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Last active May 20, 2020 21:02
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Convert Evtx to JSON for Mordor

Convert .evtx file to Mordor


Download Winlogbeat and place in same directory as script or in $PATH


Import-Module evtx2mordor.ps1 -Force
Convert-EvtxToMordorJSON -EvtxFile file.evtx -OutFile file.json  # can add -Verbose to get more detailed output

Mordor exports are typically tar + gzip'd. You can compress the output file using 7zip. Example:

7z.exe a -ttar -so -an .\file.json | 7z.exe a -si file.tar.gz
function Convert-EvtxToMordorJSON {
Param (
[ValidateScript({Test-Path (Resolve-Path $_).Path})]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path (Resolve-Path $_).Path})]
$WLB = ""
if (!(Get-Command "$pwd\winlogbeat")){
Write-Verbose "Couldn't find winlogbeat in current directory"
if (!(Get-Command "winlogbeat")){
Write-Verbose "Couldn't find winlogbeat"
exit 1
else { $WLB = "winlogbeat.exe"}
else { $WLB = ".\winlogbeat.exe"}
$EvtxFile = Resolve-Path $EvtxFile
$Config = Resolve-Path $Config
if (Test-Path ".\data\") { Remove-Item ".\data\" -Recurse }
if (Test-Path ".\logs\") { Remove-Item ".\logs\" -Recurse }
if (Test-Path $OutFile) { Remove-Item $OutFile }
New-Item -Type File -Path $OutFile | Out-Null
$OutFile = Resolve-Path $OutFile
Write-Verbose "Using config $Config"
Write-Verbose "Using evtx $EvtxFile"
Write-Verbose "Using outfile $OutFile"
$OutFilePath = Split-Path $OutFile
$OutFileName = Split-Path $OutFile -Leaf
$Command = "$WLB -c $Config -E INFILE=`"$EvtxFile`" -E OUTPATH=`"$OutFilePath`" -E OUTNAME=`"$OutFileName`""
Write-Verbose "Command: $Command"
Invoke-Expression $Command | Out-Null
- name: "${INFILE}"
no_more_events: stop
path: "${OUTPATH}"
filename: "${OUTNAME}"
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