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Last active November 19, 2020 13:55
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_ff-addon-tutorial-jniAndroidToast - Using js-ctypes to use JNI to call functions from the Android API, this specific example does the same as the NativeWindow component, it creates a toast message as seen here:
var my_jenv = null;
try {
my_jenv = JNI.GetForThread();
// We declare the classes, methods, etc we will be using: this part is not seen in the native example
var SIG = {
CharSequence: 'Ljava/lang/CharSequence;',
Context: 'Landroid/content/Context;',
GeckoAppShell: 'Lorg.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell;',
Toast: 'Landroid/widget/Toast;', // can use .'s or /'s so `android.widget.Toast` and `android/widget/Toast` both work // from docs page header,%20int,%20int%29
int: 'I', // from
void: 'V' // from
var Toast = JNI.LoadClass(my_jenv, SIG.Toast.substr(1, SIG.Toast.length - 2), {
static_fields: [
{ name: 'LENGTH_SHORT', sig: }],
static_methods: [
{ name: 'makeText', sig: '(' + SIG.Context + SIG.CharSequence + + ')' + SIG.Toast } //,%20int,%20int%29
methods: [
{ name: 'show', sig: '()' + SIG.void } //
var geckoAppShell = JNI.LoadClass(my_jenv, SIG.GeckoAppShell.substr(1, SIG.GeckoAppShell.length - 2), {
static_methods: [
{ name: 'getContext', sig: '()' + SIG.Context }
// ok this ends the JNI specific stuff, now below you will see native-by-jni side-by-side
// Context context = getApplicationContext();
var context = geckoAppShell.getContext();
// CharSequence text = 'Hello toast!';
var text = 'Hello toast!';
// int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
var duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
// Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration);
var toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration);;
} finally {
if (my_jenv) {
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Screencast to go along with this Gist showing you how to execute this code from WebIDE on your desktop to your mobile device: Youtube Screencast :: FxAndroid - JNI js-ctypes Toast

Rev1 - Rev8

  • Based on the original native code from the android docs page:

    Context context = getApplicationContext();
    CharSequence text = "Hello toast!";
    int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
    Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration);;
  • Revisions from the start of the conversion to the end of it, Rev8 works can copy-paste-run via webide it from scratchpad or drop it into your firefox for android addon, and then Rev9 is cleaned up version of it in preparation for upload to MDN


  • Cleaned up and in working order (can copy-paste-run form scrachpad of webide attached to firefox on android device or emulator) here is a list of the resources used to get here




    • (its weird we thought this was evidence that if we pass to LoadClass with L and ; around it, the JNI.jsm would remove it, but it's not, possible bug? So I had to do the .substr above)

    • I switched to using my_jenv in place of jenv because the global window object has a jenv variable


    • These resources were used as reference and understanding of JNI.jsm was used but not needed for this specific example (but I did lift the geckoShell thing from here for the Context) :

    • Not possible without the chat from @capella, @wesj, and @rnewman:

      04:23:50: <noida> Any JNI experienced users here? I was trying to learn but need help, i wanted to request some snippets of the side-by-side jni-by-native so i can learn and teach others via mdn. would anyone be available?
      04:28:14: <mfinkle> st3fan: we didn't send anything to macminicolo
      04:56:33: <rnewman> st3fan: where did you get that message?
      04:57:31: <rnewman> noida that's a pretty big undertaking, and the people who know it best are overcommitted or on vacation.
      04:58:34: <noida> thanks much for that msg
      04:58:41: <noida> im trying to learn so i can take a screenshot on android
      04:58:55: <rnewman> from an add-on?
      04:58:58: <noida> yep
      04:59:08: <noida> natively though i got it done for windows, gtk, and osx, just need ot add android
      04:59:09: <rnewman> of the whole UI?
      04:59:13: <noida>
      04:59:31: <noida> well either right away
      04:59:37: <noida> or if two finger touch then delayed shot
      04:59:40: <rnewman> do you know what js-ctypes is?
      04:59:47: <noida> i wrote the docs baby
      04:59:55: <rnewman> perfect
      05:00:09: <noida> the jni is also done via ctypes
      05:00:13: <noida> so i wanted to teach othrs
      05:00:14: <rnewman> then give me ten minutes to get home and I'll look for an example to work with
      05:00:26: <noida> no way
      05:00:29: <noida> thank you so much!
