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Last active March 12, 2016 07:38
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import {setEntries, next, vote, INITIAL_STATE} from './core';
// This is a polymorphic aprorach that conforms to all SOLID principles
// This reduce is much simpler and will raise an error if the action does not exist
export default function reducer(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {
return action.handler(state, action.payload);
// This is the defensive version of the reducer above, if there is an error returns the current state
export default function maybeReducer(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {
try {
return reducer(state, action);
} catch (err) {
return state;
// you can stack actions the same way with the benefit that a typo on the action function will raise an error
const actions = [
{handler: setEntries, payload: ['Trainspotting', '28 Days Later']},
{handler: next},
{handler: vote, payload: 'Trainspotting'},
{handler: vote, payload: '28 Days Later'},
{handler: vote, payload: 'Trainspotting'},
{handler: next}
// this returns the same think as the reducer-standard.js but raises an error if something goes worng
const finalState = actions.reduce(reducer, Map());
// this returns the same think as above but swallow errors
const finalState2 = actions.reduce(maybeReducer, Map());
// allows you to create a action on the fly, without modifying the reducer
const finalState3 = reducer(finalState, {handler: (state => state.set('isNice', true) });
// Example of a store dispatch
store.dispatch({handler: vote, payload: 'Trainspotting'});
import {setEntries, next, vote, INITIAL_STATE} from './core';
// This is kind of the standard aproach
// it violates the open closed and single resposability priciplse by having a huge while loop that knows about all available actions
// Also it is hard to create variations of this reducer without duplicationt a lot of code,
// the more actions you have the bigger this function becomes (open closed violation).
export default function reducer(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return setEntries(state, action.payload);
case 'NEXT':
return next(state);
case 'VOTE':
return vote(state, action.payload)
// this will swallow errors if the action you try to use dont exist
return state;
// this is how people use it for stacking changes
const actions = [
{type: 'SET_ENTRIES', payload: ['Trainspotting', '28 Days Later']},
{type: 'NEXT'},
{type: 'VOTE', payload: 'Trainspotting'},
{type: 'VOTE', payload: '28 Days Later'},
{type: 'VOTE', payload: 'Trainspotting'},
{type: 'NEXT'}
const finalState = actions.reduce(reducer, Map());
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