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Last active March 6, 2017 04:31
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  • Save 3D-I/b0c2659df6a1423d24626160f9a58bb4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save 3D-I/b0c2659df6a1423d24626160f9a58bb4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
phpBB 3.1.x - Restore default BOTs and delete any BOT you added to it. (Make a Backup first)
* Usage:
* Download and unzip the file, upload it to your Board's root (i.e.:
* Point your browser to (i.e.:
* @package default phpBB's BOTS v1.0.0-b3 (06-03-2017)
* @copyright (c) 2016 3Di (Marco T.)
* @license GNU General Public License v2
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
// Start session management
/* If ANONYMOUS = login box */
if ((int) $user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
login_box(request_var('redirect', ''));
/* Is the User correctly Authed? */
if ((int) $user->data['user_type'] == USER_FOUNDER || $auth->acl_get('a_'))
/* Add search robots to the database */
global $db, $lang, $config, $table_prefix, $cache;
$db_tools = new \phpbb\db\tools($db);
/* Obtains BOTS' group ID */
echo 'Obtaining BOTS\' group ID.... ';
$sql = 'SELECT group_id
WHERE group_name = 'BOTS'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$group_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');
if (!$group_id)
** If we reach this point then something has gone very wrong.
** Tell the user what's up and self-destroy
trigger_error('No group ID found for BOTS!<br />....I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br />');
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
** Let's make sure there aren't BOTS, deleting all
** of those belonging to the BOTS's group_id
** We are doing the dirty job here, to restore defaults
echo 'Deleting all entries for BOTS group from USERS_TABLE.... ';
$sql = 'DELETE
WHERE group_id = $group_id";
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
** At this very point we are emptying the BOTS_TABLE to prevent errors
** and to effectively restore the BOTS as per default
$bots_table = $db_tools->sql_table_exists($table_prefix . 'bots');
/* If table exists */
if ($bots_table)
echo 'Emptying BOT_TABLE.... ';
$table = BOTS_TABLE;
switch ($db->get_sql_layer())
case 'sqlite':
case 'sqlite3':
$db->sql_query("DELETE FROM $table");
$db->sql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE $table");
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
/* Tell the user what's up and self-destroy */
trigger_error('BOTs table does NOT exists!<br />....I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br />');
** Let's start restoring phpBB's default BOTS
** Calling user_add on purpose.
if (!function_exists('user_add'))
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
$bot_list = array(
'AdsBot [Google]' => array('AdsBot-Google', ''),
'Alexa [Bot]' => array('ia_archiver', ''),
'Alta Vista [Bot]' => array('Scooter/', ''),
'Ask Jeeves [Bot]' => array('Ask Jeeves', ''),
'Baidu [Spider]' => array('Baiduspider', ''),
'Bing [Bot]' => array('bingbot/', ''),
'Exabot [Bot]' => array('Exabot', ''),
'FAST Enterprise [Crawler]' => array('FAST Enterprise Crawler', ''),
'FAST WebCrawler [Crawler]' => array('FAST-WebCrawler/', ''),
'Francis [Bot]' => array('', ''),
'Gigabot [Bot]' => array('Gigabot/', ''),
'Google Adsense [Bot]' => array('Mediapartners-Google', ''),
'Google Desktop' => array('Google Desktop', ''),
'Google Feedfetcher' => array('Feedfetcher-Google', ''),
'Google [Bot]' => array('Googlebot', ''),
'Heise IT-Markt [Crawler]' => array('heise-IT-Markt-Crawler', ''),
'Heritrix [Crawler]' => array('heritrix/1.', ''),
'IBM Research [Bot]' => array('', ''),
'ICCrawler - ICjobs' => array('ICCrawler - ICjobs', ''),
'ichiro [Crawler]' => array('ichiro/', ''),
'Majestic-12 [Bot]' => array('MJ12bot/', ''),
'Metager [Bot]' => array('MetagerBot/', ''),
'MSN NewsBlogs' => array('msnbot-NewsBlogs/', ''),
'MSN [Bot]' => array('msnbot/', ''),
'MSNbot Media' => array('msnbot-media/', ''),
'Nutch [Bot]' => array('', ''),
'Online link [Validator]' => array('online link validator', ''),
'psbot [Picsearch]' => array('psbot/0', ''),
'Sensis [Crawler]' => array('Sensis Web Crawler', ''),
'SEO Crawler' => array('SEO search Crawler/', ''),
'Seoma [Crawler]' => array('Seoma [SEO Crawler]', ''),
'SEOSearch [Crawler]' => array('SEOsearch/', ''),
'Snappy [Bot]' => array('Snappy/1.1 ( )', ''),
'Steeler [Crawler]' => array('', ''),
'Telekom [Bot]' => array('', ''),
'TurnitinBot [Bot]' => array('TurnitinBot/', ''),
'Voyager [Bot]' => array('voyager/', ''),
'W3 [Sitesearch]' => array('W3 SiteSearch Crawler', ''),
'W3C [Linkcheck]' => array('W3C-checklink/', ''),
'W3C [Validator]' => array('W3C_Validator', ''),
'YaCy [Bot]' => array('yacybot', ''),
'Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot]' => array('Yahoo-MMCrawler/', ''),
'Yahoo Slurp [Bot]' => array('Yahoo! DE Slurp', ''),
'Yahoo [Bot]' => array('Yahoo! Slurp', ''),
'YahooSeeker [Bot]' => array('YahooSeeker/', ''),
foreach ($bot_list as $bot_name => $bot_ary)
$user_row = array(
'user_type' => USER_IGNORE,
'group_id' => (int) $group_id,
'username' => (string) $bot_name,
