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portable PE64 header utils
#pragma once
namespace os
enum e_image_signature: const std::uint16_t
dos_magic = 0x5a4d, // 'MZ'
nts_magic = 0x4550, // 'PE00'
opt_magic = 0x020b
struct image_dos_header_t
std::uint16_t m_magic; // Magic number
std::uint16_t m_cblp; // Bytes on last page of file
std::uint16_t m_cp; // Pages in file
std::uint16_t m_crlc; // Relocations
std::uint16_t m_cparhdr; // Size of header in paragraphs
std::uint16_t m_minalloc; // Minimum extra paragraphs needed
std::uint16_t m_maxalloc; // Maximum extra paragraphs needed
std::uint16_t m_ss; // Initial (relative) SS value
std::uint16_t m_sp; // Initial SP value
std::uint16_t m_csum; // Checksum
std::uint16_t m_ip; // Initial IP value
std::uint16_t m_cs; // Initial (relative) CS value
std::uint16_t m_lfarlc; // File address of relocation table
std::uint16_t m_ovno; // Overlay number
std::uint16_t m_res0[4]; // Reserved words
std::uint16_t m_oemid; // OEM identifier (for m_oeminfo)
std::uint16_t m_oeminfo; // OEM information; m_oemid specific
std::uint16_t m_res1[10]; // Reserved words
std::int32_t m_lfanew; // File address of new exe header
[[ nodiscard ]]
bool is_valid( )
return m_magic == e_image_signature::dos_magic;
struct image_nt_headers_t
std::uint32_t m_signature;
std::uint16_t m_machine;
std::uint16_t m_number_of_sections;
std::uint32_t m_time_date_stamp;
std::uint32_t m_pointer_to_symbol_table;
std::uint32_t m_number_of_symbols;
std::int16_t m_size_of_optional_header;
std::int16_t m_characteristics;
std::uint16_t m_magic;
std::uint8_t m_major_linker_version;
std::uint8_t m_minor_linker_version;
std::uint32_t m_size_of_code;
std::uint32_t m_size_of_initialized_data;
std::uint32_t m_size_of_uninitialized_data;
std::uint32_t m_address_of_entry_point;
std::uint32_t m_base_of_code;
std::uint64_t m_image_base;
std::uint32_t m_section_alignment;
std::uint32_t m_file_alignment;
std::uint16_t m_major_operating_system_version;
std::uint16_t m_minor_operating_system_version;
std::uint16_t m_major_image_version;
std::uint16_t m_minor_image_version;
std::uint16_t m_major_subsystem_version;
std::uint16_t m_minor_subsystem_version;
std::uint32_t m_win32_version_value;
std::uint32_t m_size_of_image;
std::uint32_t m_size_of_headers;
std::uint32_t m_check_sum;
std::uint16_t m_subsystem;
std::uint16_t m_dll_characteristics;
std::uint64_t m_size_of_stack_reserve;
std::uint64_t m_size_of_stack_commit;
std::uint64_t m_size_of_heap_reserve;
std::uint64_t m_size_of_heap_commit;
std::uint32_t m_loader_flags;
std::uint32_t m_number_of_rva_and_sizes;
struct image_data_directory_t
std::uint32_t m_virtual_address;
std::uint32_t m_size;
image_data_directory_t m_export; // Export Directory
image_data_directory_t m_import; // Import Directory
image_data_directory_t m_resource; // Resource Directory
image_data_directory_t m_exception; // Exception Directory
image_data_directory_t m_security; // Security Directory
image_data_directory_t m_base_reloc; // Base Relocation Table
image_data_directory_t m_debug; // Debug Directory
image_data_directory_t m_architecture; // Architecture Specific Data
image_data_directory_t m_global_ptr; // RVA of GP
image_data_directory_t m_tls; // TLS Directory
image_data_directory_t m_load_config; // Load Configuration Directory
image_data_directory_t m_bound_import; // Bound Import Directory in headers
image_data_directory_t m_iat; // Import Address Table
image_data_directory_t m_delay_import; // Delay Load Import Descriptors
image_data_directory_t m_com_descriptor; // COM Runtime descriptor
image_data_directory_t m_unused;
[[ nodiscard ]]
bool is_valid( )
return m_signature == e_image_signature::nts_magic && m_magic == e_image_signature::opt_magic;
struct image_import_descriptor_t
std::uint32_t m_characteristics; // 0 for terminating null import descriptor
std::uint32_t m_original_first_thunk; // RVA to original unbound IAT (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)
std::uint32_t m_time_date_stamp; // 0 if not bound
std::uint32_t m_forwarder_chain; // -1 if no forwarders
std::uint32_t m_name;
std::uint32_t m_first_thunk; // RVA to IAT (if bound this IAT has actual addresses)
struct image_base_relocation_t
std::uint32_t m_virtual_address;
std::uint32_t m_size_of_block;
struct image_import_by_name_t
std::uint16_t m_hint;
char m_name[1];
struct image_export_directory_t
std::uint32_t m_characteristics;
std::uint32_t m_time_date_stamp;
std::int16_t m_major_version;
std::int16_t m_minor_version;
std::uint32_t m_name;
