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Last active April 26, 2024 21:58
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TypeScript & React concepts with practical example.

1. Interfaces for Component Props

interface ProductProps {
  name: string;
  price: number;
  imageUrl: string;
  inStock: boolean;

const ProductCard: React.FC<ProductProps> = ({ name, price, imageUrl, inStock }) => {
  return (
      <img src={imageUrl} alt={name} />
      <p>Price: ${price}</p>
      {inStock ? <p>In Stock</p> : <p>Out of Stock</p>}
  • The ProductProps interface enforces structure and type safety for props passed to the ProductCard component.
  • This ensures consistency, prevents runtime type errors, and enhances code readability.

2. Generics for Reusable Components

interface ItemData<T> {
  id: number;
  value: T;

const ListComponent: React.FC<{ data: ItemData<any>[] }> = ({ data }) => {
  return (
      { => (
        <li key={}>{item.value}</li>
  • The ListComponent leverages generics () to work with various data types (numbers, strings, custom objects, etc.)
  • Example usage: <ListComponent data={[{id: 1, value: 'Product A'}]} />

3. Typing React Hooks

const [count, setCount] = useState<number>(0); 

const handleIncrement = () => {
  setCount(count + 1); 
  • useState specifies that the count state variable holds a number.
  • TypeScript ensures type-correct updates and usage throughout the component.

4. Typing Events

const handleInputChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {

return (
  <input type="text" value={newValue} onChange={handleInputChange} />   
  • The event object is accurately typed for type-safe access to input values.

1. Union Types for Flexible Props

interface ButtonProps {
  label: string;
  onClick: () => void;
  size?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large';  // Optional size property
  variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary';    // Optional variant

const Button: React.FC<ButtonProps> = ({ label, onClick, size, variant }) => {
   // ... button rendering with size and variant styles
  • Union types (|) allow multiple possible values for props, boosting component adaptability.

2. Conditional Types for Dynamic Typing

type FetchStatus<T> = 
    | { status: 'idle' }
    | { status: 'loading' }
    | { status: 'success'; data: T }
    | { status: 'error'; error: Error }; 

const useFetchData = <T>(): FetchStatus<T> => {
    // ... data fetching logic
  • Conditional types change the resulting type based on logic within the type definition, perfect for modeling states like fetch results.

3. Utility Types for Type Manipulation

type FormValues = {
  name: string;
  email: string;

const initialValues: Partial<FormValues> = {}; // all properties become optional

const readonlyProps: Readonly<FormValues> = { 
   name: 'Alice', 
   email: '' 
}; // all properties are read-only
  • Partial makes object properties optional.
  • Readonly prevents property modification.

1. Union Types for Flexible Props

Key Idea: Sometimes a component prop might accept several discrete values. Union types let us accurately model and handle these scenarios.

Example Breakdown:

  • The size prop can be 'small', 'medium', 'large', or even undefined when not explicitly set. Union types capture this flexibility.
  • The variant prop has similar behavior.


  • Developers using the Button component get clear type hints about valid prop values.
  • TypeScript will warn if you try to pass an invalid value (e.g., size='extra-large').
  • Your component's logic can handle these variations in a type-safe manner using conditional checks (e.g., if (size == 'large') { ... }).

2. Conditional Types for Dynamic Typing

Key Idea: Conditional types are like "if statements" within TypeScript's type system, allowing you to express logic when defining types.

Example Breakdown:

  • FetchStatus<T> represents the different states a data-fetching operation can be in:
    • 'idle': No fetch in progress.
    • 'loading': Fetch is ongoing.
    • 'success': Fetch succeeded, and data holds the result of type T.
    • 'error': The fetch failed, and error holds the Error object.


  • The return type of useFetchData accurately reflects the component's state at any given time.
  • TypeScript will prevent you from trying to access data when the status is not 'success'.

3. Utility Types for Type Manipulation

Key Idea: TypeScript offers built-in utility types that streamline common type transformations.

