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Created December 17, 2020 20:20
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A role promotion cmd I wrote for the official Discord Server of the YT channel "Marmeladenoma"
//Promote command plugin by
//This code isn't really customizeable because it is only needed for a specific use case
//Made for the Discord Bot of the official Discord Server of the YouTube channel "Marmeladenoma": = async (bot, msg, args) => {
const config = require("./config.json")
if (args.length < 2) return bot.createMessage(, "Fehler: Dir scheint ein Argument zu fehlen. Bitte achte auf die korrekte Eingabe.\nSyntax: !promote @Nutzer Rollenname");
if (msg.mentions.length < 1) return bot.createMessage(, `Fehler: Der Nutzer "${args[0]}" konnte leider nicht gefunden werden.`)
var authorRoles = msg.member.roles
var userToPromote = => == msg.mentions[0].id)
var providedRole = => == args.slice(1).join(" "))
if (!providedRole) return bot.createMessage(, `Fehler: Die Rolle "${args.slice(1).join(" ")}" konnte leider nicht gefunden werden.`)
if (userToPromote.roles.includes( return bot.createMessage(, "Fehler: Der Nutzer besitzt die Rolle bereits.")
let rolePermissions = { //Key role can give user x each of it's value roles (role ids must be string because they are greater than 2^53 lol)
"755850280704278581": ["742339559639220284", "755841728950566994", "755842335467765881", "752826814656806942", "742339559639220284", "751100852814479480", "742339302780043325", "755842335467765881", "742339477451702334", "755864075623202896"], //Admin
"755864075623202896": ["742339477451702334"],
"755850280704278581": ["751100852814479480", "742339302780043325"],
"755842335467765881": ["752826814656806942"],
"755841728950566994": ["742339559639220284"]
let allowedRoles = [] //Array that gets populated by the loop below that will contain all roles the user is allowed to give others
//The loop is necessary because if a user has multiple key roles he would only have permissions for the values of the first key that gets found by includes()
Object.keys(rolePermissions).forEach((e, i) => {
if (authorRoles.includes(e)) {
Object.values(rolePermissions)[i].forEach(f => { //oh no a loop inside a loop
}) } })
if (allowedRoles.includes( { //Permission granted
userToPromote.addRole(, `Promotion authorised by ${}#${}`)
.then(() => { //Add Role!
bot.createMessage(, `Dem Nutzer ${userToPromote.user.username}#${userToPromote.user.discriminator} wurde die Rolle ${} erfolgreich hinzugefügt.`) })
.catch(err => {
return bot.createMessage(, `Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Rolle.\n||Error: ${err}||`) }) //err.stack would return the full error stack if needed
} else {
return bot.createMessage(, "Fehler: Es scheint als hättest du keine Berechtigung diese Rolle zu vergeben.") }
//Log the action
bot.createMessage(config.promoteLogChannel, {
embed: {
color: parseInt(config.color.padStart(6, '0'),16),
title: "Neue Beförderung",
description: `**${}#${}** hat dem Nutzer **${userToPromote.user.username}#${userToPromote.user.discriminator}** die Rolle **${}** zugewiesen.`,
footer: {
text: 'Promote Plugin by 3urobeat#0975' //meinen Namen kannst du hier auch entfernen wenn du möchtest
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
content: "||<@231827708198256642>||"
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