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Created February 24, 2023 13:25
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#!/usr/bin/env raku
grammar Calculator {
token TOP { <calc-op> }
proto rule calc-op {*}
rule calc-op:sym<add> { <num> '+' <num> }
rule calc-op:sym<sub> { <num> '-' <num> }
token num { \d+ }
class Calculations {
method TOP ($/) { make $<calc-op>.made; }
proto method calc-op($/) { say 'ASD'; {*} }
method calc-op:sym<add> ($/) { make [+] $<num>; }
method calc-op:sym<sub> ($/) { make [-] $<num>; }
say Calculator.parse('2 + 3', actions => Calculations).made;
# OUTPUT: «5␤»
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