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Created January 29, 2020 21:58
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Custom code to edit Playbox.widget for Übersicht
# Code originally created by the awesome members of Ubersicht community.
# I stole from so many I can't remember who you are, thank you so much everyone!
# Haphazardly adjusted and mangled by Pe8er (
# Mixed widget created by 3raxton (
options =
# Choose where the widget should sit on your screen.
verticalPosition : "bottom" # top | bottom | center
horizontalPosition : "left" # left | right | center
# Choose widget size.
widgetVariant: "large" # large | medium | small
# Choose color theme.
widgetTheme: "dark" # dark | light
# Song metadata inside or outside? Applies to large and medium variants only.
metaPosition: "mixed" # inside | outside | mixed
# Stick the widget in the corner? Set to *true* if you're using it with Sidebar widget, set to *false* if you'd like to give it some breathing room and a drop shadow.
stickInCorner: false # true | false
command: "osascript 'Playbox.widget/lib/Get Current Track.scpt'"
refreshFrequency: '1s'
style: """
// Let's do theming first.
if #{options.widgetTheme} == dark
fColor = white
bgColor = black
bgBrightness = 80%
fColor = black
bgColor = white
bgBrightness = 120%
// Specify color palette and blur properties.
fColor1 = rgba(fColor,1.0)
fColor08 = rgba(fColor,0.8)
fColor05 = rgba(fColor,0.5)
fColor02 = rgba(fColor,0.2)
bgColor1 = rgba(bgColor,1.0)
bgColor08 = rgba(bgColor,0.7)
bgColor05 = rgba(bgColor,0.5)
bgColor02 = rgba(bgColor,0.2)
blurProperties = blur(10px) brightness(bgBrightness) contrast(100%) saturate(140%)
// Next, let's sort out positioning.
if #{options.stickInCorner} == false
margin = 14px
box-shadow 0 20px 40px 0px rgba(0,0,0,.6)
border-radius 6px
border-radius 0 0 6px 6px
margin = 0
if #{options.stickInCorner} == false and #{options.widgetVariant} != small
border-radius 6px
if #{options.verticalPosition} == center
top 50%
transform translateY(-50%)
#{options.verticalPosition} margin
if #{options.horizontalPosition} == center
left 50%
transform translateX(-50%)
#{options.horizontalPosition} margin
// Misc styles.
*, *:before, *:after
box-sizing border-box
display none
position absolute
transform-style preserve-3d
-webkit-transform translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)
mainDimension = 270px
width auto
min-width 2025px
max-width mainDimension
overflow hidden
white-space nowrap
background-color bgColor02
font-family system, -apple-system, "Helvetica Neue"
border none
-webkit-backdrop-filter blurProperties
z-index 10
font-size 8pt
line-height 11pt
color fColor1
display flex
flex-direction row
justify-content flex-start
flex-wrap nowrap
align-items center
overflow hidden
z-index 1
width 64px
height @width
background-color fColor05
background-image url(/Playbox.widget/lib/default.png)
background-size cover
z-index 2
left 64px
margin 0 32px 0 8px
max-width mainDimension
z-index 3
width @width
height 2px
background fColor1
position absolute
bottom 0
left 0
z-index 4
.wrapper, .album, .artist, .song
overflow hidden
text-overflow ellipsis
.album, .artist, .song
max-width mainDimension
font-weight 700
color fColor05
position absolute
color white
top 4px
#{options.horizontalPosition} @top
font-size 16px
// Different styles for different widget sizes.
if #{options.widgetVariant} == medium
Scale = 0.75
font-size 8pt !important
line-height 10pt !important
display none
font-size 12px !important
Scale = 1
if #{options.widgetVariant} == large or #{options.widgetVariant} == medium
min-width 0
font-size 9pt
line-height 15pt
flex-direction column
justify-content flex-start
flex-wrap nowrap
align-items center
width mainDimension * Scale
height @width
margin 0
margin 15px
float none
text-align center
max-width (mainDimension * Scale) 20
if #{options.metaPosition} == outside
top mainDimension * Scale
border-radius 6px 6px 0 0
if #{options.metaPosition} == mixed
top mainDimension * Scale
border-radius 6px 6px 0 0
background-color black
if #{options.metaPosition} == inside
background-color black
-webkit-backdrop-filter none
overflow hidden
// Blurred background is turned off because of insane WebKit glitches :(
//-webkit-backdrop-filter blurProperties
position absolute
bottom 0
left 0
margin 0
padding 8px
color fColor1
background-color bgColor08
width mainDimension * Scale
max-width @width
options : options
render: () -> """
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="progress"></div>
<div class="art"><span class="heart">&#9829;</span></div>
<div class="text">
<div class="song"></div>
<div class="artist"></div>
<div class="album"></div>
afterRender: (domEl) ->
$.getScript "Playbox.widget/lib/jquery.animate-shadow-min.js"
div = $(domEl)
meta = div.find('.text')
if @options.verticalPosition is 'center'
div.css('top', (screen.height - div.height())/2)
if @options.horizontalPosition is 'center'
div.css('left', (screen.width - div.width())/2)
if @options.metaPosition is 'inside' and @options.widgetVariant isnt 'small'
if @options.stickInCorner is false
div.stop(true,true).animate({zoom: '0.99', boxShadow: '0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,1.0)'}, 200, 'swing')
div.stop(true,true).animate({zoom: '1.0', boxShadow: '0 20px 40px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.6)'}, 300, 'swing')
# div.find('.wrapper').stop(true,true).addClass('pushed')
# div.find('.wrapper').stop(true,true).removeClass('pushed')
# Update the rendered output.
update: (output, domEl) ->
# Get our main DIV.
div = $(domEl)
if !output
div.animate({opacity: 0}, 250, 'swing').hide(1)
values = output.slice(0,-1).split(" @ ")
tDuration = values[3]
tPosition = values[4]
tArtwork = values[5]
songChanged = values[6]
isLoved = values[7]
currArt = "/" + div.find('.art').css('background-image').split('/').slice(-3).join().replace(/\,/g, '/').slice(0,-1)
tWidth = div.width()
tCurrent = (tPosition / tDuration) * tWidth
div.find('.progress').css width: tCurrent
# console.log(tArtwork + ", " + currArt){opacity: 1}, 250, 'swing')
if currArt isnt tArtwork and tArtwork isnt 'NA'
artwork = div.find('.art')
artwork.css('background-image', 'url('+tArtwork+')')
# console.log("Changed to: " + tArtwork)
# Trying to fade the artwork on load, failing so far.
# if songChanged is 'true'
# artwork.fadeIn(100)
# artwork.
# artwork.fadeIn(500)
# artwork = div.find('.art')
# img = new Image
# img.onload = ->
# artwork.css
# 'background-image': 'url(' + tArtwork + ')'
# 'background-size': 'contain'
# artwork.fadeIn 300
# return
# img.src = tArtwork
# return
else if tArtwork is 'NA'
artwork = div.find('.art')
artwork.css('background-image', 'url(/Playbox.widget/lib/default.png)')
if songChanged is 'true' and @options.metaPosition is 'inside' and @options.widgetVariant isnt 'small'
if isLoved is 'true'
div.css('max-width', screen.width)
# Sort out flex-box positioning.
# div.parent('div').css('order', '9')
# div.parent('div').css('flex', '0 1 auto')
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