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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Android SQLite dump comparator
Debugging the SQLite database in Android can be a pain. A common technique is to dump the .sqlite database and inspect it using some program.
Sometimes we just want to know what has changed in the database within a time period, we can do this by dumping the database twice and comparing the two dumps.
This function speeds up the process of viewing differences between database dumps.
To use this function create an empty directory and navigate to it. This directory will be where we store dumps and perform comparisons.
Make sure you create a separate directory for each application you’re inspecting, or you may end up comparing dumps from different applications.
Usage: sqlitecompare <path_to_sqlite_file_on_device> e.g. sqlitecompare /data/data/
~~This currently only works if you have one device attached via ADB~~
~~This was only tested on OSX 10.9.2/zsh 5.0.2
num_of_files=`ls *.sql.txt | wc -l | tr -d ' '`
timestamp=`date +%s`
case $num_of_files in
0) print “No DB dumps exist, pulling new dump…”
pull_db $db_filepath $timestamp
print “…dump collected”
1) pull_and_compare $db_filepath $timestamp
2) delete_oldest_file
pull_and_compare $db_filepath $timestamp
*) echo “Clean this mess up”
#pull the database from the attached device then compare with the existing dump in the current directory
# $1 = filepath
# $2 = timestamp (for dump filename)
pull_db $filepath $timestamp
#delete the oldest .sql.txt file in the current directory
print There are two dumps in the current directory, deleting the oldest…
rm -rf `ls -tr1 *.sql.txt | head -1`
print …done
#pull the database from the attached device
# $1 = filepath
# $2 = timestamp (for dump filename)
adb pull $filepath $timestamp
sqlite3 $timestamp .dump > $timestamp.sql.txt
rm -rf $timestamp
##compares two sql.txt files in the current directory using diff
file_a=`ls *.sql.txt | sort -n | head -1`
file_b=`ls *.sql.txt | sort -n | head -2 | tail -1`
print comparing $file_a with $file_b
if [[ -e result.diff ]]; then
rm -rf result.diff
diff -u $file_a $file_b > result.diff
cat result.diff
rm -rf result.diff
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