      05:00:35: <noida> lots of people will use what you teach me right away
      05:00:45: <noida> a user on stackoverflow also asked how to take native screenshot on android
      05:00:53: <noida> ive been searching for someone for a week i super duper appreciate it!
      05:01:05: <noida>
      05:01:11: <noida> thats example of one of my writings
      05:01:15: <noida> arai and i tag teamed it
      05:01:29: <noida> i also wrote how to use COM from jsctypes
      05:01:47: <noida> im not a C or C++ guy i learned stuff in reverse haha
      05:02:02: <noida> so arai helped me write the c++ and C working examples
      05:02:22: <noida> objc im pretty darn good at now the osx screenshot wwas a mix of corefoundation and objc
      05:02:48: <noida> but arai wrote the objc equivalent of the COM tutorial (for text to voice)
      05:03:02: <noida> so soon you'll see a JNI page and sections too :)
      05:03:26: <noida> once i learn just need those darn side by side examples :( haha
      05:04:15: <noida> i also reached out to the auhtor of the jni module requesting a jni version of the simple toast native code i posted:
      05:05:14: <noida> that will then help figure out the screenshot hting and help here and here
      05:06:19: <noida> haha sorry i got excited :P
      05:06:48: <Capella> noida: getting seriously dangerous :)
      05:06:56: <noida> dood i found my guy! :D
      05:07:14: <noida> and i was about to go to sleep thank god i didnt :D
      05:07:31: <Capella> oh yah, rnewman is up there when he's got time from like 1,000 other things ;)
      05:07:44: <rnewman> noida:
      05:08:17: <Capella> "sleep", yah, I noticed you're not doing a lot of the lately :p
      05:08:17: <noida> thx! reading
      05:08:25: <noida> hahahaha ya man shoot
      05:08:29: <noida> im on a roll with nativeshot man
      05:08:45: <Capella> new projects are the best
      05:09:06: <rnewman> noida: next step is to figure out how to get a screenshot on Android
      05:09:46: <noida> thanks so much that would be awesome spoon feeding for my addon but ideally i was hoping to learn how to read the docs and then write my own jni
      05:09:50: <rnewman> to get the app itself is fairly easy: get the root view (from the activity, from the context)
      05:10:03: <rnewman> then
      05:10:17: <rnewman> and you should be able to do all that via JNI.jsm
      05:10:20: <noida> like the docs have lots of native examples. like with objc arai taught me that you have to objc_msgsend stuff and some other stuff he taught me like variadic and jsctypes needs it typed then i ran from there
      05:10:42: <noida> oh fantastic small example
      05:10:46: <rnewman> if you want to reimplement JNI.jsm… well, you could do that, or you could improve it
      05:11:02: <noida> can we plz go with straight writing it. the one for one really helps me learn
      05:11:13: <noida> then learning about the ins and outs to improve it is where my learning really cements
      05:11:14: <rnewman> it's not super complicated, at least
      05:11:33: <noida> btw thx soooo much for this ive been dying for this!
      05:11:40: <noida> im starting up my tablet and hooking up webide :D
      05:11:57: <rnewman> :)
      05:13:03: <noida> ok all set up im going to run that testJNI stuff through
      05:13:17: <noida> on my own i learned this much
      05:13:19: <noida> jenv = JNI.GetForThread(); must be done :P
      05:13:20: <noida> hahaha
      05:13:30: <noida> and if i went into worker i have to do that in there firs thing
      05:18:54: <noida> so i also figured out i have to get the app context
      05:18:58: <noida> which is done with the loadclass org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell
      05:19:06: <noida> so those two things i will do in every jni script
      05:19:30: <noida> but i is LoadClass like objc_sel where it gets functions?
      05:19:57: <noida> as i dont see us doing any ctypes.declare which is obvious as the ctypes got us the JNI framework and now we should use the JNI equivalent of ctypes.declare
      05:20:03: <noida> so would that be LoadClass?
      05:20:18: <noida> so like org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoNetworkManager would be the lib name?
      05:20:32: <noida> and then getMNC and getMCC would be functions from that lib?
      05:21:12: <noida> and sig is the arguments that function receives?
      05:22:06: <noida> so thats what i was thinking. but hten i got super confused when i saw LoadClass with no storage into a var
      05:22:14: <noida> so now why do that when no plans to use that function?
