I hereby claim:
- I am lambda-fairy on github.
- I am lfairy (https://keybase.io/lfairy) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 0658 29A6 73B2 9A01 6E68 EC42 4AFA FC07 E9D2 794C
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
from collections import Counter | |
from itertools import islice | |
import re | |
import string | |
import sys | |
(Sung to the tune of the Fourmyula song)
Through falling hairs
I pick my way slowly
Farting aloud
Eases my behind
Sunlight filters through
{ | |
"num_downloads": 196498909, | |
"num_crates": 10729, | |
"new_crates": [ | |
{ | |
"id": "gotham_derive", | |
"name": "gotham_derive", | |
"updated_at": "2017-08-11T05:40:09Z", | |
"versions": null, | |
"keywords": null, |
extern crate serde; | |
#[macro_use] | |
extern crate serde_derive; | |
#[macro_use] | |
extern crate safecopy; | |
#[safecopy(CrusadersV0 = "0", CrusadersV1 = "1", Crusaders = "2")] | |
pub struct Crusaders { | |
apple_bloom: String, | |
sweetie_belle: String, |
You can fondle the cube, but it will not respond. -- Warren Buffett
Feelings are boring. Kissing is awesome! -- Ryan North
As of Jan 3, 2017 | |
approx:0.1.1 -- ['no_std'] | |
ascii:0.7.1 -- ['no_std'] | |
bitmap:3.1.3 -- ['no_std'] | |
cbuf:0.1.1 -- ['no_std'] | |
cmdline_words_parser:0.0.2 -- ['no_std'] | |
defrag:0.1.3 -- ['no_std'] | |
discrimination:0.0.0 -- ['no_std'] | |
dpc-cbuf:0.0.1 -- ['no_std'] |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
"""Extracts an SWF file from a projector executable""" | |
import os | |
import sys | |
def strip_exe_extension(path): | |
root, ext = os.path.splitext(path) | |
if ext.casefold() == '.exe': |
.text | |
.intel_syntax noprefix | |
.file "rust_out.cgu-0.rs" | |
.section ".text._ZN40_$LT$alloc..raw_vec..RawVec$LT$T$GT$$GT$6double17h17920b8a90cfe6cfE","ax",@progbits | |
.p2align 4, 0x90 | |
.type _ZN40_$LT$alloc..raw_vec..RawVec$LT$T$GT$$GT$6double17h17920b8a90cfe6cfE,@function | |
_ZN40_$LT$alloc..raw_vec..RawVec$LT$T$GT$$GT$6double17h17920b8a90cfe6cfE: | |
.cfi_startproc | |
push r14 | |
.Ltmp0: |