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Last active November 24, 2022 05:34
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This python method evaluates the average stresses and strains, given the odb path and step name.
Suggested to run this script from terminal,
`abaqus cae noGUI="/path/to/this/file"`
from visualization import *
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import inspect
def print_output(msg,terminal=True):
if terminal:
print >> sys.__stdout__, msg
print msg
def array_pretty_printing(arr, name=""):
if type(arr)==np.ndarray:
if arr.ndim==2:
for a_row in arr:
print_output(" ".join("{0:^10.6E}".format(k) for k in a_row))
elif arr.ndim==1:
print_output(" ".join("{0:^10.6E}".format(k) for k in arr))
elif type(arr) in (int, float):
print_output("{0}:: {1}".format(name, arr))
def get_volume_averaged_values(odb_path, step_name, print_res=False):
odb = openOdb(path=odb_path, readOnly=True)
last_frame = odb.steps[step_name].frames[-1]
ip_vol = last_frame.fieldOutputs["IVOL"].getSubset(position=INTEGRATION_POINT).values
ip_stresses = last_frame.fieldOutputs["S"].getSubset(position=INTEGRATION_POINT).values
ip_strains = last_frame.fieldOutputs["E"].getSubset(position=INTEGRATION_POINT).values
cum_wtd_stresses = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
cum_wtd_strains = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
total_strain_energy = 0.0
cum_vol = 0.0
for i in range(len(ip_vol)):
ith_ip_vol = ip_vol[i].data
cum_wtd_stresses += (ip_stresses[i].data * ith_ip_vol)
cum_wtd_strains += (ip_strains[i].data * ith_ip_vol)
total_strain_energy += (ip_strains[i].data * ip_stresses[i].data * ith_ip_vol * 0.5)
cum_vol += ith_ip_vol
vol_avg_stress = cum_wtd_stresses/cum_vol
vol_avg_strain = cum_wtd_strains/cum_vol
total_strain_energy = sum(total_strain_energy)
if print_res:
print_output("\nVolume averaged quantites where the total volume is {0}".format(cum_vol))
array_pretty_printing(vol_avg_stress, "Averaged Stress")
array_pretty_printing(vol_avg_strain, "Averaged Strain")
array_pretty_printing(total_strain_energy, "Microscopic Strain Energy")
return vol_avg_stress, vol_avg_strain, total_strain_energy
def get_voigtSEvec_from_abaqusSEvec(arr, ax_map=None):
Get the stress(S)/Strain(E) vector in Voigt notation,
given the corresponding vector generated by ABAQUS.
Result depends on the position of material axes(1,2,3) relative to the abaqus global CSYS(x,y,z).
ABAQUS notation of stress/ strain vector => 11, 22, 33, 23, 31, 12
ABAQUS notation of stress/ strain vector => xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz
assert len(arr)==6
if ax_map==None:
ax_map={"x":2, "y":3, "z":1}
for (csys_ax, mat_ax) in ax_map.items():
if mat_ax==1:
elif mat_ax==2:
elif mat_ax==3:
raise Warning("material axis can be 1, 2 or 3")
voigt_notation = [one+one, two+two, three+three, two+three, three+one, one+two]
abaqus_notation = ["xx", "yy", "zz", "xy", "xz", "yz"]
notation_mapping = []
for i in voigt_notation:
if i in abaqus_notation:
elif i[::-1] in abaqus_notation:
raise Warning("Component {0} is not in abaqus notation {1}".format(i, abaqus_notation))
