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Created March 12, 2022 19:47
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <functional>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
#include "utils/timer.hpp"
#include "rcwa/WaveEquationCoeff.h"
#include "core/RCWAScatterMatrix.h"
#include "core/ScatterMatrixDerivative.hpp"
#include "rcwa/LayerStructure.h"
#include "rcwa/dispersion.h"
#include "opt/ConstrainedGradientDescentOptimizer.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
// the function to return the loss and gradient (grad) given a certain wavelength (lambda) and target amplitude (targetAmp)
// input x is the parameter to control the shape
scalar funcgrad_general_Amp(const VectorXs& x, VectorXs& grad, scalar lambda, scalar targetAmp)
int N = 11;
scalar wz = 1.4;
scalar L = 0.66;
scalar Lw = 0.6;
scalar Lb = 0.5 * (L - Lw);
WaveEquationCoeff coeff(N, N, L, L);
VectorXs coordX(6);
coordX << 0., Lb, 0., 0., L-Lb, L;
coordX(2) = 0.5 * L - 0.5 * Lw * x(0);
coordX(3) = 0.5 * L + 0.5 * Lw * x(0);
VectorXs coordY(6);
coordY << 0., Lb, 0., 0., L-Lb, L;
coordY(2) = 0.5 * L - 0.5 * Lw * x(1);
coordY(3) = 0.5 * L + 0.5 * Lw * x(1);
cout << "coordX: " << coordX.transpose() << endl;
cout << "coordY: " << coordY.transpose() << endl;
int midx = (N - 1) / 2;
int midy = (N - 1) / 2;
int index = midy + midx * N;
VectorXcs Ex(2*N*N);
Ex(index) = 1.;
scalex e_Si = permSi(lambda);
scalex e_b = e_Vacuum;
MatrixXcs eps(5, 5);
eps << e_b, e_b, e_b, e_b, e_b,
e_b, e_Si, e_Si, e_Si, e_b,
e_b, e_Si, e_b, e_Si, e_b,
e_b, e_Si, e_Si, e_Si, e_b,
e_b, e_b, e_b, e_b, e_b;
struct LayerStructure layer {coordX, coordY, eps};
MatrixXcs P, Q, dPx1, dPy1, dQx1, dQy1;
coeff.solve(lambda, layer, 2, 2, P, Q, &dPx1, &dPy1, &dQx1, &dQy1);
MatrixXcs dPx2, dPy2, dQx2, dQy2;
coeff.solve(lambda, layer, 3, 3, P, Q, &dPx2, &dPy2, &dQx2, &dQy2);
MatrixXcs dPx = 0.5 * Lw * (dPx2 - dPx1);
MatrixXcs dPy = 0.5 * Lw * (dPy2 - dPy1);
MatrixXcs dQx = 0.5 * Lw * (dQx2 - dQx1);
MatrixXcs dQy = 0.5 * Lw * (dQy2 - dQy1);
dtmm::RCWAScatterMatrix rcwa(N, N, 0.66, 0.66);
rcwa.compute(lambda, wz, P, Q);
std::array<dtmm::ScatterMatrixDerivative<dtmm::RCWAScatterMatrix>, 2> deriv;
deriv[0].compute(rcwa, P, Q, dPx, dQx);
deriv[1].compute(rcwa, P, Q, dPy, dQy);
scalex output = rcwa.Tdd()(index, index);
scalar output2 = std::abs(output) * std::abs(output);
cout << "output: " << std::abs(output) << ", " << std::arg(output) << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
grad(i) = 2 * (output2 - targetAmp*targetAmp) * 2. * std::real(deriv[i].dTdd()(index, index) * std::conj(output));
return (output2 - targetAmp*targetAmp) * (output2 - targetAmp*targetAmp);
// the function to return the loss and gradient (grad) given multiple wavelengths (lambdas) and the corresponding target amplitudes (targetAmps)
// input x is the parameter to control the shape
scalar funcgrad_general_Amp_multiple_frequencies(const VectorXs& x, VectorXs& grad,
const vector<scalar>& lambdas, const vector<scalar>& targetAmps)
scalar sum = 0.;
int Nx = x.size();
int n = lambdas.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
scalar lambda = lambdas[i];
scalar targetAmp = targetAmps[i];
VectorXs temp(Nx);
scalar loss = funcgrad_general_Amp(x, temp, lambda, targetAmp);
cout << "loss" << i << ": " << loss << ", ";
sum += loss;
grad += temp;
cout << endl;
return sum;
// main function
void test(const vector<scalar>& lambdas, const vector<scalar>& targetAmps)
// for a certain target, convert it into a standard function returning the
// gradient and loss
auto funcgrad = bind(funcgrad_general_Amp_multiple_frequencies,
lambdas, targetAmps);
default_random_engine generator;
auto time_point = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
uniform_real_distribution<scalar> distribution(0., 1.);
auto dice = bind(distribution, generator);
// parameter to control the shape
VectorXs x(2);
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
x(i) = dice();
cout << "=============================================\n";
cout << "initial x: " << x.transpose() << endl;
cout << "=============================================\n";
// any differentiable optimizer that you write
ConstrainedGradientDescentOptimizer opt;
auto t1 = sploosh::now();
opt.optimize(x, funcgrad, 40); // input: initial x, the function to evaluate gradient and loss, maximum number of iterations
auto t2 = sploosh::now();
cout << "time: " << sploosh::duration_milli_d(t1, t2) << endl;
ofstream fout("../record_amp.txt", ios::app);
for (auto a : targetAmps)
fout << a << "\t";
fout << x.transpose() << "\t" << opt.loss() << endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (auto A1 : {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.})
for (auto A2 : {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.})
test({1.2, 1.6}, {A1, A2});
return 0;
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