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Geodesic Distance calculation function in JavaScript from 国土地理院(
function gsidistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2){
"use strict";
const a = 6378137.0;
const f = 1 / 298.257223563;
const MAX_ITERATION = 200;
const abs = Math.abs;
const sqrt = Math.sqrt;
const sin = Math.sin;
const cos = Math.cos;
const tan = Math.tan;
const atan = Math.atan;
const asin = Math.asin;
const PI = Math.PI;
const degree = PI / 180;
const l = lon2 - lon1;
const lp = (((l + 180) % 360) - 180) * degree;
const L = abs(lp);
const Lp = PI - L;
const Delta = ((lp >= 0) ? lat2 - lat1 : lat1 - lat2) * degree;
const Sigma = (lat1 + lat2) * degree;
const u1 = (lp >= 0) ? atan((1 - f) * tan(lat1 * degree)) : atan((1 - f) * tan(lat2 * degree));
const u2 = (lp >= 0) ? atan((1 - f) * tan(lat2 * degree)) : atan((1 - f) * tan(lat1 * degree));
const Sigmap = u1 + u2;
const Deltap = u2 - u1;
const xi = cos(0.5 * Sigmap);
const xip = sin(0.5 * Sigmap);
const eta = sin(0.5 * Deltap);
const etap = cos(0.5 * Deltap);
const x = sin(u1) * sin(u2);
const y = cos(u1) * cos(u2);
const c = y * cos(L) + x;
const epsilon = f * (2 - f) / ((1 - f) * (1 - f));
let ZONE = 0;
let theta0 = 0.0;
if(c >= 0){
// Zone 1
ZONE = 1;
theta0 = L * (1 + f * y);
}else if((0 > c) && (c >= -cos(3 * degree * cos(u1)))){
// Zone 2
ZONE = 2;
theta0 = Lp;
// Zone 3
ZONE = 3;
const R = f * PI * (cos(u1) ** 2) * (1 - 0.25 * f * (1 + f) * (sin(u1) ** 2) + (3 / 16) * f * f * (sin(u1) ** 4));
const d1 = Lp * cos(u1) - R;
const d2 = abs(Sigmap) + R;
const q = Lp / (f * PI);
const f1 = 0.25 * f * (1 + 0.5 * f);
const gamma0 = q + f1 * q - f1 * q * q * q;
if(Sigma != 0.0){
// Zone 3a
const A0 = atan(d1 / d2);
const B0 = asin(R / sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2));
const psi = A0 + B0;
const j = gamma0 / cos(u1);
const k = (1 + f1) * abs(Sigmap) * (1 - f * y) / (f * PI * y);
const j1 = j / (1 + k / cos(psi));
const psip = asin(j1);
const psipp = asin(cos(u1) * j1 / cos(u2));
theta0 = 2 * atan(tan(0.5 * (psip + psipp)) * sin(0.5 * abs(Sigmap)) / cos(0.5 * Deltap));
if(d1 > 0){
// Zone 3b1
theta0 = Lp;
}else if(d1 == 0.0){
// Zone 3b2
const Gamma = sin(u2) ** 2;
const n0 = epsilon * Gamma / ((sqrt(1 + epsilon * Gamma) + 1) ** 2);
const A = (1 + n0) * (1 + 1.25 * n0 * n0);
return (1 - f) * a * A * PI;
// Zone 3b3
let gamma = gamma0;
let gamma1;
let Gamma;
let D;
for(let i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATION; i++){
gamma1 = gamma;
Gamma = 1 - gamma * gamma;
D = 0.25 * f * (1 + f) - (3 / 16) * f * f * Gamma;
gamma = q / (1 - D * Gamma);
if(abs(gamma - gamma1) < 1e-15){
const n0 = epsilon * Gamma / ((sqrt(1 + epsilon * Gamma) + 1) ** 2);
const A = (1 + n0) * (1 + 1.25 * n0 * n0);
return (1 - f) * a * A * PI;
let g, h, sigma, J, K, gamma, Gamma, zeta, zetap, D, E, F, G;
let theta = theta0, theta1;
for(let i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATION; i++){
theta1 = theta;
g = (ZONE == 1) ? sqrt((eta * cos(0.5 * theta)) ** 2 + (xi * sin(0.5 * theta)) ** 2) : sqrt((eta * sin(0.5 * theta)) ** 2 + (xi * cos(0.5 * theta)) ** 2);
h = (ZONE == 1) ? sqrt((etap * cos(0.5 * theta)) ** 2 + (xip * sin(0.5 * theta)) ** 2) : sqrt((etap * sin(0.5 * theta)) ** 2 + (xip * cos(0.5 * theta)) ** 2);
sigma = 2 * atan(g / h);
J = 2 * g * h;
K = h * h - g * g;
gamma = y * sin(theta) / J;
Gamma = 1 - gamma * gamma;
zeta = Gamma * K - 2 * x;
zetap = zeta + x;
D = 0.25 * f * (1 + f) - (3 / 16) * f * f * Gamma;
E = (1 - D * Gamma) * f * gamma * (sigma + D * J * (zeta + D * K * (2 * zeta * zeta - Gamma * Gamma)));
F = (ZONE == 1) ? (theta - L - E) : (theta - Lp + E);
G = f * gamma * gamma * (1 - 2 * D * Gamma) + f * zetap * (sigma / J) * (1 - D * Gamma + 0.5 * f * gamma * gamma) + 0.25 * f * f * zeta * zetap;
theta = theta - F / (1 - G);
if(abs(F) < 1e-15){
const n0 = epsilon * Gamma / ((sqrt(1 + epsilon * Gamma) + 1) ** 2);
const A = (1 + n0) * (1 + 1.25 * n0 * n0);
const B = epsilon * (1 - 3 * n0 * n0 / 8) / ((sqrt(1 + epsilon * Gamma) + 1) ** 2);
return (1 - f) * a * A * (sigma - B * J * (zeta - 0.25 * B * (K * (Gamma * Gamma - 2 * zeta * zeta) - (1 / 6) * B * zeta * (1 - 4 * K * K) * (3 * Gamma * Gamma - 4 * zeta * zeta))));
/* testcode
gsidistance(36.530042355041,0,-48.16427077909776886,5.76234469467651046) // zone 1
gsidistance(13.320487305712,0,9.18422866656019738,151.30263687191143427) // zone 2
gsidistance(5.98674750482,0,-3.49379958802986464,179.59957604815423341) // zone 3a
gsidistance(70.776266785618,0,-70.77626678561799955,179.8008442908662651) // zone 3b1
gsidistance(0.004871023123,0,-0.004871023123,179.39649408251545199) // zone 3b2
gsidistance(4.199535552987,0,-4.199535552987,179.39810634345499224) // zone 3b3
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