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Last active August 3, 2018 14:11
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Save 3D-I/3dd7e3f7bf1fb5fc5261 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mini Support Tool Kit for phpBB [3.0][3.1][3.2]
* Usage:
* Download and unzip the file, upload it to your Board's root (i.e.:
* Point your browser to i.e.: and follow instructions.
* @package - right_install.php 2.0.0-b4 (true versions comparison and more)
* @copyright (c) 2016, 2017 3Di (Marco T.) 21-08-2017
* @license GNU General Public License v2
* Some code taken from modission_reset by Oyabun
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
// Start session management
/* Vars */
$db_vers = $config['version']; // cached version
$version = PHPBB_VERSION;
$php_version = PHP_VERSION;
$styles_path = ($phpbb_root_path . 'styles');
$files = glob('styles/*/style.cfg');
$default_style = ((int) $config['default_style']);
$langs_path = ($phpbb_root_path . 'language');
/* We backport the original function phpbb_version_compare just in case is not present*/
$olympus_old = '3.0.10-RC1';
$old_olympus = ((version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, $olympus_old, "<")) ? true : false);
if ($old_olympus)
function phpbb_version_compare($version1, $version2, $operator = null)
$version1 = strtolower($version1);
$version2 = strtolower($version2);
if (is_null($operator))
return version_compare($version1, $version2);
return version_compare($version1, $version2, $operator);
/* Ok, we can finally use the original function phpbb_version_compare from now on */
$rhea = (phpbb_version_compare($db_vers, '3.2.0@dev', ">=")) ? true : false;
$rhea_gold = (phpbb_version_compare($db_vers, '3.2.0', ">=")) ? true : false;
$ascraeus = ((phpbb_version_compare($db_vers, '3.1.0@dev', ">")) && (phpbb_version_compare($db_vers, '3.2.0@dev', '<'))) ? true : false;
$olympus = ((phpbb_version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, '3.1.0@dev', "<")) && (phpbb_version_compare($db_vers, '3.1.0@dev', "<")) ? true : false);
/* If ANONYMOUS = login box */
if ((int) $user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
login_box(request_var('redirect', ''));
if ((int) $user->data['user_type'] == USER_FOUNDER || $auth->acl_get('a_'))
/* The party begins. If not correct versions tell them */
if ($rhea || (!$olympus))
if ((phpbb_version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, $db_vers, "<>")) || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<')) || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2@dev', '>=')))
echo '<strong style="color:red">Versions mismatch:</strong><br />Your CONSTANTS file belongs to phpBB <font style="color:red">' . $version . '</font><br />Your DB says you are running phpBB <font style="color:red">' . $db_vers . '</font><br />Your PHP version says you are running PHP <font style="color:red">' . $php_version . '</font><br />';
else if ((phpbb_version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, $db_vers, "=")) && (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>')) || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2@dev', '<')))
echo '<strong style="color:green">Congratulations!</strong><br />Your CONSTANTS file belongs to phpBB <font style="color:green">' . $version . '</font><br />Your DB says you are running phpBB <font style="color:green">' . $db_vers . '</font><br />Your PHP version says you are running PHP <font style="color:green">' . $php_version . '</font><br />';
else if ($ascraeus || (!$olympus))
if ((phpbb_version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, $db_vers, "<>")) || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.3', '<')) || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0@dev', '>=')))
echo '<strong style="color:red">Versions mismatch:</strong><br />Your CONSTANTS file belongs to phpBB <font style="color:red">' . $version . '</font><br />Your DB says you are running phpBB <font style="color:red">' . $db_vers . '</font><br />Your PHP version says you are running PHP <font style="color:red">' . $php_version . '</font><br />';
else if ((phpbb_version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, $db_vers, "=")) && (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.3', '>')) && (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0@dev', '<')))
echo '<strong style="color:green">Congratulations!</strong><br />Your CONSTANTS file belongs to phpBB <font style="color:green">' . $version . '</font><br />Your DB says you are running phpBB <font style="color:green">' . $db_vers . '</font><br />Your PHP version says you are running PHP <font style="color:green">' . $php_version . '</font><br />';
