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Created June 16, 2020 11:38
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import Data.Function ( (&), fix )
import Data.List (foldl')
-- top-down
fib n = snd $ go n
-- go :: Int -> (Int,Int)
go 0 = (0,0)
go 1 = (0,1)
go x = (b,a+b)
(a,b) = go (x - 1)
-- bottom-up
-- tail recursive
-- from
fib' n = go n (0,1)
go 0 (a,_) = a
go 1 (_,b) = b
go x (a,b) = go (x-1) (b,a+b)
-- tail recursive strict left-fold
fib'' 0 = 0
fib'' 1 = 1
fib'' n = snd $ foldl' (\(a,b) _ -> (b,a+b)) (0,1) [2..n]
-- in one line
fib''' n = fst $ foldl' (\(a,b) _ -> (b,a+b)) (0,1) [1..n]
-- from
fibs = fix $ (0:) . scanl (+) 1
fib4 = (fibs !!)
main0 = do
putStrLn $ show $ map fib [0..7]
putStrLn $ show $ map fib' [0..7]
main1 =
& map (\f -> map f [0..7])
& mapM_ (\l -> l & show & putStrLn)
main = main1
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