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Created December 5, 2014 19:42
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Fit a charge-charge interaction tail
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' fit a simple equation '''
import os, sys
from math import *
fnin = None # input file
exponent = -1
xmin = -1e30
xmax = 1e30
def usage():
''' print usage and die '''
print ''' [OPTIONS] input.dat
Linear regression
-e: fit a + b x^e
-x, -xmin=: minimal x for fitting
-X, -xmax=: maximal x for fitting
-v: be verbose
-vv: be more verbose
-h, --help: print this message
Examples: -e-1 my.dat
def doargs():
''' handle command line options '''
import getopt, glob
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "e:x:X",
["xmin=", "xmax=", "verbose=", "help"])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err)
global fnin, exponent, xmin, xmax
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-e",):
exponent = float(a)
elif o in ("-x", "--xmin"):
xmin = float(a)
elif o in ("-X", "--xmax"):
xmax = float(a)
elif o in ("-v",):
verbose += 1
elif o in ("-h", "--help",):
ls = args
if len(ls) > 0:
fnin = ls[0]
fnin = glob.glob("*.dat")[0]
def fitlow(ls):
n = len(ls)
sz = sy = szz = syy = szy = 0
for i in range(n):
x, y = ls[i]
z = pow(x, exponent)
sy += y
sz += z
szz += z*z
szy += z*y
syy += y*y
''' now solve
n a + sz b = sy --> sz a + sz*sz/n b = sy*sz/n
sz a + szz b = szy
var = szz - sz*sz/n
cov = szy - sy*sz/n
b = cov/var
a = (sy - b*sz)/n
vary = syy - sy*sy/n
res = (vary - cov*cov/var)/n
print "best fit: %g%+g*x^(%s), residue %g (%d points)" % (
a, b, exponent, sqrt(res), n)
unitb = 0.00013893545782*1e7
invepsr = b / unitb
print invepsr
def dofit(fn):
ls = []
for ln in open(fn).readlines():
xy = ln.strip()
if not xy: continue
xy = xy.split()
xi = float(xy[0])
yi = float(xy[1])
if xi < xmin or xi > xmax: continue
ls += [(xi, yi),]
if __name__ == "__main__":
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