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Last active October 13, 2021 16:21
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Waveform analyzer

Why are you editing this? Shouldn't you be editing the version at instead? Oh god, it's such a mess.

This started out as an A-weighting filter and measurement, but I made it into a full waveform analysis tool.

I was previously using the FFT filter in Adobe Audition to simulate an A-weighting filter. This worked for large signal levels, but not for low noise floors, which is what I was stupidly using it for.

Please don't blindly trust this. If you use this and find a stupid error, please let me know. If you use this and don't find any errors, please let me know.

Usage: python "audio file.flac"

Requires: Python, NumPy, SciPy, Audiolab (PyPI) Optional: EasyGUI (output to a window instead of the console), Matplotlib (histogram of sample values)

It will open any file supported by audiolab, which basically means anything supported by libsndfile.

To do:

  • Guess the type of waveform? Noise vs sine vs whatever
  • Frequency estimation if appropriate
  • Histogram of sample values ("matplotlib not installed... skipping histogram") hist()
  • Identify if it is 8-bit samples encoded with 16 bits, for instance
  • Frequency response plot if the input is a sweep ;)
    • Probably should just make a separate script for each function like this, and this one can be a noise analysis script
  • py2exe compilation for Windoze
  • Web page describing it
    • Screenshots compared to Audition analysis results
  • everything that Audition does?
    • --histogram of dB values--
    • number of possibly clipped samples
    • max/min sample values
    • peak amplitude
    • min RMS, max RMS, average RMS
    • actual bit depth
  • Ideally: frequency with ±% accuracy - better accuracy for longer wavs
  • THD
  • THD+N
  • Dynamic range
  • signal to noise
  • should check if channels are identical?
  • Real-time analysis of sound card input?
  • Calculate intersample peaks
    • "If you want to see something really bad on the oversampled meter - try a sequence of maximum and minimum values that goes like this: "1010101101010" - notice that the alternating 1's and 0's suddenly change direction in the middle. The results depends on the filter being used in the reconstruction, with the intersample peak easily exceeding 10dB!"
  • Message about easygui not installed?
  • 2 unique channels vs 2 identical channels vs 1 channel


  • Total RMS level
  • Crest factor
  • DC offset

To do:

  1. Get it into publishable form
  2. Post it on gist public
  3. Start using revision control for real
  4. Use dBFS instead of dB

right and left and multichannel are good

may be an error in peak calculation

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from numpy import log10, pi, convolve, mean
from scipy.signal.filter_design import bilinear
from scipy.signal import lfilter
from scikits.audiolab import Sndfile, Format
def A_weighting(Fs):
"""Design of an A-weighting filter.
[B,A] = A_weighting(Fs) designs a digital A-weighting filter for
sampling frequency Fs. Usage: Y = FILTER(B,A,X).
Warning: Fs should normally be higher than 20 kHz. For example,
Fs = 48000 yields a class 1-compliant filter.
Originally a MATLAB script. Also included ASPEC, CDSGN, CSPEC.
Author: Christophe Couvreur, Faculte Polytechnique de Mons (Belgium)
Last modification: Aug. 20, 1997, 10:00am.
Translated from adsgn.m to PyLab 2009-07-14
[1] IEC/CD 1672: Electroacoustics-Sound Level Meters, Nov. 1996.
# Definition of analog A-weighting filter according to IEC/CD 1672.
f1 = 20.598997
f2 = 107.65265
f3 = 737.86223
f4 = 12194.217
A1000 = 1.9997
NUMs = [(2 * pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000/20)), 0, 0, 0, 0]
DENs = convolve([1, +4 * pi * f4, (2 * pi * f4)**2],
[1, +4 * pi * f1, (2 * pi * f1)**2], mode='full')
DENs = convolve(convolve(DENs, [1, 2 * pi * f3], mode='full'),
[1, 2 * pi * f2], mode='full')
# Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter.
# (Octave, MATLAB, and PyLab disagree about Fs vs 1/Fs)
return bilinear(NUMs, DENs, Fs)
def A_weight(signal, samplerate):
"""Return the given signal after passing through an A-weighting filter"""
B, A = A_weighting(samplerate)
return lfilter(B, A, signal)
# From matplotlib.mlab
def rms_flat(a):
Return the root mean square of all the elements of *a*, flattened out.
return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.absolute(a)**2))
def ac_rms(signal):
"""Return the RMS level of the signal after removing any fixed DC offset"""
return rms_flat(signal - mean(signal))
def dB(level):
"""Return a level in decibels.
Decibels are relative to the RMS level of a full-scale square wave
of peak amplitude 1.0 (dBFS).
A full-scale square wave is 0 dB
A full-scale sine wave is -3.01 dB
return 20 * log10(level)
def display(header, results):
"""Display header string and list of result lines"""
import easygui
except ImportError:
#Print to console
print 'EasyGUI not installed - printing output to console\n'
print header
print '-----------------'
print '\n'.join(results)
# Pop the stuff up in a text box
title = 'Waveform properties'
easygui.textbox(header, title, '\n'.join(results))
def histogram(signal):
"""Plot a histogram of the sample values"""
from matplotlib.pyplot import hist, show
except ImportError:
print 'Matplotlib not installed - skipping histogram'
print 'Plotting histogram'
hist(signal) #parameters
def properties(signal, samplerate):
"""Return a list of some wave properties for a given 1-D signal"""
signal_level = ac_rms(signal)
peak_level = max(max(signal.flat),-min(signal.flat))
crest_factor = peak_level/signal_level
# Apply the A-weighting filter to the signal
weighted = A_weight(signal, samplerate)
weighted_level = ac_rms(weighted)
return [
'DC offset: %f (%.3f%%)' % (mean(signal), mean(signal)*100),
'Crest factor: %.3f (%.3f dB)' % (crest_factor, dB(crest_factor)),
'Peak level: %.3f (%.3f dB)' % (peak_level, dB(peak_level)), # Does not take intersample peaks into account!
'RMS level: %.3f (%.3f dB)' % (signal_level, dB(signal_level)),
'A-weighted: %.3f (%.3f dB)' % (weighted_level, dB(weighted_level)),
'A-difference: %.3f dB' % dB(weighted_level/signal_level),
def analyze(filename):
wave_file = Sndfile(filename, 'r')
signal = wave_file.read_frames(wave_file.nframes)
header = 'dB values are relative to a full-scale square wave'
results = [
'Properties for "' + filename + '"',
'Channels: %d' % wave_file.channels,
'Sampling rate: %d Hz' % wave_file.samplerate,
'Frames: %d' % wave_file.nframes,
'Length: ' + str(wave_file.nframes/wave_file.samplerate) + ' seconds',
# Currently only handles mono or stereo files
# If both channels are identical, it will only show one properties sheet
if wave_file.channels == 1:
# Monaural
results += properties(signal, wave_file.samplerate)
elif wave_file.channels == 2:
# Stereo
if np.array_equal(signal[:,0],signal[:,1]):
results += ['Left and right channels are identical:']
results += properties(signal[:,0], wave_file.samplerate)
results += ['Left channel:']
results += properties(signal[:,0], wave_file.samplerate)
results += ['Right channel:']
results += properties(signal[:,1], wave_file.samplerate)
# Multi-channel
for ch_no, channel in enumerate(signal.transpose()):
results += ['Channel %d:' % (ch_no + 1)]
results += properties(channel, wave_file.samplerate)
display(header, results)
plot_histogram = False
if plot_histogram:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
filename = sys.argv[1]
print 'You need to provide a filename:\n'
print 'python filename.wav'
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