      05:24:39: <rnewman> noida: sorry, I was reviewing some stuff
      05:24:45: <noida> np thx "D
      05:24:48: <noida> :D
      05:25:27: <rnewman> LoadClass is where you get a reference to the class itself; a la
      05:25:45: <rnewman> GeckoNetworkManager is a class; getMNC are static methods on that class
      05:26:17: <noida> the GeckoNetworkManager is not in android docs though
      05:26:17: <rnewman> so
      05:26:46: <noida> no surprise, but im trying to approach this from a total noob standpoint, which i am really i dont know any java
      05:26:49: <rnewman> no, it's here:
      05:27:16: <noida> o super! so we are basically doing
      05:27:25: <noida> but rather then moz c internals. this is moz java internals
      05:27:26: <rnewman> so there are basically four things in Java: primitives (int), interfaces (Iterable), classes (String), and methods (getLength)
      05:27:40: <rnewman> there are two kinds of methods: static and instance
      05:28:03: <rnewman> GeckoNetworkManager.getMNC() is a static method call
      05:28:12: <noida> thanks this explanation is so prefect for me and docs!
      05:28:31: <rnewman> new String("foo").substring(1,2) is an instance method call
      05:28:58: <rnewman> (and a constructor call, which is a special kind of class method that returns an instance)
      05:29:22: <rnewman> JNI.jsm lets you get JavaScript objects that represent each of these things
      05:29:38: <rnewman> JNI.LoadClass gives you a class, for example
      05:29:59: <rnewman> the {static_methods: ...} bit lets you tell JNI.jsm which static methods to define for you
      05:30:15: <rnewman> those will be defined as JS methods on the object that LoadClass gives you
      05:30:38: <rnewman> makes sense?
      05:30:53: <noida> i think so :)
      05:31:11: <noida> and methods are what we use to do stuff like screenshot right?
      05:31:21: <noida> or make a toast?
      05:31:27: <noida> and show a toast?
      05:32:57: <noida> or if we follow along here:
      05:32:58: <rnewman> methods are functions that are tied to an object
      05:33:01: <noida> setGravity is a method?
      05:33:11: <rnewman> within a method, there's always an implicit variable 'this' that refers to the object
      05:33:18: <noida> ah
      05:33:30: <rnewman> so `setGravity` is an instance method of `Toast`
      05:33:38: <noida> oooo
      05:34:09: <rnewman> `makeText` is a class method of Toast
      05:34:26: <noida> o real interesting!
      05:34:29: <rnewman> so you could do `Toast.makeText(context, "foo", 5).setGravity(…)`
      05:34:33: <rnewman> see the difference?
      05:34:38: <noida> ya totally!!
      05:34:41: <noida> thx!
      05:37:47: <noida> im trying to use what you showed me to translate the examples in this dos page to jni
      05:38:32: <noida> ill have some q's in a sec plz. like ctypes.char.array()('asdf') is null terminated string, but here its diff. and numbers etc. and i dont know where they look up and get these ()I L() things
      05:41:38: <rnewman>
      05:41:43: <rnewman> JNI is pretty complicated
      05:41:58: <rnewman> it's a representation of the Java class/method resolution system and type system
      05:42:37: <rnewman> see Type Signatures here:
      05:42:54: <noida> ah th
      05:42:55: <noida> thx
      05:42:58: <rnewman> so L means class, I means int
      05:42:59: <rnewman> etc. etc.
      05:43:13: <noida> ah this types page is exactly what i needed to understand that
      05:43:18: <noida> so right now im trying to create string
      05:43:23: <noida> so i saw this:
      05:43:36: <noida> CharSequence text = "Hello toast!";
      05:43:39: <noida> on docs page
      05:43:46: <noida> then i searched for CharSequence on doc
      05:43:53: <noida> then found this:
      05:44:10: <noida>
      05:44:36: <noida> so im trying to pull off Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
      05:45:50: <rnewman> so Java strings *are* charsequences
      05:46:02: <rnewman> and JNI.jsm should automatically bridge JS strings
      05:46:06: <rnewman> so just use "Hello"
      05:47:10: <noida> i just copied pasted but trying to defined i right now
      05:47:10: <noida>
      05:47:51: <noida> so line 14 and 15 are wrong easily. just comitted to show u my work so far :P
      05:49:19: <noida> plz dont give up on me thinking jni is too complicated for me i do com/vtable stuff from jsctypes i can pull this off i promise!
