item_id]:
self._additional_profit += profits[item_id]
def _init_reduced_problem(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
num_items = len(profits)
num_dimensions = len(capacities)
reduced_profits = []
for item_id in range(num_items):
if not self._known_value[item_id]:
self._mapping_reduced_item_id[item_id] = len(reduced_profits)
reduced_weights = []
reduced_capacities = capacities
for dim in range(num_dimensions):
one_dimension_weights = weights[dim]
one_dimension_reduced_weights = []
for item_id in range(num_items):
if self._known_value[item_id]:
if self._best_solution[item_id]:
reduced_capacities[dim] -= one_dimension_weights[item_id]
self._solver.init(reduced_profits, reduced_weights, reduced_capacities)
# The following code defines needed classes for the KnapsackGenericSolver
# class which is the entry point to extend knapsack with new constraints such
# as conflicts between items.
# Constraints are enforced using KnapsackPropagator objects, in the current
# code there is one propagator per dimension (KnapsackCapacityPropagator).
# One of those propagators, named master propagator, is used to guide the
# search, i.e. decides which item should be assigned next.
# Roughly speaking the search algorithm is:
# - While not optimal
# - Select next search node to expand
# - Select next item_i to assign (using master propagator)
# - Generate a new search node where item_i is in the knapsack
# - Check validity of this new partial solution (using propagators)
# - If valid, add this new search node to the search
# - Generate a new search node where item_i is not in the knapsack
# - Check validity of this new partial solution (using propagators)
# - If valid, add this new search node to the search
# TODO(user): Add a new propagator class for conflict constraint.
# TODO(user): Add a new propagator class used as a guide when the problem has
# several dimensions.
class KnapsackAssignment:
"""KnapsackAssignment is a small struct used to pair an item with its
assignment. It is mainly used for search nodes and updates.
def __init__(self, item_id: int, is_in: bool):
self.item_id: int = item_id
self.is_in: bool = is_in
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"item_id:{self.item_id},is_in:{self.is_in}"
class KnapsackItem:
"""KnapsackItem is a small struct to pair an item with its corresponding
The aim of the knapsack problem is to pack as many valuable items as
possible. A straight forward heuristic is to take those with the greatest
profit-per-unit-weight. This ratio is called efficiency in this
implementation. So items will be grouped in vectors, and sorted by
decreasing efficiency.
Note that profits are duplicated for each dimension. This is done to
simplify the code, especially the get_efficiency method and vector sorting.
As there usually are only few dimension, the overheard should not be an
def __init__(self, index: int, weight: int, profit: int):
"""The index field is used to retrieve the initial item in order to
communicate with other propagators and state.
self.index: int = index
self.weight: int = weight
self.profit: int = profit
def get_efficiency(self, profit_max: int) -> float:
return (self.profit / self.weight) if self.weight > 0 else profit_max
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"id:{self.index},weight:{self.weight},profit:{self.profit}"
class KnapsackSearchNode:
"""KnapsackSearchNode is a class used to describe a decision in the
decision search tree.
The node is defined by a pointer to the parent search node and an
assignment (see KnapsackAssignment).
As the current state is not explicitly stored in a search node, one should
go through the search tree to incrementally build a partial solution from
a previous search node.
def __init__(self, parent: "KnapsackSearchNode", assignment: KnapsackAssignment):
# 'depth' field is used to navigate efficiently through the search tree
# (see KnapsackSearchPath)
self._depth: int = 0 if parent is None else parent.depth() + 1
self._parent: "KnapsackSearchNode" = parent
self._assignment: KnapsackAssignment = assignment
# 'current_profit' and 'profit_upper_bound' fields are used to sort search
# nodes using a priority queue. That allows to pop the node with the best
# upper bound, and more importantly to stop the search when optimality is
# proved.
self._current_profit: int = 0
self._profit_upper_bound: int = 9223372036854775807
# 'next_item_id' field allows to avoid an O(number_of_items) scan to find
# next item to select. This is done for free by the upper bound computation.
self._next_item_id: int = _NO_SELECTION
def depth(self) -> int:
return self._depth
def parent(self) -> "KnapsackSearchNode":
return self._parent
def assignment(self) -> KnapsackAssignment:
return self._assignment
def current_profit(self) -> int:
return self._current_profit
def set_current_profit(self, profit: int) -> None:
self._current_profit = profit
def profit_upper_bound(self) -> int:
return self._profit_upper_bound
def set_profit_upper_bound(self, profit: int) -> None:
self._profit_upper_bound = profit
def next_item_id(self) -> int:
return self._next_item_id
def set_next_item_id(self, index: int) -> None:
self._next_item_id = index
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
"""Comparator used to sort search nodes in the priority queue in order
to pop first the node with the highest profit upper bound
(see KnapsackSearchNode). When two nodes have the same upper bound, we
prefer the one with the highest current profit, ie. usually the one
closer to a leaf. In practice, the main advantage is to have smaller
if self.profit_upper_bound() == other.profit_upper_bound():
return self.current_profit() > other.current_profit()
return self.profit_upper_bound() > other.profit_upper_bound()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
class KnapsackSearchPath:
"""KnapsackSearchPath is a small class used to represent the path between a
node to another node in the search tree.
