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Created May 27, 2012 07:44
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Data.List.Fold - fold lists in constant space
-- | Lock-step folding.
-- This module presents an elegant way of executing multiple left folds
-- on one list using constant memory. For example, the mean can be
-- expressed as:
-- @
-- average = foldLeft $ (/) <$> sumF <*> lengthF
-- @
module Data.List.Fold
-- * Building folds
, fromAccum
-- * Using folds
, foldLeft
-- * Some useful folds
, sumF
, lengthF
, averageF
, monoidF
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List ( foldl' )
import Data.Monoid ( Monoid(..) )
-- | Folding state. A type @Fold i o@ represents a fold which combines
-- multiple values of type @i@ into a summary value of type @o@.
data Fold i o = Fold
-- | Accumulator value.
finalize :: o
-- | Inject a value, updating the state within.
, inject :: i -> Fold i o
-- | Apply a function to the result of a fold.
instance Functor (Fold i) where
fmap f (Fold out run) = Fold (f out) $ \i -> fmap f (run i)
-- | Merge the results of two folds together.
instance Applicative (Fold i) where
pure x = Fold x $ const (pure x)
Fold out run <*> Fold out' run' = Fold out'' run''
out'' = out out'
run'' = \i -> run i <*> run' i
-- | Fold a list from left to right.
foldLeft :: Fold i o -> [i] -> o
foldLeft f = finalize . foldl' inject f
-- | Bundle an accumulator function into a 'Fold' object.
fromAccum :: (o -> i -> o) -> o -> Fold i o
fromAccum f o = o `seq` Fold o $ \i -> fromAccum f (f o i)
sumF :: Num a => Fold a a
sumF = fromAccum (+) 0
lengthF :: Num i => Fold a i
lengthF = fromAccum (\n _ -> n + 1) 0
averageF :: Fractional a => Fold a a
averageF = (/) <$> sumF <*> lengthF
concatF :: Monoid m => Fold m m
concatF = fromAccum mappend mempty
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