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40thieves /
Last active April 10, 2024 17:05
Script to globally mute Google Meet in a Chrome window (using Raycast script commands)

Meet Mute

Script to globally mute Google Meet in a Chrome window (using Raycast script commands)


  1. Ensure that chrome-cli is installed
  2. (Technically optional) Create a new Raycast script command and copy/paste the source of the files below
  3. (Optional) Configure a Raycast global hotkey for faster triggering
40thieves /
Last active September 22, 2023 21:41
Proposed changes to HTML/CSS tickets to add Git branching strategy

Title: Measuring performance

We would like to measure performance of our CM6-based editor. We are tracing an "input lag" issue and would like to know how widespread this is.

We think a useful metric would be to measure the time between the user's keystroke and that character appearing on screen, or some rough approximation of those events.

We have prototyped a few different ideas, like watching for DOM changes via a MutationObserver or patching dispatch but have not found a satisfying solution. In particular we have struggled to detect when a character has been rendered, as opposed to other DOM changes.

Are there any known solutions or approaches to measuring this kind of performance with CM6? I can share the ideas that we have prototyped if wanted.

Title: Measuring performance

We would like to measure performance of our CM6-based editor, specifically we would like to measure the time between the user's keystroke and a character appearing on screen. We are tracing an "input lag" issue and would like to know how widespread this is.

I have put together a prototype (see this sandbox) which attempts to measure this using a keydown event and a MutationObserver on the view.contentDOM, attempting to use this as a somewhat crude proxy for screen updates.

Based on some flamegraphs I've taken, the measurement appears to roughly correspond with the timing of processing a keystroke:

Flamegraph that shows keystroke to render timing lining up with keypress handling

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Download and install the following software or register for the apps.

Click on the links to go to the registration pages. Keep your login details for all sites/apps consistent and always use your real name.

CYF recognises you may need to keep your birth name private. When we say real name, we mean the name you go by. It does not have to match your birth certificate or any other legal document. It has to be consistent and professional.

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40thieves / 6x-throttling-export.json
Last active September 2, 2022 14:20
Exported flamegraphs showing CM6 `matchBrackets` performance issue
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
40thieves /
Last active September 2, 2022 14:41
`matchBrackets` takes significant portion of doc change processing time

The matchBrackets function within @codemirror/language is run via the bracketMatchingState StateField whenever the doc or selection changes.

The following flamegraph was generated using this basic sandbox, modified from the default sandbox to extend the doc to 2000 lines:


See no-throttling-export.json for the exported flamegraph.

As you

40thieves / emulate-typing-in-cm6.js
Last active August 11, 2022 14:44
Script that can emulate continual typing in a CM6 editor, to aid performance testing
let editor = document.querySelector('.cm-content')
let timer = null
let char = 'a'
let orig = char
let copy = null
function run() {
if (copy == null || !copy.length) {
40thieves /
Last active August 4, 2022 20:59
Notes and recommendations for CYF LDN8 job hunting

Job Hunting

General thoughts based on Alun's presentation

  • Figuring out what you actually want to do
    • How to decide? What did you enjoy doing during the course and on the project? What didn’t you enjoy? (But remember that just because it’s hard to learn doesn’t mean you wouldn’t to do it)
  • Apply to LOTS of jobs
    • It's a marathon not a sprint
    • Create a template cover letter that you can easily tweak for different jobs - just make 100% sure you have correctly changed the company name & job title before you send it!
  • Cover letters are your chance to show that you're excited about the job! Talk about why you want this job in particular or the why you like the company