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Created March 13, 2014 09:07
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### ラムダ
🐫 変数👉 式
### 括弧
🌜 式🌛
### コメント
🌝 コメ🌝 ネストできる🌞 ント🌞
### 例
🐫 🐭 👉 🐫 🐮 👉 🐫 🐯 👉 🐭 🐯 🌜 🐮 🐯 🌛 🌝 Sコンビネータ🌞
### バグ
ド・ブラン インデックス を使うのかな
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Text.Trifecta as T
import qualified Text.Parser.Token.Style as TS
import qualified Data.HashSet as H
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Char
main = getLine >>= run
run code = case T.parseString (runComment expr) mempty code of
T.Failure d -> print d
T.Success s -> print $ eval s
data Expr = Fun String Expr
| Var String
| App Expr Expr
showParen' True s = ("🌜 " ++) . s . ("🌛 " ++)
showParen' False s = s
instance Show Expr where
showsPrec n (Fun v e) = showParen' (n > 9) $ \s -> "🐫 " ++ v ++ " 👉 " ++ shows e s
showsPrec n (Var v) = (v ++) . (' ' :)
showsPrec n (App e1 e2) = showParen' (n > 10) $ showsPrec 10 e1 . showsPrec 11 e2
elem' :: String -> Expr -> Bool
elem' v (Fun u e) = v /= u && elem' v e
elem' v (Var u) = v == u
elem' v (App e1 e2) = elem' v e1 || elem' v e2
subst :: String -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
subst name v e = go e
go (Fun u e)
| name == u = Fun u e
-- | u `elem'` v =
| otherwise = Fun u (go e)
go (Var u)
| name == u = v
| otherwise = Var u
go (App e1 e2) = App (go e1) (go e2)
eval :: Expr -> Expr
eval (App f x) = case (eval f, eval x) of
(Fun name e, x) -> eval $ subst name x e
(f, x) -> App f x
eval e = e
newtype Comment a = Comment { runComment :: T.Parser a }
deriving (Functor,Applicative,Alternative,Monad,T.Parsing,T.CharParsing)
instance T.TokenParsing Comment where
nesting (Comment m) = Comment (T.nesting m)
someSpace = TS.buildSomeSpaceParser (Comment T.someSpace) style
style = TS.emptyCommentStyle
{ TS._commentStart = "🌝" , TS._commentEnd = "🌞" }
semi = Comment T.semi
highlight h (Comment m) = Comment (T.highlight h m)
var :: Comment String
var = T.ident style
char = T.satisfy $ \c -> generalCategory c == OtherSymbol && not (c `elem` reserved)
style = (TS.emptyIdents :: T.IdentifierStyle Comment)
{ T._styleStart = char
, T._styleLetter = char
, T._styleReserved = H.fromList $ map (:[]) reserved
reserved = ['🐫','👉','🌜','🌛','🌝','🌞']
expr' :: Comment Expr
expr' = T.chainl1 fact (pure App)
fact :: Comment Expr
fact = T.between (T.symbolic '🌜') (T.symbolic '🌛') expr
<|> (Var <$> var)
expr :: Comment Expr
expr = (Fun <$ T.symbolic '🐫' <*> var <* T.symbolic '👉' <*> expr)
<|> expr'
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