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# BabyAGI User Guide
# This notebook demonstrates how to implement BabyAGI by Yohei Nakajima. BabyAGI is an AI agent that can generate and pretend to execute tasks based on a given objective.
# This guide will help you understand the components to create your own recursive agents.
# Although BabyAGI uses specific vectorstores/model providers (Pinecone, OpenAI), one of the benefits of implementing it with LangChain is that you can easily swap those out for different options. In this implementation we use a FAISS vectorstore (because it runs locally and is free).
import os, langchain, faiss
from collections import deque
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
from langchain import PromptTemplate, LLMChain
from langchain.callbacks.manager import CallbackManager
from langchain.callbacks.streaming_stdout import StreamingStdOutCallbackHandler
from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
from langchain.llms import TextGen
from langchain.llms.base import BaseLLM
from langchain.vectorstores.base import VectorStore
from langchain.chains.base import Chain
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.docstore import InMemoryDocstore
llm = TextGen(
embedding_size = 1536
template = """Question: {question}
# Answer: Let's think step by step."""
question = """Write an exciting adventure scifi adventure story."""
prompt = PromptTemplate(template=template, input_variables=["question"])
# Callbacks support token-wise streaming
callback_manager = CallbackManager([StreamingStdOutCallbackHandler()])
# Verbose is required to pass to the callback manager
llm_chain = LLMChain(prompt=prompt, llm=llm)
output =
# Embeddings
embeddings_model = HuggingFaceEmbeddings()
query_result = embeddings_model.embed_query(output)
# Vector Store
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedding_size)
vectorstore = FAISS(embeddings_model.embed_query(), index, InMemoryDocstore({}), {})
# Define the Chains
# BabyAGI relies on three LLM chains:
# Task creation chain to select new tasks to add to the list
# Task prioritization chain to re-prioritize tasks
# Execution Chain to execute the tasks
class TaskCreationChain(LLMChain):
"""Chain to generates tasks."""
def from_llm(cls, llm: BaseLLM, verbose: bool = True) -> LLMChain:
"""Get the response parser."""
task_creation_template = (
"You are a task creation AI that uses the result of an execution agent"
" to create new tasks with the following objective: {objective},"
" The last completed task has the result: {result}."
" This result was based on this task description: {task_description}."
" These are incomplete tasks: {incomplete_tasks}."
" Based on the result, create new tasks to be completed"
" by the AI system that do not overlap with incomplete tasks."
" Return the tasks as an array."
prompt = PromptTemplate(
return cls(prompt=prompt, llm=llm, verbose=verbose)
class TaskPrioritizationChain(LLMChain):
"""Chain to prioritize tasks."""
def from_llm(cls, llm: BaseLLM, verbose: bool = True) -> LLMChain:
"""Get the response parser."""
task_prioritization_template = (
"You are a task prioritization AI tasked with cleaning the formatting of and reprioritizing"
" the following tasks: {task_names}."
" Consider the ultimate objective of your team: {objective}."
" Do not remove any tasks. Return the result as a numbered list, like:"
" #. First task"
" #. Second task"
" Start the task list with number {next_task_id}."
prompt = PromptTemplate(
input_variables=["task_names", "next_task_id", "objective"],
return cls(prompt=prompt, llm=llm, verbose=verbose)
class ExecutionChain(LLMChain):
"""Chain to execute tasks."""
def from_llm(cls, llm: BaseLLM, verbose: bool = True) -> LLMChain:
"""Get the response parser."""
execution_template = (
"You are an AI who performs one task based on the following objective: {objective}."
" Take into account these previously completed tasks: {context}."
" Your task: {task}."
" Response:"
prompt = PromptTemplate(
input_variables=["objective", "context", "task"],
return cls(prompt=prompt, llm=llm, verbose=verbose)
# Define the BabyAGI Controller
# BabyAGI composes the chains defined above in a (potentially-)infinite loop.
def get_next_task(
task_creation_chain: LLMChain,
result: Dict,
task_description: str,
task_list: List[str],
objective: str,
) -> List[Dict]:
"""Get the next task."""
incomplete_tasks = ", ".join(task_list)
response =
new_tasks = response.split("\n")
return [{"task_name": task_name} for task_name in new_tasks if task_name.strip()]
def prioritize_tasks(
task_prioritization_chain: LLMChain,
this_task_id: int,
task_list: List[Dict],
objective: str,
) -> List[Dict]:
"""Prioritize tasks."""
