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Created July 11, 2011 07:48
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Debug statement
* Manages connections to hosts.
* @param {String} uri
* @Param {Boolean} force creation of new socket (defaults to false)
* @api public
io.connect = function (host, details) {
var uri = io.util.parseUri(host)
, uuri
, socket;
if ('undefined' != typeof document) {
uri.protocol = uri.protocol || document.location.protocol.slice(0, -1); = || document.domain;
uri.port = uri.port || document.location.port;
// confirm that the uri is correctly parsed
io.log.debug('uri', uri);
uuri = io.util.uniqueUri(uri);
var options = {
, secure: uri.protocol == 'https'
, port: uri.port || 80
io.util.merge(options, details);
if (options['force new connection'] || !io.sockets[uuri]) {
socket = new io.Socket(options);
if (!options['force new connection'] && socket) {
io.sockets[uuri] = socket;
socket = socket || io.sockets[uuri];
// if path is different from '' or /
return socket.of(uri.path.length > 1 ? uri.path : '');
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And than in our builder.js we could completely remove the statement with a simple regexp {{[^{{]+?}}\r? like that

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dvv commented Jul 11, 2011

better we can reuse underscore's tiny templating (and even express res.render, though it would be very tough dep) and use <% statements %> and <%= expression %> (or whatever instead of <%, including mustache-style {{)

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The thing is.. writing {{ is valid javascript. Doing <$ will throw an error.

Unless you something like:

    io.log.debug('uri', uri);

Which requires much more typing to make it readable for javascript engines.

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dvv commented Jul 11, 2011

i understand that (or whatever instead of <%, including mustache-style {{). the point was to possibly make internal static server smarter to support templating

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