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Created October 21, 2012 17:22
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Apport crashDB implementation for github
title Github implementation of crash database interface
alt Github credential is not present
Client->Client: Prompt username
alt is X session:
Client->Github:Open browser to ask autorisation
else command line session
Client->Client:Return url in prompt
loop Token is not acquired
Client->Webapp: Check if token is registered
Github->Github: Ask autorisation
Github->Webapp: Redirect user to webapp
Webapp->Github: Ask token
Github->Webapp: return token
Webapp->Webapp: Store token
Client->Webapp: Check if token is registered
Webapp->Client: Return token
Client->Client: Check on Github if issue is already reported
alt Issue is already reported
Client->Client: Show issue
Client->Client: Prompt to ask if a comment must be added
alt Yes
Client->Client: Preview comment in the editor
Client->Github: Post comment
Github->Client: Return issue url
else Issue is not reported
Client->Client: Preview issue in the editor
Client->Github: Post issue
Github->Client: Return issue url
note right of Github
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to update this diagram
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