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Created March 19, 2013 12:27
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grunt-templater にパス取得用のヘルパー。現在処理中のテンプレートのパスやファイル名の取得などが行える…はず。$ npm install grunt grunt-templater ejs
module.exports = function(grunt)
'use strict';
var ROOT_PATH = '.',
TEMPLATE_PATH = ROOT_PATH + '/templates';
template: {
hoge: {
src: TEMPLATE_PATH + '/sample.ejs',
dest: ROOT_PATH + '/sample.html',
variables: {},
fuga: {
src: TEMPLATE_PATH + '/sample.ejs',
dest: ROOT_PATH + '/htdocs/sample.html',
variables: {},
foo: {
src: TEMPLATE_PATH + '/sample.ejs',
dest: ROOT_PATH + '/htdocs/dir/sample.html',
variables: {},
news: {
src: TEMPLATE_PATH + '/sample.ejs',
dest: ROOT_PATH + '/news/sample.html',
variables: {},
grunt.task.renameTask('template', 'grunt-templater_template');
'generates an html file from a specified template',
(function() {
var p = require('path'),
rootPath = null,
currentPath = null,
Path = {
getRelative: function(to, from)
var path, dirTo, dirFrom, basename, re;
to = this.normalize(to);
from = this.normalize(from) || currentPath;
dirTo = trimRootPath(p.dirname(to )) || '.';
dirFrom = trimRootPath(p.dirname(from)) || '.';
path = p.relative(dirFrom, dirTo);
basename = trimRootPath(p.basename(to));
path = path + (path ? p.sep : '') + basename;
return p.normalize(path);
getAbsolute: function(to, from)
return this.toAbsolute(this.getRelative(to, from));
toAbsolute: function(path)
return p.normalize(p.sep + path);
getRoot: function()
return this.getRelative(rootPath, currentPath);
getCurrent: function()
return trimRootPath(currentPath);
setCurrent: function(path)
currentPath = p.normalize(path);
rootPath = getRootPath(path);
return this;
getDirname: function(path)
return p.dirname(path);
getBasename: function(path)
return p.basename(path);
normalize: function(path)
if (path && path.indexOf(p.sep) === 0) {
path = p.normalize(rootPath + path);
return path;
function trimRootPath(path)
var re = new RegExp('^' + quote(rootPath + p.sep) + '?');
return path.replace(re, '');
function getRootPath(path)
var root = path.split(p.sep).slice(0, 2).join(p.sep);
return p.dirname(root);
function quote(str)
return (str + '').replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1");
return function() {
var config = {}; = Path.setCurrent(;
config[] =;
grunt.config.set('grunt-templater_template', config);['grunt-templater_template']);
Path.getCurrent() -> <%= Path.getCurrent() %>
Path.getRoot() -> <%= Path.getRoot() %>
Path.toAbsolute(Path.getCurrent()) -> <%= Path.toAbsolute(Path.getCurrent()) %>
Path.toAbsolute(Path.getRoot()) -> <%= Path.toAbsolute(Path.getRoot()) %>
Path.getRelative() -> <%= Path.getRelative('/img/hoge.jpg') %>
Path.getAbsolute() -> <%= Path.getAbsolute('/img/hoge.jpg') %>
Path.getRelative() -> <%= Path.getRelative('fuga/hoge.html') %>
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