'user_regdate' => time(),
'user_password' => '',
'user_colour' => '9E8DA7',
'user_email' => '',
'user_lang' => (string) $config['default_lang'],
'user_style' => 1,
'user_timezone' => 'UTC',
'user_dateformat' => $lang['default_dateformat'],
'user_allow_massemail' => 0,
'user_allow_pm' => 0,
echo 'Restoring default BOTs into USERS_TABLE.... ';
$user_id = user_add($user_row);
if (!$user_id)
** If we can't insert this user we need to delete the first one
** already created to avoid inconsistent data
$sql = 'DELETE
WHERE group_id = $group_id";
trigger_error('Unable to insert bot into users table<br />....I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br />');
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
echo 'Restoring default BOTs into BOT_TABLE.... ';
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . BOTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
'bot_active' => 1,
'bot_name' => (string) $bot_name,
'user_id' => (int) $user_id,
'bot_agent' => (string) $bot_ary[0],
'bot_ip' => (string) $bot_ary[1],
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
/* Final step and thanks for all the fish */
echo 'Purging cached BOTs .... ';
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
echo '<br /><font color="blue">BOTs restore exited succesfully!... </font>';
/* Hasta la vista! */
echo '<br /><font color="blue"> ...I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br /><br />';
echo '<form action="" method="post" target="_top"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"><input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="ZLN6KTV2WQSRN"><input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online."><img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"><font color="darkred"> Help the development of this Tool by a donation of your choice.</font></form>';
/* comment out the following line to turn off the self-destroyer. */
/* If logged in without the right permissions, stop everything and self-destroy */
trigger_error('You don\'t have permission to access the database and files. You need to be logged in as a founder or administrator<br />....I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br />');
/* Attempting to delete this file */
function remove_me()
/** Windows IIS servers may have a problem with unlinking recently created files.
* * So check if file exists and give a message
if (file_exists(__FILE__))
echo 'File could not be deleted. You will need to manually delete the ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' file from the server.';
* Usage:
* Download and unzip the file, upload it to your Board's root (i.e.:
* Point your browser to (i.e.:
* @package default phpBB's BOTS v1.0.0-b3 (06-03-2017)
* @copyright (c) 2016 3Di (Marco T.)
* @license GNU General Public License v2
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
// Start session management
/* If ANONYMOUS = login box */
if ((int) $user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
login_box(request_var('redirect', ''));
/* Is the User correctly Authed? */
if ((int) $user->data['user_type'] == USER_FOUNDER || $auth->acl_get('a_'))
/* Add search robots to the database */
global $db, $lang, $config, $table_prefix, $cache;
$db_tools = new \phpbb\db\tools($db);
/* Obtains BOTS' group ID */
echo 'Obtaining BOTS\' group ID.... ';
$sql = 'SELECT group_id
WHERE group_name = 'BOTS'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$group_id = (int) $db->sql_fetchfield('group_id');
if (!$group_id)
** If we reach this point then something has gone very wrong.
** Tell the user what's up and self-destroy
trigger_error('No group ID found for BOTS!<br />....I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br />');
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
** Let's make sure there aren't BOTS, deleting all
** of those belonging to the BOTS's group_id
** We are doing the dirty job here, to restore defaults
echo 'Deleting all entries for BOTS group from USERS_TABLE.... ';
$sql = 'DELETE
WHERE group_id = $group_id";
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
** At this very point we are emptying the BOTS_TABLE to prevent errors
** and to effectively restore the BOTS as per default
$bots_table = $db_tools->sql_table_exists($table_prefix . 'bots');
/* If table exists */
if ($bots_table)
echo 'Emptying BOT_TABLE.... ';
$table = BOTS_TABLE;
switch ($db->get_sql_layer())
case 'sqlite':
case 'sqlite3':
$db->sql_query("DELETE FROM $table");
$db->sql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE $table");
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
/* Tell the user what's up and self-destroy */
trigger_error('BOTs table does NOT exists!<br />....I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br />');
** Let's start restoring phpBB's default BOTS
** Calling user_add on purpose.
if (!function_exists('user_add'))
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
$bot_list = array(
'AdsBot [Google]' => array('AdsBot-Google', ''),
'Alexa [Bot]' => array('ia_archiver', ''),
'Alta Vista [Bot]' => array('Scooter/', ''),
'Ask Jeeves [Bot]' => array('Ask Jeeves', ''),
'Baidu [Spider]' => array('Baiduspider', ''),
'Bing [Bot]' => array('bingbot/', ''),