      05:49:20: <rnewman> yeah, you'd need to LoadClass Uri and Intent
      05:49:35: <rnewman> it's a good start!
      05:49:45: <noida> thx :D
      05:50:03: <noida> but because im doing toast i should load uri and intent i should load Toast right?
      05:50:14: <rnewman> you need to LoadClass every class you use
      05:50:15: <noida> docs say Toast is a class:
      05:55:43: <noida> so in the sig of a method
      05:55:49: <noida> args are seperated by ; ?
      05:55:50: <noida> sig: "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)"+Intent },
      05:55:58: <noida> so for makeText im thinking:
      05:55:58: <Capella> robocop still doesn't get gecko content for it's screenshots iirc (for whatever reason) ... wonder if noidas digging could help there :/
      05:56:16: <noida> oh sweet ill make sure to fix that
      05:57:29: <Capella> yah :) No gecko content for screenshots of our UI / Javascript tests is not the most helpful
      05:59:21: <noida> ok so i think i setup makeText right can you please check:
      06:14:47: <noida> so here he does:
      06:14:56: <noida> i["putExtra(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)"+isig].call(i, key, Html.fromHtml(value));
      06:15:03: <noida> so he's using the putExtra method of Toast
      06:15:06: <noida> and it returns i
      06:15:10: <noida> which is an Intent
      06:15:13: <noida> i gathered that from here:
      06:15:27: <noida>,%20double[]%29
      06:15:50: <rnewman> that looks OK to me, noida
      06:15:57: <rnewman> I haven't run it, so it might be wrong, but it looks good
      06:16:03: <noida> oh sweet
      06:16:08: <noida> im working on make the call right now
      06:16:10: <noida> then ill run too :)
      06:16:18: <rnewman> :)
      06:16:26: <rnewman> I'll be heading to bed when I'm done with this drink
      06:16:38: <noida> ah ok thx i think im getting the hang of this
      06:16:48: <noida> im loooking up the docs based on what was used in jni
      06:16:53: <noida> and your types page is a god send
      06:16:57: <noida> i was baffled by those letters
      06:19:46: <noida> oh last two questions plz
      06:19:49: <noida> whats the V here:
      06:19:57: <noida> i cant find it on the types page
      06:20:30: <noida> also he leads off with () instead of just L like i thought he should here:
      06:20:46: <noida> { name: "getContext", sig: "()Landroid/content/Context;" },
      06:30:45: <Capella> void?
      06:30:59: <noida> ah ya
      06:31:20: <Capella>
      06:31:26: <Capella> "there are two parts...."
      06:32:03: <noida> oh they have V here thx
      06:42:10: <noida> how would i know if makeText should be in array of `static_methods` or just `methods`? based on docs:,%20int,%20int%29
      06:42:51: <noida> ohhh is the () indicate thats the return type?
      06:43:06: <noida> so ()Landroid/content/Context;I would mean returns context and accepts one argument of int?
      06:45:25: <wesj> noida: arguments appear between the (). you can have one value after the () for the return type
      06:45:38: <wesj> so that would be (I)Landorid/content/Context;
      06:46:12: <noida> thats not how these people are doing :( did we change the jsm?'
      06:46:20: <noida> ohh wait
      06:46:22: <noida> i think they are!
      06:46:36: <wesj> static_methods are methods labeled as static in the java class. they don't need an instance of the class to call them
      06:46:58: <wesj> i.e. Toast.makeText() vs something like (new Toast()).makeText()
      06:47:08: <noida> ahhh
      06:47:15: <noida> that ex made it make sense!
      06:47:23: <noida> so makeText is a static!
      06:47:32: <noida> public static Toast makeText (Context context, int resId, int duration)
      06:47:40: <noida> if it wasnt static would that line be
      06:47:42: <noida> public Toast makeText (Context context, int resId, int duration)
      06:51:09: <wesj> yep
      06:51:16: <noida> ah super cool! thanks!
      06:51:19: <noida> so whats the return of this?
      06:51:24: <noida> makeText returns a Toast class?
      06:51:28: <noida> i mean a Toast object?
      06:52:57: <Capella> Toast fooToast = Toast.makeText( ...
