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Created August 5, 2012 14:58
Launch all Dock apps with exclusions based on modifier keys
-- Launch All in Dock.applescript
-- Brett Terpstra 2012
-- Modified version of an AppleScript to launch all
-- persistent (Keep in Dock) apps[^1]. Allows you to exclude
-- apps based on modifier keys held when it runs.
-- Uses the `keys` utility found on the Apple Mailing Lists[^2].
set optDoNotOpen to {"com.adiumx.adiumx", ""}
set shiftDoNotOpen to {""}
delay 2
set optKeyDown to (do shell script "/usr/local/bin/keys option")
set shiftKeyDown to (do shell script "/usr/local/bin/keys shift")
set _exclude to ""
if optKeyDown = "1" then
repeat with _app in optDoNotOpen
set _exclude to _exclude & "|grep -v " & _app
end repeat
end if
if shiftKeyDown = "1" then
repeat with _app in shiftDoNotOpen
set _exclude to _exclude & "|grep -v " & _app
end repeat
end if
return do shell script "for app in $(defaults read persistent-apps|grep bundle-identifier" & _exclude & "| awk '{print $3}'| tr -d '\";'); do open -g -b $app; done"
-- [^1]: <>
-- [^2]: <>
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