Example Breakdown:

  • Partial<FormValues> creates a type where every property from FormValues becomes optional. This is great for default values or incomplete form submission scenarios.
  • Readonly<FormValues> makes every property in FormValues read-only. This is useful when you need to pass form data around but prevent accidental modifications.


  • Avoids tedious manual type definitions.
  • Promotes type safety and maintainability by signaling your intent (e.g., indicating immutable data).

Advanced TypeScript concepts translate into more realistic React application scenarios:

1. Union Types for Flexible Form Controls TypeScript

interface FormFieldProps {
  label: string;
  name: string;
  type?: 'text' | 'email' | 'password' | 'textarea' | 'select'; 

const FormField: React.FC<FormFieldProps> = ({ label, name, type = 'text', ...otherProps }) => {
  // ... Logic to render the appropriate input/select/textarea based on 'type' prop
  • This makes a single FormField component handle various input types.
  • Your form code becomes more maintainable, avoiding redundant, type-specific components.

2. Conditional Types for API Responses

// Example API response
interface Product {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  // ... other product details

type ProductFetchStatus = 
    | { status: 'idle' }
    | { status: 'loading' }
    | { status: 'success'; data: Product[] } // Success with array of products
    | { status: 'error'; error: Error }; 

const useFetchProducts = (): ProductFetchStatus => {
    // ... logic to fetch products from an API
  • The ProductFetchStatus accurately models the state of fetching products from an API.
  • Your component can gracefully handle loading, error, and success cases based on the status, providing a type-safe and user-friendly experience.

3. Utility Types for Complex State Management

interface Todo {
  id: number;
  text: string;
  completed: boolean;

const initialTodos: Readonly<Todo[]> = [/* ... */];  

// Reducer actions with payloads using utility types
type AddTodoAction = { type: 'ADD_TODO'; payload: Pick<Todo, 'text'> };
type ToggleTodoAction = { type: 'TOGGLE_TODO'; payload: Pick<Todo, 'id'> };
  • Readonly<Todo[]> ensures your initial state cannot be accidentally modified.
  • Pick assists in constructing action payloads by selecting specific properties from existing types, improving reducer code clarity and type safety.

Conditional Types for API Responses

Example: a component that fetches a list of products from an API and displays them, handling loading and error states

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

// Simplified API interaction (you'd likely use axios or fetch)
const fetchProducts = async (): Promise<Product[]> => {
  // Simulate delayed fetch
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); 

  // Replace with your actual API call
  return [ 
    { id: 1, name: 'Product A', price: 9.99 },
    { id: 2, name: 'Product B', price: 14.99 },

// ... Product type definition from earlier  

type ProductFetchStatus = 
    | { status: 'idle' }
    | { status: 'loading' }
    | { status: 'success'; data: Product[] }
    | { status: 'error'; error: Error }; 

const ProductList: React.FC = () => {
  const [status, setStatus] = useState<ProductFetchStatus>({ status: 'idle' });

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {
      setStatus({ status: 'loading' });
      try {
        const data = await fetchProducts();
        setStatus({ status: 'success', data });
      } catch (error) {
        setStatus({ status: 'error', error }); 

  }, []); 

  return (
      {status.status === 'loading' && <p>Loading...</p>}
      {status.status === 'success' && (
          { => (
            <li key={}>
              {} - ${product.price}
      {status.status === 'error' && <p>Error: {status.error.message}</p>} 

export default ProductList;


  • Conditional Type: ProductFetchStatus models the possible states of the fetch operation.
  • State Management: useState tracks the fetch status.
  • Fetching Logic: useEffect handles fetching data on component mount, updating state through the various stages.
  • Conditional Rendering: The JSX conditionally renders elements based on the status, providing loading feedback, an error message, or the fetched product list.

Key Benefit: The combination of TypeScript and React's state management allows your component to clearly represent the flow of data fetching, enhancing type safety and user experience.

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