      06:53:11: <wesj> yep. so you'd normally call Toast.makeText().show();
      06:53:17: <noida> ahhh
      06:53:18: <wesj> so show() gets called on the Toast object you created
      06:53:21: <noida> making senes!! thank you!
      06:53:23: <Capella>
      06:53:45: <noida> thx cap!
      06:54:26: <noida> so in jni to call a method i have to use .call?
      06:54:45: <noida> var text = i["makeText(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)"+isig].call(context, 'Hello toast!');
      06:55:43: <wesj> i don't think so...
      06:56:43: <wesj> you'd usually do what i saw you had earlier var Toast = JNI.LoadClass(class_stuff); var t = Toast.makeText(context, "HelloWorld");;
      06:56:50: <noida> ah!
      06:57:21: <wesj> but after that first JNI.LoadClass stuff Toast.makeText is just a javascript function, so you CAN call it with or Toast.makeText.apply() even
      06:57:28: <wesj> anything you can do with a normal javascript function
      06:58:35: <noida> ahhh
      06:58:46: <noida> but how come sometimes (lots of times) they do LoadClass without setting it to var?
      06:58:47: <noida>
      06:59:51: <rnewman> noida: if you don't have to use the class directly; it just needs to be loaded
      06:59:55: <wesj> i guess we didn't need a reference to the class there
      07:00:07: <wesj> but other methods return a Context, so we wanted to define some methods on what they returned
      07:00:39: <wesj> i.e. geckoAppShell.getContext() returns a Context to you. without loading it, the JNI code would have no idea what that was
      07:01:01: <noida> oo
      07:02:32: <noida>
      07:02:34: <noida> in the sig here
      07:02:41: <noida> how come they dont do a +I or something
      07:02:45: <noida> like they do everyewhere else:
      07:03:18: <noida>
      07:04:36: <noida> ah!
      07:04:43: <Capella> thats +Intent ... "Landroid/content/Intent;"
      07:04:43: <noida> the + thing is outside of hte () so its the return type?
      07:04:54: <Capella> js addition
      07:05:03: <noida> so if it doesnt have + anything it has no return?
      07:05:07: <satdav> noida: what time zone you on.
      07:05:20: <noida> moz hq zone :D
      07:05:31: <noida> 10min from mountain view office :P
      07:05:35: <noida> pacific :)
      07:05:52: <wesj> noida: its just a convenience thing some people have done i guess
      07:06:02: <noida> for the treturn type wes?
      07:06:12: <wesj> i.e. rather than rewriting "Landroid/content/Intent;" after every signature they write "+ Intent"
      07:06:15: <satdav> Cool so pt, was looking for someone from Toronto time zone
      07:06:21: <noida> ah
      07:06:35: <wesj> yeah, they could use it anywhere, but they use it for return types a lot
      07:06:43: <noida> ahhh
      07:06:54: <noida> is it ok if i end everything with a semicolon?
      07:07:03: <noida> "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)"
      07:07:03: <wesj> the other function returns an Int which is just "I" so you don't save much by typing "+ Int"
      07:07:10: <noida> AH!
      07:07:20: <noida> and there is no semicolon after return type?
      07:07:25: <noida> oh wait sometimes they do put it
      07:07:37: <wesj> the semicolons are for classes. so there are basic types, int, long, bool, etc
      07:07:40: <wesj> and they're all just letters
      07:07:54: <noida> Ahhhh holy heck making sense!
      07:08:02: <noida> so if args were int and bool
      07:08:04: <noida> i would just write
      07:08:06: <noida> IZ
      07:08:09: <wesj> but for classes the signature looks like LclassName; (i.e. L - some stuff - semicolor)
      07:08:26: <wesj> err semicolon :)
      07:08:31: <noida> haha
      07:08:33: <satdav> Is it just passed 12 at mozilla hq time zone
      07:08:43: <wesj> satdav: 11
      07:08:43: <noida> 11:04 pm
      07:09:10: <satdav> Ok
      07:09:25: <satdav> wesj: you still pt
      07:09:54: <wesj> satdav: yeah
      07:10:11: <satdav> Also you seen or herd from Michelle recently
      07:10:51: <noida> So how come `org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell` doesnt have a semi?
      07:10:53: <noida> its a class no?