As the solution state is not stored for each search node, the state should
be rebuilt at each node. One simple solution is to apply all decisions
between the node 'to' and the root. This can be computed in
However, it is possible to achieve better average complexity. Two
consecutively explored nodes are usually close enough (i.e., much less than
number_of_items) to benefit from an incremental update from the node
'from' to the node 'to'.
The 'via' field is the common parent of 'from' field and 'to' field.
So the state can be built by reverting all decisions from 'from' to 'via'
and then applying all decisions from 'via' to 'to'.
def __init__(self, from_node: "KnapsackSearchNode", to_node: "KnapsackSearchNode"):
self._from: KnapsackSearchNode = from_node
self._to: KnapsackSearchNode = to_node
self._via: KnapsackSearchNode = None
def init(self) -> None:
node_from = self.move_up_to_depth(self._from, self._to.depth())
node_to = self.move_up_to_depth(self._to, self._from.depth())
# Find common parent.
while node_from != node_to:
node_from = node_from.parent()
node_to = node_to.parent()
self._via = node_from
def from_node(self) -> KnapsackSearchNode:
return self._from
def via(self) -> KnapsackSearchNode:
return self._via
def to_node(self) -> KnapsackSearchNode:
return self._to
def move_up_to_depth(
self, node: KnapsackSearchNode, depth: int
) -> KnapsackSearchNode:
current_node = node
while current_node.depth() > depth:
current_node = current_node.parent()
return current_node
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"from:{self._from},to:{self._to},via:{self._via}"
class KnapsackState:
"""KnapsackState represents a partial solution to the knapsack problem."""
def __init__(self):
"""Vectors 'is_bound_' and 'is_in_' contain a boolean value for each
item. 'is_bound_(item_i)' is false when there is no decision for
item_i yet. When item_i is bound, 'is_in_(item_i)' represents the
presence (true) or the absence (false) of item_i in the current
self._is_bound: list[bool] = []
self._is_in: list[bool] = []
def init(self, number_of_items: int) -> None:
"""Initializes vectors with number_of_items set to false
(i.e. not bound yet).
self._is_bound = [False] * number_of_items
self._is_in = [False] * number_of_items
def update_state(self, revert: bool, assignment: KnapsackAssignment) -> bool:
"""Updates the state by applying or reverting a decision.
Returns false if fails, i.e., trying to apply an inconsistent decision
to an already assigned item.
if revert:
self._is_bound[assignment.item_id] = False
if (self._is_bound[assignment.item_id]) and (
self._is_in[assignment.item_id] != assignment.is_in
return False
self._is_bound[assignment.item_id] = True
self._is_in[assignment.item_id] = assignment.is_in
return True
def get_number_of_items(self) -> int:
return len(self._is_bound)
def is_bound(self, index) -> bool:
return self._is_bound[index]
def is_in(self, index) -> bool:
return self._is_in[index]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"is_bound:{self._is_bound},is_in:{self._is_in}"
class KnapsackPropagator:
"""KnapsackPropagator is the base class for modeling and propagating a
constraint given an assignment.
When some work has to be done both by the base and the derived class, a
protected pure virtual method ending by 'propagator' is defined.
For instance, 'init' creates a vector of items, and then calls
'init_propagator' to let the derived class perform its own initialization.
def __init__(self, state: KnapsackState):
self._items: list[KnapsackItem] = []
self._current_profit: int = 0
self._profit_lower_bound: int = 0
self._profit_upper_bound: int = 9223372036854775807
self._state: KnapsackState = state
def init(self, profits: list[int], weights: list[int]) -> None:
"""Initializes data structure and then calls init_propagator."""
number_of_items = len(profits)
self._items = [
KnapsackItem(i, weights[i], profits[i]) for i in range(number_of_items)
self._current_profit = 0
self._profit_lower_bound = -9223372036854775807
self._profit_upper_bound = 9223372036854775807
def update(self, revert: bool, assignment: KnapsackAssignment) -> bool:
"""Updates data structure and then calls update_propagator.
Returns false when failure.
if assignment.is_in:
if revert:
self._current_profit -= self._items[assignment.item_id].profit
self._current_profit += self._items[assignment.item_id].profit
return self._update_propagator(revert, assignment)
def compute_profit_bounds(self) -> None:
"""compute_profit_bounds() should set '_profit_lower_bound' and
'_profit_upper_bound' which are constraint specific."""
def get_next_item_id(self) -> int:
"""Returns the index of next item to assign.
Returns kNoSelection when all items are bound."""
def current_profit(self) -> int:
return self._current_profit
def profit_lower_bound(self) -> int:
return self._profit_lower_bound
def profit_upper_bound(self) -> int:
return self._profit_upper_bound
def copy_current_state_to_solution(
self, has_one_propagator: bool, solution: list[bool]
) -> None:
"""Copies the current state into 'solution'.
All unbound items are set to false (i.e. not in the knapsack).