std::uint32_t m_base;
std::uint32_t m_number_of_functions;
std::uint32_t m_number_of_names;
std::uint32_t m_address_of_functions; // RVA from base of image
std::uint32_t m_address_of_names; // RVA from base of image
std::uint32_t m_address_of_names_ordinals; // RVA from base of image
struct image_section_header_t
char m_name[8];
std::uint32_t m_physical_address;
std::uint32_t m_virtual_size;
std::uint32_t m_virtual_address;
std::uint32_t m_size_of_raw_data;
std::uint32_t m_pointer_to_raw_data;
std::uint32_t m_pointer_to_relocations;
std::uint32_t m_pointer_to_line_numbers;
std::int16_t m_number_of_relocations;
std::int16_t m_number_of_line_numbers;
std::uint32_t m_characteristics;
void for_each_section( auto callback, std::uint8_t* image_ptr )
auto dos_header{ ( os::image_dos_header_t* )( image_ptr ) };
auto nt_headers{ ( os::image_nt_headers_t* )( image_ptr + dos_header->m_lfanew ) };
if ( !dos_header->is_valid( )
|| !nt_headers->is_valid( ) )
auto section_ctx{ ( os::image_section_header_t* )( ( std::uint8_t* )( &nt_headers->m_magic ) + nt_headers->m_size_of_optional_header ) };
if ( !section_ctx->m_name
|| !section_ctx->m_pointer_to_raw_data )
for ( std::int16_t idx{}; idx < nt_headers->m_number_of_sections; idx++, section_ctx++ )
if ( !callback( idx, section_ctx ) ) break;
void for_each_export( auto callback, std::uint8_t* image_ptr )
auto dos_header{ ( os::image_dos_header_t* )( image_ptr ) };
auto nt_headers{ ( os::image_nt_headers_t* )( image_ptr + dos_header->m_lfanew ) };
if ( !dos_header->is_valid( )
|| !nt_headers->is_valid( ) )
if ( nt_headers->m_export.m_size )
auto exp_dir{ ( os::image_export_directory_t* )( image_ptr + nt_headers->m_export.m_virtual_address ) };
if ( !exp_dir->m_address_of_functions
|| !exp_dir->m_address_of_names
|| !exp_dir->m_address_of_names_ordinals )
auto name_ptr{ ( std::uint32_t* )( image_ptr + exp_dir->m_address_of_names ) };
auto func_ptr{ ( std::uint32_t* )( image_ptr + exp_dir->m_address_of_functions ) };
auto ords_ptr{ ( std::uint16_t* )( image_ptr + exp_dir->m_address_of_names_ordinals ) };
for ( std::uint32_t idx{}; idx < exp_dir->m_number_of_names; idx++ )
if ( !callback( idx, name_ptr, func_ptr, ords_ptr ) ) break;
void for_each_import( auto callback, std::uint8_t* image_ptr )
auto dos_header{ ( os::image_dos_header_t* )( image_ptr ) };
auto nt_headers{ ( os::image_nt_headers_t* )( image_ptr + dos_header->m_lfanew ) };
if ( !dos_header->is_valid( )
|| !nt_headers->is_valid( ) )
if ( nt_headers->m_import.m_size )
auto imp_dir{ ( os::image_import_descriptor_t* )( image_ptr + nt_headers->m_import.m_virtual_address ) };
if ( !imp_dir->m_first_thunk
|| !imp_dir->m_original_first_thunk )
while ( imp_dir->m_name )
auto name_ptr{ ( std::uint64_t* )( image_ptr + imp_dir->m_original_first_thunk ) };
auto func_ptr{ ( std::uint64_t* )( image_ptr + imp_dir->m_first_thunk ) };
while ( *name_ptr )
if ( !callback( name_ptr, func_ptr ) ) return;
template< class type_t >
[[ nodiscard ]]
type_t get_image_section( std::uint8_t* image_ptr, std::uint32_t section_name_hash )
type_t section_ptr{};
for_each_section( [&]( std::uint32_t idx, os::image_section_header_t* section_ctx )
if ( _fnv1( section_ctx->m_name ) == section_name_hash )
section_ptr = ( type_t )( image_ptr + section_ctx->m_pointer_to_raw_data );
return false;
return true;
}, image_ptr );
return section_ptr;
template< class type_t >
[[ nodiscard ]]
type_t get_image_export( std::uint8_t* image_ptr, std::uint32_t export_name_hash )
type_t export_ptr{};
for_each_export( [&]( std::uint32_t idx, std::uint32_t* name_ptr, std::uint32_t* func_ptr, std::uint16_t* ords_ptr )
auto cur_name{ image_ptr + name_ptr[idx] };
auto cur_func{ image_ptr + func_ptr[ords_ptr[idx]] };
if ( !cur_name || !cur_func )
return true;
if ( _fnv1( ( const char* )( cur_name ) ) == export_name_hash )
export_ptr = ( type_t )( cur_func );
return false;
return true;
}, image_ptr );
return export_ptr;
template< class type_t >
[[ nodiscard ]]
type_t get_image_import( std::uint8_t* image_ptr, std::uint32_t import_name_hash )
type_t import_ptr{};
for_each_import( [&]( std::uint64_t* name_ptr, std::uint64_t* func_ptr )
auto cur_imp{ ( os::image_import_by_name_t* )( image_ptr + *name_ptr ) };
if ( !cur_imp->m_name )
return true;
if ( _fnv1( cur_imp->m_name ) == import_name_hash )
import_ptr = ( type_t )( *func_ptr );
return false;
return true;
}, image_ptr );
return import_ptr;
#define _align( addr, align ) ( ( ( addr ) + ( align ) - 1 ) & ~( ( align ) - 1 ) )
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