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Created June 1, 2012 18:00
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Plastimatch extension description file compatible with Slicer4
# First token of each non-comment line is the keyword and the rest of the line
# (including spaces) is the value.
# - the value can be blank
# This is source code manager (i.e. svn)
scm svn
scmrevision 3608
svnusername anonymous
# list dependencies
# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
# - The dependencies will be built first
depends NA
# Inner build directory (default is .)
build_subdirectory .
# homepage
# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
contributors Greg Sharp (Partners)
# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
category Registration
# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
# - Is it just a test or something you stand beind?
status Beta
# One line stating what the module does
description Plastimatch is an open source medical image computation project, focusing on high-performance algorithms for image registration, image segmentation, and image reconstruction.
# Space separated list of urls
# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
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