When 'has_one_propagator' is true, copy_current_solution_propagator() is
called to have a better solution. When there is only one propagator
there is no need to check the solution with other propagators, so the
partial solution can be smartly completed.
for item in self._items:
item_id = item.index
solution[item_id] = self._state.is_bound(item_id) and self._state.is_in(
if has_one_propagator:
def state(self) -> KnapsackState:
return self._state
def items(self) -> list[KnapsackItem]:
return self._items
def set_profit_lower_bound(self, profit: int) -> None:
self._profit_lower_bound = profit
def set_profit_upper_bound(self, profit: int) -> None:
self._profit_upper_bound = profit
# -------- Protected methods below --------------
def _init_propagator(self) -> None:
"""Initializes data structure. This method is called after
initialization of KnapsackPropagator data structure.
def _update_propagator(self, revert: bool, assignment: KnapsackAssignment) -> bool:
"""Updates internal data structure incrementally. This method is
called after update of KnapsackPropagator data structure.
def _copy_current_state_to_solution_propagator(self, solution: list[bool]) -> None:
"""Copies the current state into 'solution'
Only unbound items have to copied as copy_current_solution was already
called with current state.
This method is useful when a propagator is able to find a better
solution than the blind instantiation to false of unbound items.
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
class KnapsackCapacityPropagator(KnapsackPropagator):
"""KnapsackCapacityPropagator is a KnapsackPropagator used to enforce
a capacity constraint.
As a KnapsackPropagator is supposed to compute profit lower and upper
bounds, and get the next item to select, it can be seen as a 0-1 Knapsack
solver. The most efficient way to compute the upper bound is to iterate on
items in profit-per-unit-weight decreasing order. The break item is
commonly defined as the first item for which there is not enough remaining
capacity. Selecting this break item as the next-item-to-assign usually
gives the best results (see Greenberg & Hegerich).
This is exactly what is implemented in this class.
When there is only one propagator, it is possible to compute a better
profit lower bound almost for free. During the scan to find the
break element all unbound items are added just as if they were part of
the current solution. This is used in both compute_profit_bounds and
For incrementality reasons, the ith item should be accessible in O(1).
That's the reason why the item vector has to be duplicated 'sorted_items_'.
def __init__(self, state: KnapsackState, capacity: int):
self._capacity: int = capacity
self._consumed_capacity: int = 0
self._break_item_id: int = _NO_SELECTION
self._sorted_items: list[KnapsackItem] = []
self._profit_max: int = 0
def compute_profit_bounds(self) -> None:
self._break_item_id = _NO_SELECTION
remaining_capacity = self._capacity - self._consumed_capacity
break_sorted_item_id = _NO_SELECTION
number_of_sorted_items = len(self._sorted_items)
for sorted_id in range(number_of_sorted_items):
item = self._sorted_items[sorted_id]
if not self.state().is_bound(item.index):
self._break_item_id = item.index
if remaining_capacity >= item.weight:
remaining_capacity -= item.weight
self.set_profit_lower_bound(self.profit_lower_bound() + item.profit)
break_sorted_item_id = sorted_id
if break_sorted_item_id != _NO_SELECTION:
additional_profit = self._get_additional_profit(
remaining_capacity, break_sorted_item_id
self.set_profit_upper_bound(self.profit_upper_bound() + additional_profit)
def get_next_item_id(self) -> int:
return self._break_item_id
def _init_propagator(self) -> None:
"""Initializes KnapsackCapacityPropagator (e.g., sort items in
decreasing order).
self._consumed_capacity = 0
self._break_item_id = _NO_SELECTION
self._sorted_items = [item for item in self.items()]
self._profit_max = 0
for item in self._sorted_items:
self._profit_max = max(self._profit_max, item.profit)
self._profit_max += 1
key=lambda item: item.get_efficiency(self._profit_max), reverse=True
def _update_propagator(self, revert: bool, assignment: KnapsackAssignment) -> bool:
"""Updates internal data structure incrementally
(i.e., 'consumed_capacity_') to avoid a O(number_of_items) scan.
if assignment.is_in:
if revert:
self._consumed_capacity -= self.items()[assignment.item_id].weight
self._consumed_capacity += self.items()[assignment.item_id].weight
if self._consumed_capacity > self._capacity:
return False
return True
def _copy_current_state_to_solution_propagator(self, solution: list[bool]) -> None:
"""Copies the current state into 'solution'.
Only unbound items have to be copied as CopyCurrentSolution was already
called with current state.
This method is useful when a propagator is able to find a better
solution than the blind instantiation to false of unbound items.
remaining_capacity = self._capacity - self._consumed_capacity
for item in self._sorted_items:
if not self.state().is_bound(item.index):
if remaining_capacity >= item.weight:
remaining_capacity -= item.weight
solution[item.index] = True
def _get_additional_profit(
self, remaining_capacity: int, break_item_id: int
) -> int:
"""An obvious additional profit upper bound corresponds to the linear
relaxation: remaining_capacity * efficiency of the break item.
It is possible to do better in O(1), using Martello-Toth bound U2.
The main idea is to enforce integrality constraint on the break item,
ie. either the break item is part of the solution, either it is not.
