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Last active June 26, 2019 08:44
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Hitting hobbits for the first time
/** You need to add right body parts */
const asymHobbitBodyParts = [{name: "head", size: 3},
{name: "left-eye", size: 1},
{name: "left-ear", size: 1},
{name: "mouth", size: 1},
{name: "nose", size: 1},
{name: "neck", size: 2},
{name: "left-shoulder", size: 3},
{name: "left-upper-arm", size: 3},
{name: "chest", size: 10},
{name: "back", size: 10},
{name: "left-forearm", size: 3},
{name: "abdomen", size: 6},
{name: "left-kidney", size: 1},
{name: "left-hand", size: 2},
{name: "left-knee", size: 2},
{name: "left-thigh", size: 4},
{name: "left-lower-leg", size: 3},
{name: "left-achilles", size: 1},
{name: "left-foot", size: 2}]
/** How would I probably solve this problem in Javascript */
const regexLeft = /^left-/
const rightBodyParts = => {
if (regexLeft.test(
return Object.assign({}, part,
{ name:, 'right-') })
const symmetric = asymHobbitBodyParts.concat(rightBodyParts.filter(Boolean))
;; Brave Clojure takes a slightly different approach
;; This code doesn't check for a 'left-' in a name
;; Instead, and this is pure genius, it removes a duplicate object, like when name is nose, by using set sctructure
(defn matching-part
{:name (clojure.string/replace (:name part) #"^left-" "right-")
:size (:size part)})
(defn symmetrize-body-parts
"Expects a seq of maps that have a :name and :size"
(loop [remaining-asym-parts asym-body-parts
final-body-parts []]
(if (empty? remaining-asym-parts)
(let [[part & remaining] remaining-asym-parts]
(recur remaining
(into final-body-parts
(set [part (matching-part part)])))))))
/** You need to add right body parts */
const asymHobbitBodyParts = [{name: "head", size: 3},
{name: "left-eye", size: 1},
{name: "left-ear", size: 1},
{name: "mouth", size: 1},
{name: "nose", size: 1},
{name: "neck", size: 2},
{name: "left-shoulder", size: 3},
{name: "left-upper-arm", size: 3},
{name: "chest", size: 10},
{name: "back", size: 10},
{name: "left-forearm", size: 3},
{name: "abdomen", size: 6},
{name: "left-kidney", size: 1},
{name: "left-hand", size: 2},
{name: "left-knee", size: 2},
{name: "left-thigh", size: 4},
{name: "left-lower-leg", size: 3},
{name: "left-achilles", size: 1},
{name: "left-foot", size: 2}]
/** How would I probably solve this problem in ~Javascript~ ES6 */
const regexLeft = /^left-/
const matchingPart = part => {
const newName =, 'right-')
if (newName !== return { ...part, ...{ name: newName }}
const symmetrize = asymBodyParts => {
const finalBodyParts = new Set()
asymBodyParts.forEach(part => {
finalBodyParts.delete(undefined) // clean up
return finalBodyParts;
/** You need to add right body parts */
const asymHobbitBodyParts = [{name: "head", size: 3},
{name: "left-eye", size: 1},
{name: "left-ear", size: 1},
{name: "mouth", size: 1},
{name: "nose", size: 1},
{name: "neck", size: 2},
{name: "left-shoulder", size: 3},
{name: "left-upper-arm", size: 3},
{name: "chest", size: 10},
{name: "back", size: 10},
{name: "left-forearm", size: 3},
{name: "abdomen", size: 6},
{name: "left-kidney", size: 1},
{name: "left-hand", size: 2},
{name: "left-knee", size: 2},
{name: "left-thigh", size: 4},
{name: "left-lower-leg", size: 3},
{name: "left-achilles", size: 1},
{name: "left-foot", size: 2}]
/** How would I probably solve this problem in ES7 & functional programming */
// fp helpers
const compose3 = (f, g, v) => x => f(g(v(x)))
const curry = (fn) => {
const arity = fn.length;
return function $curry() {
var args = Array.from(arguments)
if (args.length < arity) {
return $curry.bind.apply($curry, [null].concat(args))
return fn.apply(null, args)
const id = x => x
const newSet = array => {
return new Set(array)
// program
const replace = curry((what, withWhat, x) => x.replace(what, withWhat))
const regexLeft = /^left-/
function getMatchingPartName(partName) {
return replace(regexLeft, 'right-', partName)
const matchingPart = part => {
const newName = getMatchingPartName(
if (newName !== return { ...part, ...{ name: newName }}
else return part // same reference, Set will filter this out
function sortNonUnique(parts) {
return compose3(Array.from, newSet, id)(parts)
const symmetrize = asymBodyParts => {
let finalBodyParts = []
asymBodyParts.forEach(part => {
finalBodyParts = [...finalBodyParts, ...sortNonUnique([part, matchingPart(part)])]
return finalBodyParts;
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3rdp commented Jun 26, 2019

Actually this solution in Clojure can be translated using Array.from.
The problem now: es6 solution returns a Set, clojure one returns map (like an array).
So, you can do Array.from at the end, but you can also use immutable data structures* to make Set work and just do finalBodyParts.push(Array.from(new Set([part, matchingPart(part)]))) (you can compose this)

*- sadly Object.freeze will not work, but you can simply return the same reference from matchingPart

Next Action:

Apply my knowledge of composing stuff (damn, I've read Mostly Adequate Guide and bit of Functional-Light since then) and extract, 'right-') into separate function, return the same part from matchingPart, create a fn for using Set properly, replace es6 with es7 (Set is es7).

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3rdp commented Jun 26, 2019

OK, but now there's three times more code. And three times less JS programmers can read it. :(

Next Action:

Try partical application instead of currying. Create function replaceLeftWithRight. Rm usage of id in sortNonUnique.

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