      07:11:04: <noida>
      07:11:30: <Capella> it's a single parm in a list
      07:11:43: <noida> but they use it in LoadClass
      07:12:02: <Capella> as part of the "sig" value?
      07:12:10: <noida>
      07:12:30: <satdav> Does anyone use android studio
      07:13:27: <Capella> looks like you need a ; after an L return type as a delimeter ... the others are implied stops
      07:13:54: <noida> can you please dumb that down a bit :P
      07:14:42: <Capella> with L you name an object delimeted by ;
      07:14:59: <Capella> in the sig field
      07:15:12: <noida> how come this class isn't L while all others are?
      07:15:23: <noida> heres my latest revision:
      07:15:28: <noida> its crashing though :(
      07:17:16: <Capella> { name: "LENGTH_SHORT", sig: } probably isn't right
      07:17:17: <Capella> { name: "LENGTH_SHORT", sig: "()" + } or something?
      07:17:18: <noida> oh interesting
      07:17:22: <noida> no L or ; here either:
      07:17:30: <noida> ahhh
      07:17:33: <noida> thx cap ill test
      07:17:55: <noida> crash :(
      07:18:26: <noida> I didnt define any Constructors? should i do that?
      07:18:29: <wesj> satdav: nope. just some pics on facebook :)
      07:19:20: <noida>
      07:19:29: <noida> it says Toast Constructor must be called before show
      07:22:57: <noida> the types page says L fully-qualified-class ; fully-qualified-class
      07:23:01: <noida>
      07:23:11: <noida> so geckoShell should actually start with L and end with semicolon huh?
      07:23:24: <noida> but when doing loadClass i think it is not required
      07:23:33: <noida> as the bridge adds the L and colon if not found (Im guessing)
      07:24:22: <noida> cap man when defining static_fields he didnt do a "()" + SIG ==>
      07:24:23: <wesj> noida: yeah, i'm not sure either
      07:24:32: <wesj> noida: reading through the bridge code, i don't see it do that
      07:24:42: <noida> oh thx for that check wes
      07:24:52: <wesj> but i think it falls back to a generic Java Object in some cases
      07:24:59: <wesj> so maybe things just happen to keep working
      07:26:20: <Capella> btw ... instead of |[SIG.Context, SIG.CharSequence].join()| just do |SIG.Context + SIG.CharSequence|
      07:27:03: <noida> ah is it better for perf?
      07:27:23: <Capella> ah forgot the "," :)
      07:27:45: <noida> ah yea thats much better for docs anyways
      07:27:55: <Capella> |SIG.Context + "," + SIG.CharSequence|
      07:27:57: <Capella> heh - I like the shorthand ... up to you
      07:28:03: <noida> i like it too
      07:28:04: <noida>
      07:28:06: <noida> thats copy paste code
      07:28:28: <noida> if i had L and ; around it here:
      07:28:29: <noida> it crashes
      07:28:42: <noida> so i think when doing LoadClass it must not have that L or ;
      07:29:17: <noida> ahh
      07:29:22: <noida> this must be what crashes my Toast code
      07:29:23: <noida> testing!
      07:30:10: <Capella> the second parm in the LoadClass() is just a string ... the delimeter is implied at end
      07:30:10: <wesj> heh. i think JNI.jsm does strip the L and ; for you, but I have a feeling Java doesn't like the periods.
      07:30:56: <noida> ah weird!
      07:31:00: <noida> how come that would crash then :(
      07:31:13: <noida> and if i omitted it, it worked fine
      07:31:59: <noida> crap my Toast still crashes lol
      07:33:07: <noida> here's my updated commit:
      07:36:06: <wesj> noida: i would avoid ever using periods in your signatures
      07:36:09: <wesj> always use /
      07:36:35: <wesj> but... i always was confused by this a bit :)
      07:36:35: <noida> oh!
      07:36:37: <noida> testing
      07:37:15: <noida> i think thats what cap was trying to tell me
      07:37:26: <noida> cap man im a noob!! forget about my other ctypes work :P
      07:37:41: <noida> jni's a beast!
      07:38:02: <noida> aw dang still crashed :9
      07:38:05: <wesj> i would also probably guess that the signature for LENGTH_SHORT should just be not () + (since its not a function)
      07:38:33: <Capella> oops ... mmm
      07:38:37: <wesj> lol. i always debug by just commenting everything out and slowly adding things
      07:38:45: <wesj> which you've done mostly!