else if ($olympus)
if ((phpbb_version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, $db_vers, "<>")) || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.3', '<')) || (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0@dev', '>=')))
echo '<strong style="color:red">Versions mismatch:</strong><br />Your CONSTANTS file belongs to phpBB <font style="color:red">' . $version . '</font><br />Your DB says you are running phpBB <font style="color:red">' . $db_vers . '</font><br />Your PHP version says you are running PHP <font style="color:red">' . $php_version . '</font><br />';
else if ((phpbb_version_compare(PHPBB_VERSION, $db_vers, "=")) && (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.3', '>')) && (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0@dev', '<')))
echo '<strong style="color:green">Congratulations!</strong><br />Your CONSTANTS file belongs to phpBB <font style="color:green">' . $version . '</font><br />Your DB says you are running phpBB <font style="color:green">' . $db_vers . '</font><br />Your PHP version says you are running PHP <font style="color:green">' . $php_version . '</font><br />';
echo '<strong style="color:purple">The following stats are just for information purposes at the present time</strong><br />';
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx))
echo 'The file config.php <font style="color:green">exists</font>, size: ' . filesize($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx) . ' bytes<br />';
echo 'The file config.php <font style="color:red">does not exists</font><br />';
echo 'Available stream wrappers: <font style="color:green">' . implode(', ', stream_get_wrappers()) . '</font><br />';
//•The following PHP modules are required:
// json ----> for ascraeus and rhea
// getimagesize() function must be enabled ----> For all
if (function_exists('json_last_error_msg'))
echo 'PHP module json: <font style="color:green">loaded</font><br />';
else if (!function_exists('json_last_error_msg'))
echo 'PHP module json: <font style="color:red">not loaded</font><br />';
echo 'PHP module json: <font style="color:red">Critical Error while finding the PHP module json</font><br />';
if (function_exists('getimagesize'))
echo 'PHP module getimagesize: <font style="color:green">loaded</font><br />';
else if (!function_exists('getimagesize'))
echo 'PHP module getimagesize <font style="color:red">not loaded</font><br />';
echo 'PHP module getimagesize: <font style="color:red">Critical Error while finding the PHP module getimagesize</font><br />';
/* List of available styles (version) */
if (is_array($files))
/* The styles/template/all folder has been added since 3.2.0-a1 */
if (phpbb_version_compare($db_vers, '3.2.0-a1', ">="))
if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]+\all$/', implode(', ', $files)))
foreach (array_slice(scandir($styles_path), 3) as $folder)
$style_names[] = substr($folder, 0);
else if (phpbb_version_compare($db_vers, '3.2.0-a1', "<"))
foreach (array_slice(scandir($styles_path), 2) as $folder)
$style_names[] = substr($folder, 0);
foreach ($files as $file)
$content = file_get_contents($file);
if ($olympus)
$preggy = (preg_match('/version\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/', $content, $match) === 1);
else if (!$olympus)
$preggy = (preg_match('/phpbb_version\s?=\s?(.+?)\s/', $content, $match) === 1);
else if (($ascraeus) || ($rhea))
$preggy = (preg_match('/phpbb_version\s?=\s?(.+?)\s/', $content, $match) === 1);
if ($preggy)
if ((phpbb_version_compare($match[1], PHPBB_VERSION, "=")) && (phpbb_version_compare($match[1], $db_vers, "=")))
$match[1] = '<font style="color:green">' . $match[1] . '</font>';
else if ((phpbb_version_compare($match[1], PHPBB_VERSION, "<>")) || (phpbb_version_compare($match[1], $db_vers, "<>")))
$match[1] = '<font style="color:red">' . $match[1] . '</font>';
$style_phpbb_version[] = $match[1];
if (!@array_combine($style_names, $style_phpbb_version))
$availables = '<br />Styles: <font style="color:red">Critical Error! One or more styles uploaded are not for this version of phpBB - Check your styles dir.</font>';
$name_version_array = array_combine($style_names, $style_phpbb_version);
foreach ($name_version_array as $key => $value)
$availables = '<font style="color:blue">' . $key . '</font>' . ' (' . $value . ')';
$avail_ary[] = $availables;
$availables = implode(', ', $avail_ary);
// $availables = implode(', ', $avail_ary);
/* 3.1.x/3.2.x styles installed */
if (($ascraeus) || ($rhea) || (!$olympus))
$sql = 'SELECT style_id, style_path
GROUP BY style_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($rows = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$style_path[] = $rows['style_path'];