So basically the linear relaxation is done on the item before the break
item, or the one after the break item.
This is what this method implements.
after_break_item_id = break_item_id + 1
additional_profit_when_no_break_item = 0
if after_break_item_id < len(self._sorted_items):
# As items are sorted by decreasing profit / weight ratio, and the
# current weight is non-zero, the next_weight is non-zero too.
next_weight = self._sorted_items[after_break_item_id].weight
next_profit = self._sorted_items[after_break_item_id].profit
additional_profit_when_no_break_item = _upper_bound_of_ratio(
remaining_capacity, next_profit, next_weight
before_break_item_id = break_item_id - 1
additional_profit_when_break_item = 0
if before_break_item_id >= 0:
previous_weight = self._sorted_items[before_break_item_id].weight
# Having previous_weight == 0 means the total capacity is smaller
# than the weight of the current item. In such as case the item
# cannot be part of a solution of the local one dimension
# problem.
if previous_weight != 0:
previous_profit = self._sorted_items[before_break_item_id].profit
overused_capacity = (
self._sorted_items[break_item_id].weight - remaining_capacity
ratio = _upper_bound_of_ratio(
overused_capacity, previous_profit, previous_weight
additional_profit_when_break_item = (
self._sorted_items[break_item_id].profit - ratio
additional_profit = max(
additional_profit_when_no_break_item, additional_profit_when_break_item
return additional_profit
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
class BaseKnapsackSolver:
"""This is the base class for knapsack solvers."""
def __init__(self, solver_name: str):
self._solver_name: str = solver_name
def init(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
"""Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved."""
def get_lower_and_upper_bound_when_item(
self, item_id: int, is_item_in: bool, lower_bound: int, upper_bound: int
) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Gets the lower and upper bound when the item is in or out of the
knapsack. To ensure objects are correctly initialized, this method
should not be called before init().
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 9223372036854775807
return lower_bound, upper_bound
def solve(self) -> tuple[int, bool]:
"""Solves the problem and returns the profit of the optimal solution."""
def best_solution(self, item_id) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal
def get_name(self) -> str:
return self._solver_name
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self._solver_name}"
class KnapsackGenericSolver(BaseKnapsackSolver):
"""KnapsackGenericSolver is the multi-dimensional knapsack solver class.
In the current implementation, the next item to assign is given by the
master propagator. Using SetMasterPropagator allows changing the default
(propagator of the first dimension), and selecting another dimension when
more constrained.
TODO(user): In the case of a multi-dimensional knapsack problem, implement
an aggregated propagator to combine all dimensions and give a better guide
to select the next item (see, for instance, Dobson's aggregated efficiency).
def __init__(self, solver_name: str):
self._propagators: list[KnapsackPropagator] = []
self._primary_propagator_id: int = _PRIMARY_PROPAGATOR_ID
self._search_nodes: list[KnapsackSearchNode] = []
self._state: KnapsackState = KnapsackState()
self._best_solution_profit: int = 0
self._best_solution: list[bool] = []
def init(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
"""Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved."""
number_of_items = len(profits)
number_of_dimensions = len(weights)
self._best_solution = [False] * number_of_items
for i in range(number_of_dimensions):
propagator = KnapsackCapacityPropagator(self._state, capacities[i])
propagator.init(profits, weights[i])
self._primary_propagator_id = _PRIMARY_PROPAGATOR_ID
def get_number_of_items(self) -> int:
return self._state.get_number_of_items()
def get_lower_and_upper_bound_when_item(
self, item_id: int, is_item_in: bool, lower_bound: int, upper_bound: int
) -> tuple[int, int]:
assignment = KnapsackAssignment(item_id, is_item_in)
fail = not self._incremental_update(False, assignment)
if fail:
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 0
lower_bound = (
if self._has_one_propagator()
else 0
upper_bound = self._get_aggregated_profit_upper_bound()
fail_revert = not self._incremental_update(True, assignment)
if fail_revert:
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 0
return lower_bound, upper_bound
def set_primary_propagator_id(self, primary_propagator_id: int) -> None:
"""Sets which propagator should be used to guide the search.
'primary_propagator_id' should be in 0..p-1 with p the number of
self._primary_propagator_id = primary_propagator_id
def solve(self) -> tuple[int, bool]:
"""Solves the problem and returns the profit of the optimal solution."""
self._best_solution_profit = 0
is_solution_optimal = True
search_queue = []
assignment = KnapsackAssignment(_NO_SELECTION, True)
root_node = KnapsackSearchNode(None, assignment)
if self._make_new_node(root_node, False):
heapq.heappush(search_queue, self._search_nodes[-1])
if self._make_new_node(root_node, True):
heapq.heappush(search_queue, self._search_nodes[-1])
current_node = root_node
while (len(search_queue) > 0) and (
search_queue[0].profit_upper_bound() > self._best_solution_profit
node = heapq.heappop(search_queue)
if node != current_node:
path = KnapsackSearchPath(current_node, node)
no_fail = self._update_propagators(path)
current_node = node
if self._make_new_node(node, False):
heapq.heappush(search_queue, self._search_nodes[-1])
if self._make_new_node(node, True):
heapq.heappush(search_queue, self._search_nodes[-1])
return self._best_solution_profit, is_solution_optimal
def best_solution(self, item_id: int) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal knapsack."""
return self._best_solution[item_id]
def _update_propagators(self, path: KnapsackSearchPath) -> bool:
"""Updates all propagators reverting/applying all decision on the path.
