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Created January 14, 2019 22:50
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Moulds for concrete casting
function getParameterDefinitions() {
return [
{name: 'side', caption: 'Width:', type: 'float', default: 50},
{name: 'hgt', caption: 'Height:', type: 'float', default: 14},
{name: 'dia', caption: 'Screw dia:', type: 'float', default: 3},
{name: 'posX', caption: 'Screw Position X:', type: 'float', default: 8},
{name: 'posY', caption: 'Screw Position Y:', type: 'float', default: 8}
function main(params){
var side = params.side/2;
var hgt = params.hgt;
var dia = params.dia/2;
var posX = params.posX;
var posY = params.posY;
var wall = 1; // Approx ;-)
var draft = 2;
var res = 24;
var Cyl1 = CSG.cylinder({
center: [0,0,0],
start: [0,0,0],
end: [0,0,hgt],
radiusStart: side*1.41,
radiusEnd: side*1.41-draft,
resolution: 4
//Cutout for mold
var Cyl2 = CSG.cylinder({
center: [0,0,0],
start: [0,0,0],
end: [0,0,hgt-wall],
radiusStart: side*1.41-wall,
radiusEnd: side*1.41-draft-wall,
resolution: 4
//Cutout for Screw
var Cyl3 = CSG.cylinder({
center: [0,0,0],
start: [0,0,0],
end: [0,0,hgt],
radius: dia,
resolution: 16
//Addon -> will get replaced with a extrudet polygon
var Cyl4 = CSG.cylinder({
center: [0,0,0],
start: [0,0,0],
end: [0,0,wall+2],
radius: 18,
resolution: 5
var result = translate([0, 0, -hgt], rotate([0, 0, 45], Cyl1.subtract(Cyl2)));
Cyl3 = Cyl3.translate([side-posX, side-posY, -hgt/2]);
result = result.subtract(Cyl3);
result = rotate([0, 180, 0],result);
result = result.union(Cyl4);
return result;
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