$styles_ids[] = $rows['style_id'];
$names[$rows['style_path']] = $rows['style_path'];
else if ($olympus)
/* OLYMPUS: styles installed */
$sql = 'SELECT *
GROUP BY template_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($rows = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$style_path[] = $rows['template_path'];
$styles_ids[] = $rows['template_id'];
$names[$rows['template_path']] = $rows['template_path'];
$name_id_ary = array_combine($styles_ids, $style_path);
$styles_installed = implode(', ', $names);
/* 3.1.x/3.2.x - Default style */
if (($ascraeus) || ($rhea) || (!$olympus))
$sql = 'SELECT style_id, style_path
WHERE style_id = ' . $default_style . '
GROUP BY style_path';
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$true_default = $row['style_path'];
else if ($olympus)
/* Default style */
$sql = 'SELECT template_id, template_path
WHERE template_id = ' . $default_style . '
GROUP BY template_path';
$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$true_default = $row['template_path'];
if (($ascraeus) || ($rhea) || (!$olympus))
/* Return a list of styles from the DB, those in use by the Users and counts*/
$sql = 'SELECT u.user_style, s.style_id, s.style_path, COUNT(u.user_style) AS style_count
FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u, ' . STYLES_TABLE . ' s
WHERE u.user_style = s.style_id
GROUP BY s.style_path';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$style_count[$row['style_count']] = $row['style_path'];
$count[$row['style_count']] = $row['style_count'];
else if ($olympus)
/* Return a list of styles from the DB, those in use by the Users and counts*/
$sql = 'SELECT u.user_style, s.template_id, s.template_path, COUNT(u.user_style) AS style_count
WHERE u.user_style = s.template_id
GROUP BY s.template_path';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$style_count[$row['style_count']] = $row['template_path'];
$count[$row['style_count']] = $row['style_count'];
$name_count_array = array_combine($style_count, $count);
foreach ($name_count_array as $key => $value)
$avail = $key . ' <font style="color:purple">(' . $value . ')</font>';
$style_and_count[] = $avail;
$styles_in_use = implode(', ', $style_and_count);
if (($ascraeus) || ($rhea))
echo 'Styles (phpBB ver) available: ' . $availables;
else if ($olympus)
echo 'Styles (ver) available: ' . $availables;
echo 'Styles available: <font style="color:red">Critical error, unable to fetch this data!</font>';
echo '<br />Default style of the Board (for new users): <font style="color:purple">' . $true_default . '</font><br />';
echo 'Styles installed: <font style="color:green">' . $styles_installed . '</font><br />';
echo 'Styles in use (incl. bots and guests): <font style="color:blue">' . $styles_in_use . '</font><br />';
echo 'Override user style: ' . ($config['override_user_style'] ? '<font style="color:blue">Yes</font>' : '<font style="color:blue">No</font>') . '<br />';
/* checks which langs are into the folder */
foreach (array_slice(scandir($langs_path), 2) as $folder)
/* get rid of index.htm or similars from the array */
if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]+\.htm$/', $folder))
$langs_names[] = substr($folder, 0);
$lang_avail = implode(', ', $langs_names);
$lang_availables = '<font style="color:blue">' . $lang_avail . '</font>';
/* check which langs are in use by the users and count */
$sql = 'SELECT user_lang, COUNT(user_lang) AS lang_count
GROUP BY user_lang';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$lang_name[$row['user_lang']] = $row['user_lang'];
$lang_count[$row['user_lang']] = $row['lang_count'];
$lang_count_array = array_combine($lang_name, $lang_count);
foreach ($lang_count_array as $key => $value)
$avail = $key . ' <font style="color:purple">(' . $value . ')</font>';
$lang_and_count[] = $avail;
$langs_in_use = implode(', ', $lang_and_count);
/* Return a list of languages from the DB, those in installed */
$sql = 'SELECT lang_id, lang_local_name
ORDER BY lang_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$lang_names[] = $row['lang_local_name'];
$langs_installed = implode(', ', $lang_names);
echo 'Languages available: ' . $lang_availables . '<br />';
echo 'Your Board\'s default language is <strong style="color:blue">' . $config['default_lang'] . '</strong><br />';
echo 'Languages installed: <font style="color:green">' . $langs_installed . '</font><br />';
echo 'Languages in use (incl. bots and guests): <font style="color:blue">' . $langs_in_use . '</font>';
/* cookies for Olympus */
if ($olympus)
if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
// Running on IIS?