Returns true if fails. Note that, even if fails, all propagators should
be updated to be in a stable state in order to stay incremental.
# Returns false when at least one propagator fails.
no_fail = True
# Revert previous changes.
node = path.from_node()
via = path.via()
while node != via:
no_fail = self._incremental_update(True, node.assignment()) and no_fail
node = node.parent()
# Apply current changes.
node = path.to_node()
while node != via:
no_fail = self._incremental_update(False, node.assignment()) and no_fail
node = node.parent()
return no_fail
def _get_aggregated_profit_upper_bound(self) -> int:
"""Gets the aggregated (min) profit upper bound among all propagators."""
upper_bound = 9223372036854775807
for prop in self._propagators:
propagator_upper_bound = prop.profit_upper_bound()
upper_bound = min(upper_bound, propagator_upper_bound)
return upper_bound
def _make_new_node(self, node: KnapsackSearchNode, is_in: bool) -> bool:
"""Returns true if new relevant search node was added to the nodes
array, that means this node should be added to the search queue too.
if node.next_item_id() == _NO_SELECTION:
return False
assignment = KnapsackAssignment(node.next_item_id(), is_in)
new_node = KnapsackSearchNode(node, assignment)
path = KnapsackSearchPath(node, new_node)
no_fail = self._update_propagators(path)
if no_fail:
# Revert to be able to create another node from parent.
revert_path = KnapsackSearchPath(new_node, node)
if (not no_fail) or (
new_node.profit_upper_bound() < self._best_solution_profit
return False
# The node is relevant.
relevant_node = KnapsackSearchNode(node, assignment)
return True
def _incremental_update(self, revert: bool, assignment: KnapsackAssignment) -> bool:
"""Updates all propagators reverting/applying one decision.
Return true if fails. Note that, even if fails, all propagators should
be updated to be in a stable state in order to stay incremental.
# Do not stop on a failure: To be able to be incremental on the update,
# partial solution (state) and propagators must all be in the same
# state.
no_fail = self._state.update_state(revert, assignment)
for prop in self._propagators:
no_fail = prop.update(revert, assignment) and no_fail
return no_fail
def _update_best_solution(self) -> None:
"""Updates the best solution if the current solution has better
profit_lower_bound = (
if self._has_one_propagator()
else self._propagators[self._primary_propagator_id].current_profit()
if self._best_solution_profit < profit_lower_bound:
self._best_solution_profit = profit_lower_bound
self._has_one_propagator(), self._best_solution
def _has_one_propagator(self) -> bool:
return len(self._propagators) == 1
def _get_current_profit(self) -> int:
return self._propagators[self._primary_propagator_id].current_profit()
def _get_next_item_id(self) -> int:
return self._propagators[self._primary_propagator_id].get_next_item_id()
class KnapsackBruteForceSolver(BaseKnapsackSolver):
"""KnapsackBruteForceSolver solves the 0-1 knapsack problem when the
number of items is less or equal to 30 with brute force, i.e.
explores all states. Experiments show better results than
KnapsackGenericSolver when the number of items is less than 15.
def __init__(self, solver_name: str):
self._num_items: int = 0
self._capacity: int = 0
self._best_solution_profit: int = 0
self._best_solution: int = 0
self._profits_weights: list[int] = []
def init(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
"""Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved."""
self._num_items = len(profits)
if self._num_items > _MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUTE_FORCE_ITEMS:
raise Exception(
f"To use KnapsackBruteForceSolver the number of items "
f"should be less than {_MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUTE_FORCE_ITEMS}"
f". Current value: {self._num_items}."
for i in range(self._num_items):
self._capacity = capacities[0]
def solve(self) -> tuple[int, bool]:
"""Solves the problem and returns the profit of the optimal solution."""
is_solution_optimal = True
self._best_solution_profit = 0
self._best_solution = 0
num_states = _one_bit(self._num_items)
prev_state = 0
sum_profit = 0
sum_weight = 0
diff_state = 0
local_state = 0
item_id = 0
# This loop starts at 1, because state = 0 was already considered
# previously, i.e., when no items are in, sum_profit = 0
for state in range(1, num_states):
diff_state = state ^ prev_state
local_state = state
item_id = 0
while diff_state:
if diff_state & 1: # There is a diff.
if local_state & 1: # This item is now in the knapsack.
sum_profit += self._profits_weights[item_id]
sum_weight += self._profits_weights[item_id + 1]
else: # This item has been removed of the knapsack.
sum_profit -= self._profits_weights[item_id]
sum_weight -= self._profits_weights[item_id + 1]
item_id += 2
local_state = local_state >> 1
diff_state = diff_state >> 1
if (sum_weight <= self._capacity) and (
self._best_solution_profit < sum_profit
self._best_solution_profit = sum_profit
self._best_solution = state
prev_state += 1
return self._best_solution_profit, is_solution_optimal
def best_solution(self, item_id: int) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal
return (self._best_solution & _one_bit(item_id)) != 0
class KnapsackItemWithEfficiency:
"""KnapsackItem is a small struct to pair an item weight with its
corresponding profit.
