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Created April 8, 2024 18:49
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  • Save 411A/a4de5631cd6f49da77b769971a459ab7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Creates the related GitHub's SSH configuration on drive C.

  1. Create a new directory to store your credentials inside the C drive (/), then create a hidden .ssh directory inside it:
# Create directories
mkdir "/MyGitHub"
cd "/MyGitHub"
mkdir ".ssh"
# Create a new config file
New-Item "/MyGitHub\.ssh\config" -ItemType "file"
  1. Create SSH Keys using ssh-keygen:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C
  1. Enter the absolute path (full path) where you want to store SSH Keys inside the .ssh folder:
  1. Choose a passphrase, don't forget it! You may need to enter it on every pull/push/commit.
  2. Add SSH Keys to ssh-agent:
Set-Service ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service ssh-agent
ssh-add /MyGitHub\.ssh\id_ed25519
  1. Open Public Key & copy its content:
Get-Content /MyGitHub\.ssh\
  1. Open & then click on New SSH key, enter any title, Key Type: Authentication Key, then paste the content you copied from previous step (Public Key) inside Key field & click on Add SSH key.
  2. Make the .ssh folder more secure:
# Set hidden attribute for the .ssh folder
Set-ItemProperty -Path "/MyGitHub\.ssh" -Name "Attributes" -Value ([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden)

# Remove existing permissions
$folderPath = "/MyGitHub\.ssh"
$acl = Get-Acl $folderPath
$acl.Access | ForEach-Object { $acl.RemoveAccessRule($_) }

# Add permissions for yourself
$rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$env:USERNAME", "FullControl", "Allow")

# Save the modified ACL
Set-Acl $folderPath $acl
  1. Change default SSH path to your preferred path:
    IdentityFile /MyGitHub\.ssh\id_ed25519
'@ | Out-File -FilePath "/MyGitHub\.ssh\config" -Encoding utf8
  1. Test GitHub connection:
ssh -i C:\MyGitHub\.ssh\id_ed25519 -T
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