if (!empty($_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR']))
$url = $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR'];
/* cookies for Ascraeus/Rhea */
else if (($ascraeus) || ($rhea) || (!$olympus))
$url = $request->server('SERVER_NAME', '');
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Server name: </font><font style="color:blue">' . $url . '</font>';
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Cookie domain: </font><font style="color:blue">' . $config['cookie_domain'] . '</font>';
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Cookie name: </font><font style="color:blue">' . $config['cookie_name'] . '</font>';
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Cookie path: </font><font style="color:blue">' . $config['cookie_path'] . '</font>';
$secure = ($config['cookie_secure']) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled';
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Cookie secure: </font><font style="color:blue">' . $secure . '</font>';
if ($rhea_gold)
$notice = ($config['cookie_notice']) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled';
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Cookie notice: </font><font style="color:blue">' . $notice . '</font>';
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">DB info: </font><font style="color:blue">' . $db->sql_server_info() . '</font>';
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">ImageMagick path: </font><font style="color:blue">' . $config['img_imagick'] . '</font>';
/* Let's check some folders' perms */
if ($perms = "0777")
$perm_col = '</font><font style="color:green">' . $perms . '</font>';
$perm_col = '</font><font style="color:red">' . $perms . '</font>';
$cache_dir = ($phpbb_root_path . 'cache');
$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($cache_dir)), -4);
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Cache folder = chmod: </font>' . $perm_col . '';
if ($rhea_gold)
$cache_dir = ($phpbb_root_path . 'cache/production');
$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($cache_dir)), -4);
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Cache/production folder = chmod: </font>' . $perm_col . '';
$store_dir = ($phpbb_root_path . 'store');
$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($store_dir)), -4);
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Store folder = chmod: </font>' . $perm_col . '';
$files_dir = ($phpbb_root_path . 'files');
$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($files_dir)), -4);
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Files folder = chmod: ' . $perm_col . '';
$av_up_dir = ($phpbb_root_path . 'images/avatars/upload');
$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($av_up_dir)), -4);
echo '<br /><font style="color:purple">Images/avatar/upload folder = chmod: </font>' . $perm_col . '';
/* Hasta la vista! */
echo '<br /><font color="blue">Copy-paste these results or make a screenshot for further support...<br />...I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br /><br />';
echo '<form action="" method="post" target="_top"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"><input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="ZLN6KTV2WQSRN"><input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online."><img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"><font color="darkred"> Help the development of this Tool by a donation of your choice.</font></form>';
/* uncomment the following line to turn on PHP info. */
/* comment out the following line to turn off the self-destroyer. */
/* If logged in without the right permissions, stop everything and self-destroy */
trigger_error('You don\'t have permission to access the database and files. You need to be logged in as a founder or administrator.');
/* Attempting to delete this file */
function remove_me()
/** Windows IIS servers may have a problem with unlinking recently created files.
* * So check if file exists and give a message
if (file_exists(__FILE__))
echo '<strong color="red">File could not be deleted.</strong> You will
need to manually delete the ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' file from the server.';
Copy link

3D-I commented Aug 21, 2017

Added full support to PHP 7.1, minor PHP checks enhancement.

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