This struct is used by Knapsack64ItemsSolver. As this solver deals only
with one dimension, that's more efficiency to store 'efficiency' than
computing it on the fly.
def __init__(self, index: int, profit: int, weight: int, profit_max: int):
self.index: int = index
self.profit: int = profit
self.weight: int = weight
self.efficiency: float = profit / weight if weight > 0 else profit_max
class Knapsack64ItemsSolver(BaseKnapsackSolver):
"""Knapsack64ItemsSolver solves the 0-1 knapsack problem when the number of
items is less or equal to 64. This implementation is about 4 times faster
than KnapsackGenericSolver.
def __init__(self, solver_name: str):
self._sorted_items: list[KnapsackItemWithEfficiency] = []
self._sum_profits: list[int] = []
self._sum_weights: list[int] = []
self._capacity: int = 0
self._state: int = 0
self._state_depth: int = 0
self._best_solution_profit: int = 0
self._best_solution: int = 0
self._best_solution_depth: int = 0
# Sum of weights of included item in state.
self._state_weight: int = 0
# Sum of profits of non included items in state
self._rejected_items_profit: int = 0
# Sum of weights of non included items in state
self._rejected_items_weight: int = 0
def init(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
"""Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved."""
if len(weights) > 1:
raise Exception("Brute force solver only works with one dimension.")
self._capacity = capacities[0]
num_items = len(profits)
if num_items > _MAX_NUMBER_OF_64_ITEMS:
raise Exception(
f"To use Knapsack64Items the number of items should be "
f"less than {_MAX_NUMBER_OF_64_ITEMS}. Current value: "
profit_max = max(profits)
for i in range(num_items):
KnapsackItemWithEfficiency(i, profits[i], weights[0][i], profit_max)
self._sorted_items.sort(key=lambda item: item.efficiency, reverse=True)
sum_profit = 0
sum_weight = 0
for i in range(num_items):
sum_profit += self._sorted_items[i].profit
sum_weight += self._sorted_items[i].weight
def solve(self) -> tuple[int, bool]:
"""Solves the problem and returns the profit of the optimal solution."""
is_solution_optimal = True
num_items = len(self._sorted_items)
self._state = 1
self._state_depth = 0
self._state_weight = self._sorted_items[0].weight
self._rejected_items_profit = 0
self._rejected_items_weight = 0
self._best_solution_profit = 0
self._best_solution = 0
self._best_solution_depth = 0
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 0
fail = False
while self._state_depth >= 0:
fail = False
if self._state_weight > self._capacity or self._state_depth >= num_items:
fail = True
lower_bound, upper_bound = self._get_lower_and_upper_bound()
if self._best_solution_profit < lower_bound:
self._best_solution_profit = lower_bound
self._best_solution = self._state
self._best_solution_depth = self._state_depth
fail = fail or self._best_solution_profit >= upper_bound
return self._best_solution_profit, is_solution_optimal
def best_solution(self, item_id: int) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal knapsack."""
return (self._best_solution & _one_bit(item_id)) != 0
def _get_break_item_id(self, capacity: int) -> int:
index = bisect.bisect_right(self._sum_weights, capacity)
return index - 1
def _get_lower_and_upper_bound(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""This method is called for each possible state.
Lower and upper bounds can be equal from one state to another.
For instance state 1010???? and state 101011?? have exactly the same
bounds. So it sounds like a good idea to cache those bounds.
Unfortunately, experiments show equivalent results with or without this
code optimization (only 1/7 of calls can be reused).
In order to simplify the code, this optimization is not implemented.
available_capacity = self._capacity + self._rejected_items_weight
break_item_id = self._get_break_item_id(available_capacity)
num_items = len(self._sorted_items)
if break_item_id >= num_items:
lower_bound = self._sum_profits[num_items] - self._rejected_items_profit
upper_bound = lower_bound
return lower_bound, upper_bound
lower_bound = self._sum_profits[break_item_id] - self._rejected_items_profit
upper_bound = lower_bound
consumed_capacity = self._sum_weights[break_item_id]
remaining_capacity = available_capacity - consumed_capacity
efficiency = self._sorted_items[break_item_id].efficiency
additional_profit = remaining_capacity * efficiency
upper_bound += additional_profit
return lower_bound, upper_bound
def _go_to_next_state(self, has_failed: bool) -> None:
"""As self._state_depth is the position of the most significant bit on
self._state it is possible to remove the loop and so be in O(1) instead of
O(depth). In such a case self._rejected_items_profit is computed using
self._sum_profits list. Unfortunately experiments show smaller computation
time using the 'while' (10% speed-up). That's the reason why the loop
version is implemented.
mask = _one_bit(self._state_depth)
if not has_failed: # Go to next item.