'Exabot [Bot]' => array('Exabot', ''),
'FAST Enterprise [Crawler]' => array('FAST Enterprise Crawler', ''),
'FAST WebCrawler [Crawler]' => array('FAST-WebCrawler/', ''),
'Francis [Bot]' => array('', ''),
'Gigabot [Bot]' => array('Gigabot/', ''),
'Google Adsense [Bot]' => array('Mediapartners-Google', ''),
'Google Desktop' => array('Google Desktop', ''),
'Google Feedfetcher' => array('Feedfetcher-Google', ''),
'Google [Bot]' => array('Googlebot', ''),
'Heise IT-Markt [Crawler]' => array('heise-IT-Markt-Crawler', ''),
'Heritrix [Crawler]' => array('heritrix/1.', ''),
'IBM Research [Bot]' => array('', ''),
'ICCrawler - ICjobs' => array('ICCrawler - ICjobs', ''),
'ichiro [Crawler]' => array('ichiro/', ''),
'Majestic-12 [Bot]' => array('MJ12bot/', ''),
'Metager [Bot]' => array('MetagerBot/', ''),
'MSN NewsBlogs' => array('msnbot-NewsBlogs/', ''),
'MSN [Bot]' => array('msnbot/', ''),
'MSNbot Media' => array('msnbot-media/', ''),
'Nutch [Bot]' => array('', ''),
'Online link [Validator]' => array('online link validator', ''),
'psbot [Picsearch]' => array('psbot/0', ''),
'Sensis [Crawler]' => array('Sensis Web Crawler', ''),
'SEO Crawler' => array('SEO search Crawler/', ''),
'Seoma [Crawler]' => array('Seoma [SEO Crawler]', ''),
'SEOSearch [Crawler]' => array('SEOsearch/', ''),
'Snappy [Bot]' => array('Snappy/1.1 ( )', ''),
'Steeler [Crawler]' => array('', ''),
'Telekom [Bot]' => array('', ''),
'TurnitinBot [Bot]' => array('TurnitinBot/', ''),
'Voyager [Bot]' => array('voyager/', ''),
'W3 [Sitesearch]' => array('W3 SiteSearch Crawler', ''),
'W3C [Linkcheck]' => array('W3C-checklink/', ''),
'W3C [Validator]' => array('W3C_Validator', ''),
'YaCy [Bot]' => array('yacybot', ''),
'Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot]' => array('Yahoo-MMCrawler/', ''),
'Yahoo Slurp [Bot]' => array('Yahoo! DE Slurp', ''),
'Yahoo [Bot]' => array('Yahoo! Slurp', ''),
'YahooSeeker [Bot]' => array('YahooSeeker/', ''),
foreach ($bot_list as $bot_name => $bot_ary)
$user_row = array(
'user_type' => USER_IGNORE,
'group_id' => (int) $group_id,
'username' => (string) $bot_name,
'user_regdate' => time(),
'user_password' => '',
'user_colour' => '9E8DA7',
'user_email' => '',
'user_lang' => (string) $config['default_lang'],
'user_style' => 1,
'user_timezone' => 'UTC',
'user_dateformat' => $lang['default_dateformat'],
'user_allow_massemail' => 0,
'user_allow_pm' => 0,
echo 'Restoring default BOTs into USERS_TABLE.... ';
$user_id = user_add($user_row);
if (!$user_id)
** If we can't insert this user we need to delete the first one
** already created to avoid inconsistent data
$sql = 'DELETE
WHERE group_id = $group_id";
trigger_error('Unable to insert bot into users table<br />....I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br />');
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
echo 'Restoring default BOTs into BOT_TABLE.... ';
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . BOTS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
'bot_active' => 1,
'bot_name' => (string) $bot_name,
'user_id' => (int) $user_id,
'bot_agent' => (string) $bot_ary[0],
'bot_ip' => (string) $bot_ary[1],
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
/* Final step and thanks for all the fish */
echo 'Purging cached BOTs .... ';
echo '<font color="green">Done!</font><br />';
echo '<br /><font color="blue">BOTs restore exited succesfully!... </font>';
/* Hasta la vista! */
echo '<br /><font color="blue"> ...I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br /><br />';
echo '<form action="" method="post" target="_top"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"><input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="ZLN6KTV2WQSRN"><input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online."><img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"><font color="darkred"> Help the development of this Tool by a donation of your choice.</font></form>';
/* comment out the following line to turn off the self-destroyer. */
/* If logged in without the right permissions, stop everything and self-destroy */
trigger_error('You don\'t have permission to access the database and files. You need to be logged in as a founder or administrator<br />....I am self destroying, hasta la vista!</font><br />');
/* Attempting to delete this file */
function remove_me()
/** Windows IIS servers may have a problem with unlinking recently created files.
* * So check if file exists and give a message
if (file_exists(__FILE__))
echo 'File could not be deleted. You will need to manually delete the ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' file from the server.';
Copy link

3D-I commented Apr 27, 2016

Today's version ask to login if not alredy done and checks for founder and/or amins.

Copy link

3D-I commented Apr 27, 2016


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3D-I commented May 1, 2016


  • added cached BOTS self-purge once finished

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3D-I commented Oct 16, 2016

fixed the login redirect

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3D-I commented Mar 6, 2017


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