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Created July 9, 2018 22:50
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Save 3rdAnimal/eb0adaa1c198ebc68484620219b3426b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Rock Paper Scissors
en_us_winning = [
"Rock OBLITERATES scissors!",
"Paper SMOTHERS rock!",
"Scissors EVISCERATES paper!"
en_us = [
"Rock, Paper, or Scissors?",
"Enter choice",
"Invalid choice.",
"Tie game.",
"Player 1 is the winner.",
"Player 2 wins.",
choices = {
'q' : -1,
'r' : 0,
'p' : 1,
's' : 2
def calcWinner(p1,p2):
return (p1 - p2) % 3
def entryRequest(num):
choice = input( "\n\n{0} {1}\n{2}\n{3}: ".format( en_us[1], num, en_us[0], en_us[2] ) ) [0].lower()
valid = False
while not valid:
if not choice in choices :
choice = input( "\n\n{4}\n{0} {1}\n{2}\n{3}: ".format( en_us[1], num, en_us[0], en_us[2], en_us[3] ) ) [0].lower()
valid = False
valid = True
return choices[choice]
while True :
p1 = entryRequest(1)
if p1 == -1:
print( "{0}...".format( en_us[7] ) )
print ("\n" * 100)
p2 = entryRequest(2)
if p2 == -1: break
result = calcWinner(p1,p2)
if result == 0 : print ( "\n{0}\n".format( en_us[4] ) )
if result == 1 :
print ( "\n{0}".format( en_us_winning[p1] ) )
print ( "{0}".format( en_us[5] ) )
if result == 2 :
print ( "\n{0}".format( en_us_winning[p2] ) )
print ( "{0}".format( en_us[6] ) )
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