      07:38:55: <noida> hahaha
      07:39:06: <noida> fixed that and replaced .'s
      07:39:07: <noida>
      07:39:10: <noida> still crashed :'(
      07:39:22: <noida> ill try that commenting technique a little harder lol
      07:42:27: <noida> this code doesnt crash
      07:42:28: <noida>
      07:42:32: <noida> the problem is in that makeText
      07:42:43: <noida> let me test and see if this crashes with .'s
      07:42:59: <Capella> JNI.LoadClass(jenv, SIG.Toast.substr(1, SIG.Toast.length - 2) ... is not pretty
      07:43:01: <noida> ah it doesnt crash if i use .'s!
      07:43:06: <noida> i know :(
      07:43:50: <wesj> lol
      07:43:53: <wesj> sorry
      07:44:10: <noida> nooo problem im learning so much here
      07:44:14: <noida> and doing it togather makes it so fun
      07:44:21: <noida> cap never does anything with me!
      07:44:24: <wesj> makeText takes a third parameter, do you need it?
      07:44:27: <noida> so we just had a 3 way
      07:44:38: <noida> ah i must of missed it!
      07:44:40: <noida> let me add it
      07:44:48: <Capella> 'cause you make drunk passes @ me :)
      07:44:57: <wesj> hahah
      07:44:59: <noida> ;) ;) HAHAHAH
      07:45:18: <Capella> ah, those saturday nights in the #introduction channel
      07:45:31: <noida> :D :D :D
      07:45:58: <Capella> :p
      07:46:32: <noida> ohhhhh
      07:46:34: <noida> it doesnt crash!!!
      07:46:40: <noida> it was that arg! o my gosh! so cooool!
      07:46:45: <Capella> \o/ thats a good thing
      07:47:02: <noida>
      07:48:19: <Capella> interesting though^[^\0]*%24&hitlimit=&tree=mozilla-central
      07:48:56: <Capella> JNI.LoadClass(jenv, "org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoNetworkManager"
      07:49:30: <noida> haha
      07:49:50: <noida> would the equivalent of `CharSequence text = "Hello toast!";` be `var text = 'Hello toast!';` correct?
      07:50:15: <Capella> sure
      07:50:35: <noida> sweet testing
      07:51:36: <Capella> get the screenshot working ... robocop needs it ... stupid reftests already have it available :/
      07:52:18: <noida> WORKING BABY!!!!
      07:52:30: <Capella> heh - yay :)
      07:52:34: <noida>
      07:52:36: <noida> oooooooweeeee
      07:52:42: <noida> thanks guys!!!
      07:52:49: <noida> that link for V was real helpful!
      07:52:58: <noida>
      07:53:09: <noida> wow jni makes sense!!
      07:53:11: <noida> its not that bad!!
      07:53:29: <noida> probably cuz of the bridge though
      07:53:33: <Capella> I love the low level glue ... asm is under-rated
      07:53:42: <noida> oh i didnt get into asm
      07:54:01: <Capella> webasm is going to be awesome
      07:55:22: <wesj> yay!
      07:57:51: <noida> this is so great for the docs seriuosly thx wes and cap
      07:57:57: <noida> wes you were reallll awesome thx!
      07:58:10: <KvasoonX> hello, I've got a question about Fennec for iOS, how far is Fennec for iOS? It's in simillar stage as Fennec for Android? Thanks
      07:59:04: <wesj> KvasoonX: you can pull and build it here
      07:59:50: <wesj> KvasoonX: it doesn't have a lot of the features that we have on Android right now though
      07:59:58: <wesj> (but we'll get there eventually)
      08:00:02: <KvasoonX> heh actually I dont have Mac, or it isnt requirement?
      08:00:15: <wesj> i think it is right now
      08:00:40: <wesj> we're hoping to do the 1.0 release in the next month or so
      08:01:21: <KvasoonX> Thanks :]
      08:01:28: <noida> where was org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell defined in dxr? like how did we know it was org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell? i need this for the docs :)
      08:01:40: <noida> pulls up a buuunch
      08:02:35: <wesj> noida: the actual class is at
      08:02:50: <noida> thx! :D


  • Updated Gist filename and description


  • Removed getPreferredIconSize method as its unused

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