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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
function rungekutta(n,xn,f,x0,y0) {
var h = (xn - x0) / n;
var xi = x0, yi = y0;
function step(x,y) {
var k1 = f(x, y),
k2 = f(x+h/2, y+h*k1/2),
k3 = f(x+h/2, y+h*k2/2),
k4 = f(x+h, y+h*k3);
return y + h*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6;
for (var i = 0; i < n; xi = x0 + h*++i) {
yi = step(xi,yi);
return yi;
function solve() {
var elem = document.getElementById("result"),
n = document.getElementById("precision").value,
x = document.getElementById("x").value,
f = document.getElementById("function").value,
x0 = document.getElementById("x0").value,
y0 = document.getElementById("y0").value;
var res = rungekutta(+n, +x, new Function("x","y",f), +x0, +y0);
elem.value = res;
var dict = {
// hoge: { xn: , f: , x0: , y0: },
nothing: { xn: null, f: null, x0: null, y0: null },
exp: { xn: 1, f: "return y", x0: 0, y0: 1 },
arctan: { xn: 1, f: "return 4/(1+x*x)", x0: 0, y0: 0 }
window.onload = function () {
var ex = document.getElementById("examples");
for (var i in dict) {
var opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.value = i; opt.textContent = i;
function selectExample(ev) {
var ex = dict[];
document.getElementById("x").value = ex.xn;
document.getElementById("function").value = ex.f;
document.getElementById("x0").value = ex.x0;
document.getElementById("y0").value = ex.y0;
<p>precision is <input id="precision" value="100"></input></p>
<p>dy/dx = <input id="function"></input></p>
<p>y(<input id="x0"></input>)
= <input id="y0"></input></p>
<button onclick="solve()">Solve</button>
<p>y(<input id="x"></input>)
= <input type="text" id="result" size="25" readonly></input></p>
you can choose example:
<select id="examples" onchange="selectExample(event)">
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