self._state_depth += 1
self._state = self._state | (mask << 1)
self._state_weight += self._sorted_items[self._state_depth].weight
else: # Backtrack to last item in.
while (self._state & mask) == 0 and self._state_depth >= 0:
item = self._sorted_items[self._state_depth]
self._rejected_items_profit -= item.profit
self._rejected_items_weight -= item.weight
self._state_depth -= 1
mask = mask >> 1
if self._state & mask: # Item was in, remove it.
self._state = self._state & ~mask
item = self._sorted_items[self._state_depth]
self._rejected_items_profit += item.profit
self._rejected_items_weight += item.weight
self._state_weight -= item.weight
def _build_best_solution(self) -> None:
remaining_capacity = self._capacity
check_profit = 0
# Compute remaining capacity at self._best_solution_depth to be able to
# redo the _get_lower_and_upper_bound computation.
for i in range(self._best_solution_depth):
if self._best_solution & _one_bit(i):
remaining_capacity -= self._sorted_items[i].weight
check_profit += self._sorted_items[i].profit
# Add all items till the break item.
num_items = len(self._sorted_items)
for i in range(self._best_solution_depth + 1, num_items):
weight = self._sorted_items[i].weight
if remaining_capacity >= weight:
remaining_capacity -= weight
check_profit += self._sorted_items[i].profit
self._best_solution = self._best_solution | _one_bit(i)
self._best_solution = self._best_solution & ~_one_bit(i)
# Items were sorted by efficiency, solution should be unsorted to be
# in user order.
# Note that self._best_solution will not be in the same order than other
# data structures anymore.
tmp_solution = 0
for i in range(num_items):
if self._best_solution & _one_bit(i):
original_id = self._sorted_items[i].index
tmp_solution = tmp_solution | _one_bit(original_id)
self._best_solution = tmp_solution
class KnapsackDynamicProgrammingSolver(BaseKnapsackSolver):
"""KnapsackDynamicProgrammingSolver solves the 0-1 knapsack problem
using dynamic programming. This algorithm is pseudo-polynomial because it
depends on capacity, i.e. the time and space complexity is
O(capacity * number_of_items).
The implemented algorithm is 'DP-3' in "Knapsack problems", Hans Kellerer,
Ulrich Pferschy and David Pisinger, Springer book (ISBN 978-3540402862)
def __init__(self, solver_name: str):
self._profits: list[int] = []
self._weights: list[int] = []
self._capacity: int = 0
self._computed_profits: list[int] = []
self._selected_item_ids: list[int] = []
self._best_solution: list[bool] = []
def init(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
"""Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved."""
if len(weights) > 1:
raise Exception(
"Current implementation of the dynamic programming "
f"solver only deals with one dimension."
self._profits = profits
self._weights = weights[0]
self._capacity = capacities[0]
def solve(self) -> tuple[int, bool]:
"""Solves the problem and returns the profit of the optimal solution."""
is_solution_optimal = True
capacity_plus_1 = self._capacity + 1
self._selected_item_ids = [0] * capacity_plus_1
self._computed_profits = [0] * capacity_plus_1
remaining_capacity = self._capacity
num_items = len(self._profits)
self._best_solution = [False] * num_items
while remaining_capacity > 0 and num_items > 0:
selected_item_id = self._solve_sub_problem(remaining_capacity, num_items)
remaining_capacity -= self._weights[selected_item_id]
num_items = selected_item_id
if remaining_capacity >= 0:
self._best_solution[selected_item_id] = True
return self._computed_profits[self._capacity], is_solution_optimal
def best_solution(self, item_id: int) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal knapsack."""
return self._best_solution[item_id]
def _solve_sub_problem(self, capacity: int, num_items: int) -> int:
capacity_plus_1 = capacity + 1
for i in range(capacity_plus_1):
self._selected_item_ids[i] = 0
self._computed_profits[i] = 0
for item_id in range(num_items):
item_weight = self._weights[item_id]
item_profit = self._profits[item_id]
for used_capacity in range(capacity, item_weight - 1, -1):
if (
self._computed_profits[used_capacity - item_weight] + item_profit
> self._computed_profits[used_capacity]
self._computed_profits[used_capacity] = (
self._computed_profits[used_capacity - item_weight]
+ item_profit
self._selected_item_ids[used_capacity] = item_id
return self._selected_item_ids[capacity]
class KnapsackDivideAndConquerSolver(BaseKnapsackSolver):
"""KnapsackDivideAndConquerSolver solves the 0-1 knapsack problem (KP) using
divide and conquer and dynamic programming.
By using one-dimensional vectors it keeps a complexity of O(capacity *
number_of_items) in time, but reduces the space complexity to O(capacity +
number_of_items) and is therefore suitable for large hard to solve (KP)/(SSP).
