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Created April 1, 2023 17:02
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Check whether is there any player online.
#Checks for active connections on port 22 (ssh) and 25565 (minecraft)
#If no connections are found, shut down the server
#Add a little delay, so if the server is start right before the crontab sheduled time. The user will still have some time to connect first.
sleep 3m
sshCons=$(netstat -anp | grep :22 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l)
mcCons=$(netstat -anp | grep :25565 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l)
echo "Active SSH Connections: $sshCons"
echo "Active Minecraft Connections: $mcCons"
/home/ubuntu/mc/ --text "(Hm...) There's still $mcCons people here... \n(When can I take off...?)"
if [ $((mcCons)) = 0 ]
echo "Checking for SSH connections before shutting down"
if [[ $((sshCons)) = 0 ]]
echo "no ssh connections, closing server instace"
/home/ubuntu/mc/ --text "Nobody here~ Shutting down server~"
sudo systemctl stop minecraft
/home/ubuntu/mc/ --text "Done~ Shutting down~~"
sudo shutdown
echo "There are 1 or more active ssh connections, skip termination"
/home/ubuntu/mc/ --text "(There's still $sshCons ssh connection...)"
echo "Somebody is playing minecraft, do nothing!"
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