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Created September 22, 2017 22:31
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pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
import "../token/MiniMeToken.sol";
* @title DelegationProxy
* @author Ricardo Guilherme Schmidt (Status Research & Development GmbH)
* Create a delegation proxy to MiniMeTokens that store checkpoints from all changes and parent proxy to fall back in case of no delegation at this level.
contract DelegationProxy {
DelegationProxy public parentProxy;
//mapping (address => Delegation[]) public delegations;
event Delegated(address who, address to);
mapping (address => Delegate[]) public delegates;
mapping (address => Delegator[]) public delegators;
/*struct Delegation {
uint128 fromBlock; //when this was updated
address to; //who recieved the delegaton
address[] from; //who is delegation
uint256 toIndex; //index in from array of `to`
struct Delegate {
uint128 fromBlock; //when this was updated
address[] from; //who is delegation
struct Delegator {
uint128 fromBlock; //when this was updated
address to; //who recieved the delegaton
uint256 toIndex; //index in from array of `to`
function DelegationProxy(address _parentProxy) {
parentProxy = DelegationProxy(_parentProxy);
function delegatedToAt(address _who, uint _block) returns (address addr) {
Delegator[] storage checkpoints = delegators[_who];
//In case there is no registry
if (checkpoints.length == 0) {
if (address(parentProxy) != 0x0) {
return parentProxy.delegatedToAt(_who, _block);
} else {
Delegator memory d = _getMemoryAt(checkpoints, _block);
// Case user set delegation to parentProxy;
if ( == address(parentProxy)) {
return parentProxy.delegatedToAt(_who, _block);
function delegatedInfluenceFromAt(address _who, address _token, uint _block) constant returns(uint256 _total) {
Delegate[] storage checkpoints = delegates[_who];
//In case there is no registry
if (checkpoints.length == 0) {
if (address(parentProxy) != 0x0) {
return parentProxy.delegatedInfluenceFromAt(_who, _token, _block);
} else {
return 0;
Delegate memory d = _getMemoryAt(checkpoints, _block);
// Case user set delegation to parentProxy;
//if ( == address(parentProxy)) {
// return parentProxy.delegatedInfluenceFromAt(_who, _token, _block);
uint _len = d.from.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; _len > i; i++) {
address _from = d.from[i];
_total = MiniMeToken(_token).balanceOfAt(_from, _block); // source of _who votes
_total += delegatedInfluenceFromAt(_from, _token, _block); //sum the from delegation votes
* @notice Reads delegation at a point in history
* @param _who The address `_who` votes are being delegated to (full chain)
* @param _block From what block
* @return address delegated, 0x0 if not delegating
function delegationOfAt(address _who, uint _block) constant returns(address) {
address delegate = delegatedToAt(_who, _block);
if (delegate != 0x0) { //_who is delegating?
return delegationOfAt(delegate, _block); //load the delegation of _who delegation
} else {
return _who; //reached the endpoint of delegation
* @notice Reads the sum of votes a address have at a point in history
* @param _who From what address
* @param _token address of MiniMeToken
* @param _block From what block
* @return amount of votes
function influenceOfAt(address _who, MiniMeToken _token, uint _block) constant returns(uint256 _total) {
if (delegationOfAt(_who, _block) == 0x0) { //is endpoint of delegation?
_total = MiniMeToken(_token).balanceOfAt(_who, _block); // source of _who votes
_total += delegatedInfluenceFromAt(_who, _token, _block); //calcule the votes delegated to _who
} else {
_total = 0; //no influence because were delegated
* @notice changes the delegation of an account, if _to 0x00: delegate to self.
* In case of having a parent proxy, if never defined, fall back to parent proxy.
* If once defined and want to delegate to parent proxy, set `_to` as parent address.
* @param _to to what address the caller address will delegate to?
function delegate(address _to) {
require(delegationOfAt(_to, block.number) != msg.sender); //block impossible circular delegation
Delegated(msg.sender, _to);
Delegator memory _newFrom;
Delegator[] storage fromHistory = delegators[msg.sender];
if (fromHistory.length > 0) {
_newFrom = fromHistory[fromHistory.length - 1];
if ( != 0x0) { //was delegating? remove old link
_removeDelegated(, _newFrom.toIndex);
//Add the new delegation
_newFrom.fromBlock = uint128(block.number); = _to;//register where our delegation is going
if (_to != 0x0) { //_to is an account?
_newFrom.toIndex = _addDelegated(msg.sender,_to);
} else {
_newFrom.toIndex = 0; //zero index
fromHistory.push(_newFrom);//reguster `from` delegation update;
/// @dev `_getDelegationAt` retrieves the delegation at a given block number
/// @param checkpoints The memory being queried
/// @param _block The block number to retrieve the value at
/// @return The delegation being queried
function _getMemoryAt(Delegate[] storage checkpoints, uint _block) constant internal returns (Delegate d) {
// Case last checkpoint is the one;
if (_block >= checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1].fromBlock) {
d = checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1];
} else {
// Lookup in array;
uint min = 0;
uint max = checkpoints.length-1;
while (max > min) {
uint mid = (max + min + 1) / 2;
if (checkpoints[mid].fromBlock<=_block) {
min = mid;
} else {
max = mid-1;
d = checkpoints[min];
/// @dev `_getDelegationAt` retrieves the delegation at a given block number
/// @param checkpoints The memory being queried
/// @param _block The block number to retrieve the value at
/// @return The delegation being queried
function _getMemoryAt(Delegator[] storage checkpoints, uint _block) constant internal returns (Delegator d) {
// Case last checkpoint is the one;
if (_block >= checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1].fromBlock) {
d = checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1];
} else {
// Lookup in array;
uint min = 0;
uint max = checkpoints.length-1;
while (max > min) {
uint mid = (max + min + 1) / 2;
if (checkpoints[mid].fromBlock<=_block) {
min = mid;
} else {
max = mid-1;
d = checkpoints[min];
* @dev removes address from list.
function _removeDelegated(address _to, uint _toIndex) private {
Delegate[] storage oldTo = delegates[_to];
uint _oldToLen = oldTo.length;
require(_oldToLen > 0);
Delegate memory _newOldTo = oldTo[_oldToLen - 1];
_newOldTo.from[_toIndex] = _newOldTo.from[_newOldTo.from.length - 1];
* @dev add address to listt.
function _addDelegated(address _from, address _to) private returns (uint _toIndex) {
Delegate memory _newTo;
Delegate[] storage toHistory = delegates[_to];
uint toHistLen = toHistory.length;
if (toHistLen > 0) {
_newTo = toHistory[toHistLen - 1];
_newTo.fromBlock = uint128(block.number);
_toIndex = _newTo.from.length; //link to index
toHistory.push(_newTo); //register `to` delegated from
toHistory[toHistLen].from.push(_from); //add the delegated from in to list
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