task_names = [t["task_name"] for t in task_list]
next_task_id = int(this_task_id) + 1
response =
task_names=task_names, next_task_id=next_task_id, objective=objective
new_tasks = response.split("\n")
prioritized_task_list = []
for task_string in new_tasks:
if not task_string.strip():
task_parts = task_string.strip().split(".", 1)
if len(task_parts) == 2:
task_id = task_parts[0].strip()
task_name = task_parts[1].strip()
prioritized_task_list.append({"task_id": task_id, "task_name": task_name})
return prioritized_task_list
def _get_top_tasks(vectorstore, query: str, k: int) -> List[str]:
"""Get the top k tasks based on the query."""
results = vectorstore.similarity_search_with_score(query, k=k)
if not results:
return []
sorted_results, _ = zip(*sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
return [str(item.metadata["task"]) for item in sorted_results]
def execute_task(
vectorstore, execution_chain: LLMChain, objective: str, task: str, k: int = 5
) -> str:
"""Execute a task."""
context = _get_top_tasks(vectorstore, query=objective, k=k)
return, context=context, task=task)
class BabyAGI(Chain, BaseModel):
"""Controller model for the BabyAGI agent."""
task_list: deque = Field(default_factory=deque)
task_creation_chain: TaskCreationChain = Field(...)
task_prioritization_chain: TaskPrioritizationChain = Field(...)
execution_chain: ExecutionChain = Field(...)
task_id_counter: int = Field(1)
vectorstore: VectorStore = Field(init=False)
max_iterations: Optional[int] = None
class Config:
"""Configuration for this pydantic object."""
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
def add_task(self, task: Dict):
def print_task_list(self):
print("\033[95m\033[1m" + "\n*****TASK LIST*****\n" + "\033[0m\033[0m")
for t in self.task_list:
print(str(t["task_id"]) + ": " + t["task_name"])
def print_next_task(self, task: Dict):
print("\033[92m\033[1m" + "\n*****NEXT TASK*****\n" + "\033[0m\033[0m")
print(str(task["task_id"]) + ": " + task["task_name"])
def print_task_result(self, result: str):
print("\033[93m\033[1m" + "\n*****TASK RESULT*****\n" + "\033[0m\033[0m")
def input_keys(self) -> List[str]:
return ["objective"]
def output_keys(self) -> List[str]:
return []
def _call(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Run the agent."""
objective = inputs["objective"]
first_task = inputs.get("first_task", "Make a todo list")
self.add_task({"task_id": 1, "task_name": first_task})
num_iters = 0
while True:
if self.task_list:
# Step 1: Pull the first task
task = self.task_list.popleft()
# Step 2: Execute the task
result = execute_task(
self.vectorstore, self.execution_chain, objective, task["task_name"]
this_task_id = int(task["task_id"])
# Step 3: Store the result in Pinecone
result_id = f"result_{task['task_id']}"
metadatas=[{"task": task["task_name"]}],
# Step 4: Create new tasks and reprioritize task list
new_tasks = get_next_task(
[t["task_name"] for t in self.task_list],
for new_task in new_tasks:
self.task_id_counter += 1
new_task.update({"task_id": self.task_id_counter})
self.task_list = deque(
num_iters += 1
if self.max_iterations is not None and num_iters == self.max_iterations:
"\033[91m\033[1m" + "\n*****TASK ENDING*****\n" + "\033[0m\033[0m"
return {}
def from_llm(
cls, llm: BaseLLM, vectorstore: VectorStore, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> "BabyAGI":
"""Initialize the BabyAGI Controller."""
task_creation_chain = TaskCreationChain.from_llm(llm, verbose=verbose)
task_prioritization_chain = TaskPrioritizationChain.from_llm(
llm, verbose=verbose
execution_chain = ExecutionChain.from_llm(llm, verbose=verbose)
return cls(
# Run the BabyAGI
# Now it's time to create the BabyAGI controller and watch it try to accomplish your objective.
OBJECTIVE = "Write a weather report for SF today"
# Logging of LLMChains
verbose = False
# If None, will keep on going forever
max_iterations: Optional[int] = 3
baby_agi = BabyAGI.from_llm(
llm=llm, vectorstore=vectorstore, verbose=verbose, max_iterations=max_iterations
baby_agi({"objective": OBJECTIVE})
╭─────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ────────────────────────────────╮
│ c:\Users\user\Documents\Models\playground\LangChain\ in <module> │
│ │
│ 48 │
│ 49 # Vector Store │
│ 50 index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedding_size) │
│ ❱ 51 vectorstore = FAISS(embeddings_model.embed_query(), index, InMemoryDocstore({}), {}) │
│ 52 │
│ 53 # Define the Chains │
│ 54 # BabyAGI relies on three LLM chains: │
TypeError: HuggingFaceEmbeddings.embed_query() missing 1 required positional argument: 'text'
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