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Created August 12, 2020 01:07
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Javascript Notes
8/11 loan calculator
classofparent.insertBefore(what to put in, what to put it before)
classofparent is the parent that holds "what to put it before". So you need to have the parent and the child element that it should go before
8/11 number guessing game
//Assign UI min and max
this will set the variables min to the text in the span
<span class="min-num"></span>
minNum.textContent = min;
maxNum.textContent = max;
//inputs are alwasy string so need to parse them to get them to be a number
<input type="number" id='guess-input' placeholder="enter your guess...">
let guess = parseInt(guessInput.value)
//Validate inputs. Use method isNan() to check if it is not a number. Don't do guess === Nan because that doesn't work.
let guess = parseInt(guessInput.value)
if(isNaN(guess) || guess < min || guess > max){
setMessage(`Please enter a number between ${min} and ${max}`)
//dynamic css, and using functions, can be done by passing an extra paramenter with the css(or variable if the css is extensive)
if(isNaN(guess) || guess < min || guess > max){
setMessage(`Please enter a number between ${min} and ${max}`, 'red') // added red to pas to function
// set error message and color dynamically. can reuse function because color is passed dynamically
function setMessage(msg , color){ = color
message.textContent = msg
//disable input
guessInput.disabled = true
//changing things green = 'green';
//can reload page with
//sometimes need to make event mousedown. In this cause, the mousedown on a win will make add the play-again class, and the mouseup event will trigger it.
game.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){
if( === 'play-again'){
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