The implemented algorithm is based on 'DP-2' and Divide and Conquer for
storage reduction from [Hans Kellerer et al., "Knapsack problems"
(DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-24777-7)].
def __init__(self, solver_name: str):
self._profits: list[int] = []
self._weights: list[int] = []
self._capacity: int = 0
self._computed_profits_storage1: list[int] = []
self._computed_profits_storage2: list[int] = []
self._best_solution: list[bool] = []
def init(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
"""Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved."""
if len(weights) > 1:
raise Exception(
"Current implementation of the divide and conquer solver "
"only deals with one dimension."
self._profits = profits
self._weights = weights[0]
self._capacity = capacities[0]
def solve(self) -> tuple[int, bool]:
"""Solves the problem and returns the profit of the optimal solution."""
is_solution_optimal = True
capacity_plus_1 = self._capacity + 1
self._computed_profits_storage1 = [0] * capacity_plus_1
self._computed_profits_storage2 = [0] * capacity_plus_1
self._best_solution = [False] * len(self._profits)
best_solution_profit = self._divide_and_conquer(
self._capacity, 0, len(self._profits)
return best_solution_profit, is_solution_optimal
def best_solution(self, item_id: int) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal knapsack."""
return self._best_solution[item_id]
def _solve_sub_problem(
self, first_storage: bool, capacity: int, start_item: int, end_item: int
) -> None:
"""'DP 2' computes solution 'z' for 0 up to capacity."""
computed_profits_storage = (
if first_storage
else self._computed_profits_storage2
capacity_plus_1 = capacity + 1
for i in range(capacity_plus_1):
computed_profits_storage[i] = 0
for item_id in range(start_item, end_item):
item_weight = self._weights[item_id]
item_profit = self._profits[item_id]
for used_capacity in range(capacity, item_weight - 1, -1):
if (
computed_profits_storage[used_capacity - item_weight] + item_profit
> computed_profits_storage[used_capacity]
computed_profits_storage[used_capacity] = (
computed_profits_storage[used_capacity - item_weight]
+ item_profit
def _divide_and_conquer(self, capacity: int, start_item: int, end_item: int) -> int:
"""Calculates self._best_solution and return 'z' from first instance."""
item_boundary = int(start_item + ((end_item - start_item) / 2))
self._solve_sub_problem(True, capacity, start_item, item_boundary)
self._solve_sub_problem(False, capacity, item_boundary, end_item)
max_solution = 0
capacity1 = 0
capacity2 = 0
for capacity_id in range(capacity + 1):
if (
+ self._computed_profits_storage2[capacity - capacity_id]
) > max_solution:
capacity1 = capacity_id
capacity2 = capacity - capacity_id
max_solution = (
+ self._computed_profits_storage2[capacity - capacity_id]
if (item_boundary - start_item) == 1:
if self._weights[start_item] <= capacity1:
self._best_solution[start_item] = True
elif (item_boundary - start_item) > 1:
self._divide_and_conquer(capacity1, start_item, item_boundary)
if (end_item - item_boundary) == 1:
if self._weights[item_boundary] <= capacity2:
self._best_solution[item_boundary] = True
elif (end_item - item_boundary) > 1:
self._divide_and_conquer(capacity2, item_boundary, end_item)
return max_solution
class KnapsackMIPSolver(BaseKnapsackSolver):
def __init__(self, problem_type: str, solver_name: str):
self._problem_type: str = problem_type
self._profits: list[int] = []
self._weights: list[list[int]] = []
self._capacities: list[int] = []
self._best_solution: list[bool] = []
def init(
self, profits: list[int], weights: list[list[int]], capacities: list[int]
) -> None:
"""Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved."""
self._profits = profits
self._weights = weights
self._capacities = capacities
def solve(self) -> tuple[int, bool]:
"""Solves the problem and returns the profit of the optimal solution."""
solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver(self._problem_type)
num_items = len(self._profits)
variables = []
for i in range(num_items):
# Add constraints.
num_dimensions = len(self._capacities)
for dimension_index in range(num_dimensions):
coeff_var_list = []
for var_index, var in enumerate(variables):
coeff_var_list.append(self._weights[dimension_index][var_index] * var)
solver.Sum(coeff_var_list) <= self._capacities[dimension_index],
# Define objective to minimize. Minimization is used instead of
# maximization because of an issue with CBC solver which does not always
# find the optimal solution on maximization problems.
objective = solver.Objective()
for j, var in enumerate(variables):
objective.SetCoefficient(var, -self._profits[j])
# print(solver.ExportModelAsLpFormat(False))
status = solver.Solve()
# Store best solution.
self._best_solution = [False] * num_items
for j in range(num_items):
value = variables[j].solution_value()
self._best_solution[j] = value >= ROUND_NEAR
return int(-objective.Value() + ROUND_NEAR), True
def best_solution(self, item_id: int) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal knapsack."""
return self._best_solution[item_id]
if __name__ == "__main__":
solver = KnapsackSolver(
values = [1, 2, 3]
weights = [[1, 2, 3]]
capacities = [5]
solver.init(values, weights, capacities)
computed_value = solver.solve()
packed_items = []
for i in range(len(values)):
if solver.best_solution_contains(i):
packed_weights = []
total_weights = 0
for i in packed_items:
total_weights += weights[0][i]
print("Total value:", computed_value)
print("Packed items:", packed_items)
print("Total weight:", total_weights)
print("Packed weights:", packed_weights)
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