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Created December 11, 2021 19:02
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Selector pattern on the dart
void main() {
final selector = Selector();
.when((value) => value == 3).then((value) => value * 2)
.whenIsEqual((value) => value == 'QQQ').then((value) { print(value); return null; })
.fallback((value) => { 'x': 42 });
final selector2 = Selector<int, int>();
.when((value) => value == 3).then((value) => value * 2)
.whenIsEqual('QQQ').then((value) { print(value); return null; })
.fallback((value) => { 'x': 42 });
class Selector<TArgument, TReturn> {
final Map<bool Function(TArgument value), TReturn Function(TArgument value)> _cases = {};
TReturn Function(TArgument value)? _fallback;
bool Function(TArgument value)? _currentCondition;
TReturn call(TArgument value) {
for (final someCase in _cases.entries) {
if (someCase.key(value)) return someCase.value(value);
if (_fallback != null) return _fallback!(value);
throw Exception('fallback function is not defined');
Selector<TArgument, TReturn> when(bool Function(TArgument value) conditionFn) {
_currentCondition = conditionFn;
return this;
Selector<TArgument, TReturn> whenIsEqual(TArgument checkedValue) {
_currentCondition = (value) => value == checkedValue;
return this;
Selector<TArgument, TReturn> then(TReturn Function(TArgument value) runnerFn) {
if (_currentCondition == null) throw Exception('You couldn\'t use "then" without "when*"');
_cases[_currentCondition!] = runnerFn;
return this;
Selector<TArgument, TReturn> fallback(TReturn Function(TArgument value) runnerFn) {
_fallback = runnerFn;
return this;
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