return np.array([arr[i] for i in notation_mapping])
def get_Cijkl_col(Savg_abq, Eavg_abq, col_num):
Savg_Voigt = (get_voigtSEvec_from_abaqusSEvec(Savg_abq)).reshape(-1,1)
Eavg_Voigt = (get_voigtSEvec_from_abaqusSEvec(Eavg_abq)).reshape(1,-1)
return (Savg_Voigt/Eavg_Voigt)[:, col_num-1]
def get_engineering_const_from_compliance_matrix(s_matrix):
assert s_matrix.shape==(6,6)
s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16 = s_matrix[0, :]
s22, s23, s24, s25, s26 = s_matrix[1, 1:]
s33, s34, s35, s36 = s_matrix[2, 2:]
s44, s45, s46 = s_matrix[3, 3:]
s55, s56 = s_matrix[4, 4:]
s66 = s_matrix[5, 5]
results = {}
"E11" : 1.0/s11,
"E22" : 1.0/s22,
"E33" : 1.0/s33,
"nu_12" : -s12/s11,
"nu_21" : -s12/s22,
"nu_23" : -s23/s22,
"nu_32" : -s23/s33,
"nu_13" : -s13/s11,
"nu_31" : -s13/s33,
"G23" : 1.0/s44,
"G13" : 1.0/s55,
"G12" : 1.0/s66,
return results
def main(odb_paths, step_id = "STEP-1", print_vol_avg_res=False, csys_voigt_map=None, msys_voigt_map=None):
if csys_voigt_map is None:
csys_voigt_map = {"XX": 2, "YY": 3, "ZZ": 1, "YZ": 5, "ZX": 6, "XY": 4,}
if msys_voigt_map is None:
msys_voigt_map = {"22": 2, "33": 3, "11": 1, "31": 5, "12": 6, "23": 4,}
C_ijkl_columns = {}
for (a_odb_id, a_odb_path) in odb_paths.items():
print_output("Working on {0} case".format(a_odb_id))
column_index = csys_voigt_map[a_odb_id[1:]]
a_avg_stress, a_avg_strain, a_Senergy = get_volume_averaged_values(a_odb_path, step_id, print_vol_avg_res)
C_ijkl_columns[column_index] = get_Cijkl_col(a_avg_stress, a_avg_strain, column_index)
eff_C_ijkl = np.column_stack(tuple(C_ijkl_columns[i] for i in range(1, 7)))
eff_S_ijkl = np.linalg.inv(eff_C_ijkl)
return eff_C_ijkl, eff_S_ijkl
# ===================================
# ===================================
# getting the path of the file
CFD = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(lambda: None))
t0 = time.time()
odbs_dir = CFD # replace with directory of choice
results_dir = CFD # replace with directory of choice
Odb_Paths = {
"EXX": os.path.join(odbs_dir, "E22.odb"), # Transverse Tensile
"EYY": os.path.join(odbs_dir, "E33.odb"), # Transverse Tensile
"EZZ": os.path.join(odbs_dir, "E11.odb"), # Axial Tensile
"GYZ": os.path.join(odbs_dir, "G31.odb"), # In-plane Shear
"GZX": os.path.join(odbs_dir, "G12.odb"), # In-plane Shear
"GXY": os.path.join(odbs_dir, "G23.odb"), # Transverse Shear
C_ijkl, S_ijkl = main(Odb_Paths, "STEP-1", True)
array_pretty_printing(C_ijkl, "stiffness_matrix")
array_pretty_printing(S_ijkl, "compliance_matrix")
CS_ijkl = np.dstack((C_ijkl, S_ijkl)), "{0}_CSijkl.npy".format(a_case_id)), CS_ijkl)
eng_const = get_engineering_const_from_compliance_matrix(S_ijkl)
print_output("Engineering constants : ")
for (k,v) in eng_const.items():
print_output("{0} :: {1}".format(k,v))
# Export to a text file
with open(os.path.join(results_dir, "{0}_results.txt"), "w") as file1:
for (k,v) in eng_const.items():
file1.write("{0} :: {1}\n".format(k,v))
end_card = "Finished the case {0} in {1:4.3f} seconds".format(a_case_id, time.time()-t0)
print_output("\n\n{0}\n{1}\n{0}\n".format(len(end_card)*"~", end_card))
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