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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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(8:51:32 AM) matt_ribeiro: elliot1: I don't think we met, and have you seen elliot?
(8:54:01 AM) jared_burkeen: matt_ribeiro, check your email, elliot1 is a new hire that started this week
(8:54:10 AM) jared_burkeen: he's the anti-haskell elliot
(8:55:55 AM) matt_ribeiro: oh then.... PLEASED to meet you. :-)
(8:57:36 AM) jared_burkeen: he will greet you in return, he's just a little shy
(9:02:16 AM) matt_ribeiro: Unfortunately, I ran into some haskell woes last night, so I really need elliot, instead of elliot1.
(9:10:27 AM) jared_burkeen: I think he's off today
(9:10:31 AM) jared_burkeen: no that was yesterday
(9:10:41 AM) jared_burkeen: but it's usually tomorrow that he's off
(9:14:08 AM) matt_ribeiro: If yesterday was tomorrow, what does that make today?
(9:15:41 AM) jared_burkeen: good question for either elliot or elliot1
(9:16:03 AM) You are now known as elliot
(9:16:19 AM) matt_ribeiro: Hey elliot!
(9:16:25 AM) matt_ribeiro: Where'd you come from?
(9:40:51 AM) matt_ribeiro is now known as Matt1
(9:50:11 AM) elliot: Matt1: jared_burkeen: who's this elliot1 guy who has the audacity to 1) have a similar name as me, and 2) dislike Haskell in any fashion. Soldier, either change your behavior or change your name!
(9:51:30 AM) elliot: Matt1: jared_burkeen:
(9:52:28 AM) Matt1 is now known as Elliot1
(9:53:04 AM) jared_burkeen: yay! He's back!
(9:53:10 AM) jared_burkeen: my favorite elliot!
(9:53:28 AM) Elliot1: Lemme tell you a thing or three about Haskell...
(9:54:02 AM) elliot: jared_burkeen: I don't take flattery...hand over this impostor
(9:54:18 AM) jared_burkeen: yes, please do, now let's all gather around and sit Indian-style while we listen in awe and wonder
(9:55:04 AM) elliot: jared_burkeen: Hardly...this is Elliot1, the horrible Haskell hater
(9:55:44 AM) elliot: Elliot1: girdeth up thy loins
(9:56:04 AM) elliot: Elliot1: Prepare to be stackaged
(9:56:10 AM) elliot: hackaged
(9:56:16 AM) Elliot1: and packaged
(9:56:25 AM) jared_burkeen: I'm so confused, one elliot was more than enough..
(9:56:28 AM) elliot: into minced pie
(9:56:34 AM) Elliot1 is now known as Matt
(9:56:41 AM) Matt: hey guys... hows it goin?
(9:57:22 AM) elliot: Just as I thought...with that confrontation, the impostor fled for his life
(9:59:09 AM) Matt: elliot: I actually have haskell questions.. when you have some time
(9:59:53 AM) elliot: Matt, you missed a harrowing encounter with a horrible Haskell hater who had haughtily harangued a hideously hateful humph toward haskell
(10:00:53 AM) jared_burkeen: those Haskell guys, they love a good alliteration
(10:01:09 AM) elliot: Read: Learn You Alliteration for Great Good
(10:01:49 AM) jared_burkeen: is it available on Amazon?
(10:02:15 AM) elliot: jared_burkeen: If it isn't it should be
(10:02:53 AM) elliot: Matt: I have a mtg with the Adventurous Aaron first
(10:03:14 AM) Matt: Okay. Jesse’s jaguar is jumping and jiggling jauntily.
(10:05:00 AM) jared_burkeen: and then Ryan and Rosie ran over a rabid rhinoceraus with a race car from Raleigh
(10:05:51 AM) Matt: Dude. He must be dead as a doornail.
(10:06:20 AM) elliot: Matt, Jesse just needs jaguar jade juice which, the Jadists judge, generates jaundice
(10:06:50 AM) Matt: Is there a method to your madness?
(10:07:01 AM) jared_burkeen: you bet your black basket he's dead
(10:08:06 AM) elliot: ...this is the best conversation since Cornelius van till came into the covenant; can we keep it?
(10:08:25 AM) Matt: You bet your bottom dollar
(10:12:58 AM) elliot: It doesn't get much greater than gist:
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